(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, I mean, I like to memorize things that I'm going to use on a daily basis or use for the rest of my life. Or maybe just ones that are in a specific sermon to quote in the sermon or whatever. I think that's a good, I don't know, a lot of you guys probably do preach or you get opportunities in the preaching class. Try this, just memorizing one of the verses in your sermon that you just quote from memory. And you know, sometimes you try to quote something from memory and it's like, you know the verse really well. And then just like, you just have a Biden moment and you're just like, maybe it's just me. But I personally think that the best scriptures to memorize are the ones that you're going to use out. Soul winning all the time. So say you're just, you know, being unspiritual one day and you don't have your Bible in your hand everywhere you're walking. No, you're just going to get, you're going to get in situations where soul winning verses are going to help you because you don't necessarily have a Bible or maybe they just, you know, you're just in a conversation with someone, you can quote those scriptures. Those are great ones to quote. I mean, that's a lot of scriptures. Like if you have a detailed plan, you know, memorize those scriptures and memorize the ones that are easy phonetically because some verses are a lot more tongue twisters. And I mean, my, just my personal view is I like to just memorize scriptures that I'm going to use because if you don't use it, you're going to lose it. And so if you, you might be able to memorize half the Bible or whatever, but you're not, like you said, you're not going to retain it. And then it's like, was it a useful exercise? I mean, I guess, you know, all scriptures profitable, right? I get that. But, you know, memorize the ones that are going to work in your daily life or that are just good ones to encourage yourself. A lot of times, you know, when you're battling, you don't want to, you know, there's a sin that you're struggling with, you know, memorize, you know, you don't have to memorize a whole page to get a scripture that's going to help you. You know, you can memorize one scripture. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me or whatever. You know, those verses, you know, are, although small, are ones that you can use for the rest of your life. That's the first one I ever memorized. So, you know, and just, I mean, that's just my philosophy on it. I know that people have different philosophies or however they want to do that, but my personal belief is that if you're going to retain it, it's going to be something that's going to be useful to you in your Christian life.