(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The Bible says, This passage of scripture is teaching that most people are on their way to hell. And the truth is that even most so-called Christians are not saved and on their way to hell as well. Salvation is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved. Believe means to put your faith or trust in Jesus Christ. Salvation is not of works, meaning you don't earn it. However, most so-called Christians are still trusting in their works to be saved. Some believe that you must have good works along with your faith or salvation. Others teach that you must repent of your sins to be saved. And turning or repenting from sin is a work. Many also teach that you can lose your salvation, which means that your salvation is based on you. For these reasons, you can see that most so-called Christians are not trusting in Jesus Christ alone and are not actually saved.