(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I just go to church, pray, read my Bible, yeah. Judy, thank you so much for coming on. Appreciate it. Judy, are you affiliated with any religion? No. Okay. Judy, if you died today are you a hundred percent sure that you'd have a home in heaven? Yeah, I think so. Okay, so what makes you think that God might let you in one day? Because I'm a good person. Awesome. Can you elaborate on some of the good things you do? I do a lot of volunteer work. I'm a volunteer here in the park. I'm just curious, not to throw you on the spot, but we're doing it. Why do you feel that God will let you into heaven? Because I believe me and my brother got baptized at church. Okay. If you died today are you a hundred percent sure that you have a home in heaven? I would not be sure. I try to be a good person. I try my best to do what's right and every time I work at something I try to give it my all. I'm not a bad person. I live my life right. I help others. Just curious, how do you know that you have a home in heaven? Because I haven't done anything that bad, like committed any sins, really. Oh yeah, I've been saved and I believe in Christ. I don't sin, you know, like I try to be as good as I can to God. Okay, awesome. Why do you guys feel like God would let you in? Because we walk with Him daily. We have a relationship with Him. If you were a great person and you paid on to others as you would have others do unto you, you were there. I consider myself a Christian, not in practice but in belief. Okay, awesome. If you died today are you a hundred percent sure that you're going to heaven? As long as I repent beforehand, yeah. Okay. Because I'd probably be a good person or whatever. I'm a Baptist. Awesome. You got a 50-50, okay? The good outweighs the bad, and the bad might outweigh the good. I believe. A hundred percent sure that you have a home in heaven? Well, I'm not a hundred percent, no. All right. I'm just curious, if you were to stand before God, do you feel that He would let you into heaven and on what conditions? You know, why do you feel God might let you into heaven? I feel that I try to lead a good life, yes. Good life? Awesome. I'm kind-hearted, humble, accepting. So you're a good person? Yeah, I'm a good person. I'm a deacon at First Church of Christ here, or over in Owosso. Awesome. Pentecostal. Yeah. Awesome. Praise the Lord. No, not Pentecostal. Oh, okay. First Church of Christ, not Pentecostal Church. Okay, okay. Wow, okay. All right, just curious, if you died today are you a hundred percent sure that you have a home in heaven? I think I do, yes I do. Awesome. Awesome. And we're gonna throw you in the spot a little bit. All right. But do you mind if I ask how you know that you have a home in heaven? Well, because I try to live my life the way the gospel says to live it, and try to keep the sin at a minimum. For sure. Always looking out for other people before myself. I mean, that's probably the primary one. Awesome. Awesome. Appreciate it. Jody, are you affiliated with any religion? Do you go to church anywhere? I'm a Christian. Awesome. Awesome. Just curious, if you died today are you a hundred percent sure that you'd have a home in heaven? Not a hundred percent sure, no. Not a hundred percent? All right, what makes you think that God might let you in one day? I repent for my sins every night. I'm afraid of God, so I don't do anything too bad. Awesome. Awesome. Would you mind kind of elaborating on maybe some of the good things you do? Well, I mean, I'm a good Samaritan. I'm nice to people, responsible. I don't usually get in trouble. I'm not going out, you know, I'm going stupid. Awesome. Awesome. Thank you so much for coming on, Melanie. Appreciate it very much. If you could just tell us a little bit about, obviously you are affiliated with a non-denomination. Yes. Just tell us a little bit more about that. Well, actually my home church, if I would consider it a home church where I started off rededicating my life back to Christ was about eight years ago, and it was with now where we serve in McCurdy Park Community Center. Just curious, why do you think God might let you in? Why might He? I don't think He would, honestly. My past is very broken. I'm hoping that what I'm doing now is an obedience to Him to redeem a chance to maybe get there one day. And I may receive heaven, but my sins are just as dirty as anyone else's. It doesn't mean that I'm guaranteed heaven just because I know Jesus. I have a chance to meet Him one day, so I'm just being faithful on that one. Awesome, Melanie. Hey, thank you so much for coming on. We really appreciate it. I live by what the Bible says. Thank you so much for coming on, Vanessa. It's a pleasure. Vanessa, do you go to church anywhere? You affiliated with any religion? Yeah, Christian. I go to Fenton. I don't know the name of it. Okay, that's all right. That's all right. And just curious, if you were to die today, are you a hundred percent sure that you have a home in heaven? No. Okay. Let's say, for example, you died. Hopefully not. But let's say, for example, you passed away, and your spirit went to wherever to meet God in the judgment day. And you stood before the Lord. Why do you think He might let you into heaven? Because I follow the time commandments. I've actually been baptized, so, you know, yeah. Awesome. So you think maybe the baptism and, you know, kind of being good helps? Yes, being good and actually, you know, being carrying compassion towards others. You know, like, basically right now, you know, I can see you guys were, you know, looking for something. So I'm like, okay. You're a good man. You're a good man. So Evan, pleasure. Thank you so much. So Evan, just curious, are you affiliated with any religion? Do you go to church anywhere? No, I don't go to church. Okay. Why do you think God might let you in, if it exists in that sense? Yeah. Just for doing what I'm supposed to do. For enjoying myself, trying to help out other people. Why would He let you in? For being, like, positive, I guess, you know? That's what I think it would be. Why do you think God might let you into heaven when you die? For it to meet a good mind, a good heart, to the right path. They totally had went in life and choosing the right path. I'm going to throw you guys in the spot a little bit. Sure. How do you guys know that you have a home in heaven? I follow a somewhat, I don't know how to say it, a general belief system that I grew up with and I follow that. You know what, everyone makes mistakes, but I think I do the right thing, so. I don't know, it's just what I've always been taught when I went to church when I was little. Like, you're a good person? Yeah, you do good, you'll make it to heaven. I go to Victory Biker Church on Lennon. How do you know that you have a home in heaven or how do you think you'll get there? I try to live my life by the Bible. Can you maybe elaborate on that a little bit? Try to stay away from the sins and do what the commandments and what the Bible tells us we need to do. Awesome, awesome.