(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey guys, Matt Powell here. I wanted to do this quick video just to let everybody know that our movie is out online. It's completely free. I put this movie out. You know, I probably could have made some money on it, but I decided not to do that. This movie needs to go to everybody. Everybody needs to see it, and everybody needs to be aware of what the atheistic community is teaching, and what the founders and proponents of evolution taught as well. So if you would like to support me in any way, it was very costly to put this film together. I'm not asking for money, but there is a place where you can donate. It's in the description of this video. But bottom line, whether you donate or not, it doesn't matter to me. What matters most importantly is that you share this video, share the movie. The movie is in the description of this video as well. And we need to get this out to people because Christianity and the truth is under attack. You know, God and his word are under attack, and we need to stand up. And this movie will open the eyes of anybody. And the only way for somebody to still have a closed mind towards creation would be if they're just willingly ignorant about it. You'd have to be willingly ignorant after seeing the evidence that we provide in this movie. So with all that, I want to wish you all a wonderful day. God bless, guys.