(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You're going to die death unfortunately is an inevitable appointment that we will all experience one day So what's it like well according to the Bible if you're saved meaning you have the gift of eternal life you believed on Jesus Christ Death will play out as follows the Bible describes it as the spirit departing from the body and immediately being Transported into the presence of God the Bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord Luke chapter 16 records the death of a believer by the name of Lazarus and describes it as angels escorting his spirit Into paradise, which is where all believers will go awaiting the resurrection where they will receive the glorified bodies However, if you're not saved a far more terrifying fate awaits you the Bible describes it as descending into the lowest parts of the earth They lift up their eyes in hell being in torment and there shall be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth The souls of the dam shall remain there unto the great white throne Judgment where God judges them out of the books and out of the book of life And then they're cast into the lake of fire and that's what it's like to die