(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Donald Trump, again, is showing that he's trusting in his works to get him into heaven, and not on Jesus Christ. Trump to pastors, this election may be the only way I'm getting into heaven. That's what he told a group of pastors recently. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has concentrated a good deal of effort in winning over evangelicals, but despite his assertion that he is a Christian, he often says things that are contrary to Christian beliefs. What he said was, this will be maybe the most important election that our country has ever had. He said, so go out and spread the word, and once I get in, I will do my thing that I do very well, and I figure it's probably maybe the only way I'm going to get to heaven. So I better do a good job, okay? This isn't the only time that he's demonstrated that he's definitely not a Christian. He doesn't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. He said in the past that he's never even asked for forgiveness. He's so prideful to think that he doesn't even need to ask God for forgiveness, because he's just so good. I've just got one more, because you used the word Christian. Have you ever asked God for forgiveness? That's a tough question. I don't think in terms of, I'm a religious person. Shockingly, because people are so shocked when they find this out. I'm Protestant, I'm Presbyterian, and I go to church, and I love God, and I love my church. But have you ever asked God for forgiveness? I'm not sure I have. I just go and try and do a better job from there. I don't think so. I think if I do something wrong, I think I just try and make it right. I don't bring God into that picture. I don't. But in terms of officially, see I could say absolutely. I don't think in terms of that. I think in terms of let's go on and let's make it right. So, let me know what you think about this in the comments below. And if you're new, be sure to subscribe to our channel. And stay tuned for more videos. Thanks for watching.