(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I mean, as a pastor, what's some of the most supernatural things you've seen? Maybe a miracle or a healing or anything other, you know, supernatural events? You know, I personally have not witnessed supernatural events such as healings or miracles that I could point to. But, you know, that doesn't really bother me because, you know, John the Baptist did no miracle, the Bible says. And there were times in the Bible where people went, you know, hundreds of years without seeing miracles. But, honestly, probably the most supernatural things I've seen is that I've definitely seen a lot of people who were demon-possessed. And I don't have any question about the fact that they were demon-possessed. So, that's probably the most supernatural thing that I've seen, you know, along the lines of probably what you're asking. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I've had a lot of experience. I've given illustrations in my sermons. In fact, I have a sermon called, Possessed with Devils, where I think I gave some of those illustrations. And also in my series on the book of Mark, I talked a lot about devils and people who were possessed and stuff like that. Hey, thanks for the call. God bless you.