(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In 1963, we saw some statistics that showed us some very scary things that are very real and that I think that people should know about. And one of the best ways to determine that, which is fact, is by using statistical methods. Statistically, since 1963, violent crimes have gone up 995%. Now that is astronomical. That is very, very, very serious. Something happened in 1963 that caused violent crimes to increase substantially. In 1963, percentage of teenage girls who had had premarital sex had skyrocketed as well. Sexually transmitted diseases from kids aged 10 to 14 has gone up 385%. Unmarried couples living together has gone up 725% since 1963. Divorce rates have also skyrocketed since 1963. Illegal drug abuse has gone up 6,000% since 1963. And child abuse rates have gone up astronomically 2,300% since 1963. So you have to ask the question, what happened in 1963 to be able to cause something like this to happen? In 1963, they took the Bible out of the schools. They took out the Bible, and they took out prayer, and it was replaced with the origin of species by means of natural selection and Darwinian evolution. When they took God out of the schools, we saw a rapid decline of the morality of the United States of America. And I'm sorry, when you teach your child that he's nothing more or she is nothing more than a primate that evolved from fish to fishermen, goo to you, zoo to you, over millions of years, it's going to destroy their faith, and it's going to also destroy their ability to think critically. And this is what we have today, is a group of people that have lost the ability to think, they've lost the ability to use reason and pre-thought, and they have gone out and destroyed their lives. And young people across the entire world now are being taught this, and it's destroying them. Thank you.