(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Is there scripture to back the idea that there's a certain age where children can't understand? No, not necessarily. I've never read a scripture like that. The Bible doesn't even make clear when the age of accountability finishes. We just know that it happens when they have an understanding, what the Bible says, that they're slain by the law. And from a practical perspective, you know, you think of Adam and Eve, it's when they knew that they were naked, okay? That they were slain, so to speak. And so, the Bible doesn't give us an age when that takes place. I personally believe that that age can be accelerated to a younger age. I'm not sure how young, based upon what that child is exposed to. But I think that's a rare case. The Bible does talk about cursed children, but in context, in 2 Peter 2, it's just referring to the children of the devil, referring to just false prophets and reprobates. But that's not to say that reprobate does not reprobate teenagers out there, okay? I'm sure they exist. But I don't think the Bible actually teaches when that could be. It's just when they recognize that they've sinned against God and they're slain by the law.