(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Did you just learn like the because you do like photography and graphic design like your thumbnails are always like pretty professional looking did you just learn that on your own or did you take like so yeah YouTube it I like people ask me like did you go to school for that I was like I've never been to school for videography or photography all this stuff is like you just learn by YouTube everything's available these days yeah now with the internet such a ripoff these days what's that university oh yeah you can learn everything online yeah especially when it comes to like arts and media and yeah exactly and they even have like there are courses you can take that are legitimate courses like one of them is called Skillshare where you can learn specific you know skills for photoshop lightroom you just don't pay a hundred grand tuition for it no it's actually very affordable bucks yeah it's very affordable but with Skillshare I think this is not a sponsor for Skillshare you have in trouble but like with Skillshare I take crappy pictures you overexpose your photos insert promo code yeah rod of iron first works Baptist shirts no one likes your photos on Instagram maybe you didn't take this you struggle getting hearts and comments on your on your grid what were you saying about Skillshare I don't even remember oh yeah well yeah we'll there's like a lot of websites like this or like even there's like a website like called fiber oh yeah we're like you can kind of just charge like whatever you want like from used to be just five dollars and that's what most people do but you can like charge whatever you want and like thousands of people go on this website make requests and I know people who like have an entire like just home business off of this and they yeah it's basically like one hour of fiber is risky don't they like make beats on their last of two beats yeah like music beats yeah fiber is very risky risky well it works I'm not saying this risky for the person who's putting their business out there it's the person who's shopping on there right because if you like let's say you need you know you want something photoshopped you want to you want to manipulate a photo for some your business or whatever you put an offer out there and some people will say I'll do this for five dollars others for 10 20 25 and like I saw a video where a guy basically paid from five dollars all the way up until like 250 and the one day he paid was like 100 bucks was like the crappiest manipulated photo ever you know but it was too late I mean he purchased it so they had to have their portfolio on there and everything like that but you know sometimes it doesn't turn out that good it's better to just learn yourself because you know exactly what it is that you want yeah and but that requires a lot of time so you know and I didn't even use Skillshare for that long I use YouTube a lot to learn how to edit footage and how to use a camera and all that I still use YouTube you know when I try to up my game on the documentaries I go to YouTube and I try to figure out how to do that and people do that for business I mean literally you have people making thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars simply by learning on YouTube you know and there's other there's other ways to make a business are making money like for in your home for example like if you like a lot of people sell their stuff on Etsy products and you know what Etsy is yeah and the big thing now is like you make a product but you only make like five of them yeah and you never make them ever again oh so it's like a little time offer it's a limited time offer so instead of making like a hundred of them you know what I mean and then people only buy like 25 and you're stuck with a bunch of them instead you say well this is a limited edition this is the only time these will ever be available and you sell them at a high price people buy them and you know you got to make something else the only thing with that is that you got to stay fresh on your ideas that always make something new you know which is good though I like that coming up with new ideas and figure out new things