(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, so we got a bunch of other questions here. Let's see here. Somebody asked if the 1611 KJV by local church Bible publishers and the old Schofield 1909, are these Bibles okay to use? Are they both okay to use? And I would say, yeah, those are definitely both okay to use. And here's the thing. Some people get really stressed out about like which publisher their KJV came from. Look folks, as long as you're not on the new King James, as long as you have a King James Bible, it's fine. Okay. It doesn't matter if it's Cambridge, Oxford, if it's, it doesn't really matter because the King James is the King James and the minutia that people argue about these things is meaningless. So you don't have to worry about whether you have a 1611 King James, 1769 King James, or whether it came from this publisher or that publisher, because they all say the same thing. As long as you don't have the new King James, if you have an old King James, you're good to go. And when people try to point out these differences between the Oxford and the Cambridge, none of them make any difference in meaning it's a nothing burger.