(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hi there, this is brother Ian Taven here at Shaw Foundation Baptist Church UK. This fifth short video in our New Believer series is to show you what you should expect to find at a good church. But firstly there are a few things that are essential for a place to be considered a church in the first place. Number one, that church has to believe the Gospel. In John 3 16 the Bible says, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Okay now believing in Jesus Christ is believing number one that you're a sinner, number two that you deserve to go to hell for that sin, number three that Jesus is God in the flesh, that he's one of the three that make up God the Holy Trinity, number four that while he was up on that cross and when he died and when he rose again three days later that that paid for all of your past present and future sins, number five that the only thing you have to do to be saved is to believe or trust in what Jesus Christ did for you, and number six that there's not anything you could do to lose that salvation. Once you have eternal life you have eternal life, it's eternal, it's forever and there's nothing that could change that. Now if you believe that, if you believe the Gospel you need to find a church which preaches that because sadly there are many many churches out there that do not preach the Gospel, they preach something else. Okay number two, the church has to actively go and preach the Gospel. Now Jesus warns a failing church in Revelation 2 5 that he will remove their candlestick, they'll stop being a church if they don't continue to do the first works which is going out and preaching the Gospel. In Mark 16 15 Jesus said, go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. Now the Gospel means good news, it is good news that people can go to heaven based purely on what Jesus Christ did for them. Now if we have that good news why would we not want to go out and preach that good news to everyone that will listen? Number three, the church has to teach and preach the Word of God which in English is the King James Bible. In Psalm 12 verse 6 to 7 it says the words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in the furnace of earth purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. See the Word of God was preserved by God like he promised and in English that's the King James Bible we've had it in our hands for over 400 years we've seen it change lives around the world. Are we now going to believe that actually no no no there was somewhere better that was hidden in a vault somewhere that we've now managed to get 400 different Bibles in English from all saying something different or removing verses or adding verses or with a copyright all making some money yet the King James Bible is the only one without a copyright it's the only one that you can trust. In 2 Timothy 4-2 Timothy's instructed to preach the Word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. So he's he's been instructed there to preach the Word of God that's the King James Bible to correct to encourage to teach that's what the Word of God does for us and if he doesn't do that he has that we we as a church would have no business if we don't do that we'd have no business calling ourselves a church because it's clear that a church should be preaching the truth. Okay now what about a good church? Number one the vast majority of people in a good church should be saved they should be saved Christians that believe the Gospel. 1 Corinthians 14 33 says for God is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all churches of the saints. Now the saints are saved okay that means saved people that's not some funny people with saint before their name no the saints in the Bible refers to people that have put their faith in Jesus Christ their believers. Now the church should be full of saved people and if it's full of saved people there won't be any confusion about the Gospel. God is not the author of confusion we should all know pretty clearly what someone has to do to be saved. Number two to be a good church it should have a regular soul-winning schedule. 2 Corinthians 5 18 says and all things are of God who has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation he gave it to us it's our responsibility it's our ministry our job to go out and get people saved if it's our job to do it we need to go and do it we need to do it regularly and and a church has to be out going regularly trying to get people saved preaching the Gospel to them in fact all Christians should be doing that and number three a good church will preach the whole Bible and lots of it. Second Timothy 3 16 says all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness so we shouldn't be avoiding anything in the Bible all scripture is given for that that means we shouldn't just be preaching what we think won't offend people we should be preaching exactly what the Bible says and a good church will preach exactly what the Bible says okay it says here that it's inspired that means that God breathed those words if God breathed them why would we avoid some of them because whatever flavor of the month government or or society or or what whoever it is tells us that they don't like this particular bit right now no it is for yesterday and for today okay when we have the word of God and when we have the right Gospel and when we go out and preach the Gospel then there are certain things that you should expect to see at that church you should get a warm welcome you should get a warm welcome when you come into that church you should expect to see people that love love the Lord that love God at church that enjoy worshiping God you should then at church you should sing good doctrinally sound hymns not some new flavor of the month hymn that says something different to what the Bible says you should then also get a chance to pray in church and you should hear some preaching from the word of God that's not ashamed of the word of God you should hear preaching from that pulpit and that should change your life if you believe all that then have a look for a good church i hope this helped you god bless you