(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. In this video, I'm going to be explaining the word Sodomite in the King James Bible. Now let me just start out by saying this. I believe that the King James Bible is the Word of God without error. I believe it is a perfect translation from the original Hebrew and Greek scriptures and it's been around for over 400 years. It's been proven over and over again to be reliable, trustworthy, accurate, and this should really come as no surprise since it was translated by 54 top scholars over the course of seven years and these men were fluent in many languages. They were far higher in their learning than a lot of the so-called scholars of today. They didn't just know Hebrew. They knew Arabic. They knew Aramaic. I mean they were expert in all of those Semitic languages. They were expert in many modern and ancient languages and so the King James Bible is God's gift to us as English-speaking people. God has preserved his word for us today in the English-speaking world through the King James Bible. So I just want to make it clear where I stand on that. Now when we think about the word Sodomite, it obviously is derived from the name of the city of Sodom and Sodom was a place that was destroyed by God for their abominations and wickedness and we know of course that the major sin that characterized that story was that they were men who lusted after other men. They were men who desired to lay with other men and so they were wiped out and from then on this word Sodomite came to be used about homosexuals because it was a reference to that city. That was the example of what God did to punish that sin. So homosexuals are known as Sodomites. So obviously when we look at the word Sodomite, we know it's derived from that city and that Bible story. So there are a lot of people who believe that this is a mistake in the King James Bible and that it shouldn't really be a Sodomite there but that it should be a male prostitute. Okay and I'm going to prove why they're wrong about that in this video. Now let me start out by going to the scripture in Deuteronomy 23 where this misunderstanding is coming from. Deuteronomy 23 verse 17 says this, there shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel nor a Sodomite of the sons of Israel. Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore or the price of a dog into the house of the Lord thy God for any vow for even both these are abomination unto the Lord thy God. So in this verse we have the whore and the Sodomite and then the next verse we have the whore and the dog. So dog and Sodomite are being used interchangeably. The Sodomite and the dog are obviously the same person. I'm going to explain a little bit later why dogs are referring to Sodomites and why that's so important but because the whore and the Sodomite are put side by side here this has mistakenly led people to believe that the Sodomite is just the male version of a whore. It's just a male prostitute and so a lot of the modern Bible versions instead of saying Sodomite here they'll say male prostitute and everywhere that the King James says Sodomite they'll put a male prostitute. Now back in the Hebrew the words look very similar okay and this is where the mistake comes from okay. So the Sodomite is this Hebrew word Kadesh and this is Kadeshah for the whore okay. So basically one appears to be the female version of the other. So here's the mistake people who don't know Hebrew they don't speak Hebrew let alone being an expert in Hebrew like the men who translate the King James Bible they just look at this and just jump to a conclusion that says oh it's the same thing you know one's male one's female but it's the same thing and then they go off and think that it's male prostitute instead of Sodomite okay. I'm going to prove that wrong but let me just show you an illustration from Spanish okay to show that their logic is flawed. Now the words I'm going to show you in Spanish I'm not going to say them out loud because most people probably would consider these cuss words in Spanish you know you go to different parts of the world and different things are cuss words in different parts of the world or not and also in the Spanish world different things mean different things in different parts of the world but I'm going to go by the understanding that I have of these two words in Spanish based on their usage in many countries in South America and also many people that I've spoken to from Mexico and South America who confirmed what these words mean for me and I'm not going to say them out loud because I don't want to offend anyone but I wrote them down here on this paper and I put a little star to censor it here but these two words in Spanish again one is the same as the other except just the o and the a so one's masculine one's feminine so again people would look at this and say oh you know it's the same word one's masculine one's feminine but when we look at this example in Spanish we find that actually this word right here is referring to a prostitute okay the feminine version this is a whore but this word right here is referring to a homo it's referring to a sodomite okay so what we have here is actually the exact equivalent with what we have in Hebrew okay two words that are the same other than being a masculine and a feminine version but they don't mean the same thing okay now if you were growing up in the Spanish-speaking world where these words are used in this way then basically you would know that this is a prostitute now this is not a sodomite this is not a female sodomite or lesbian or anything like that no this is just a prostitute okay and then this up here is a homo now this guy's not necessarily selling anything now of course many sodomites many homos do sell their bodies there's no question about that okay but this right here is just a homo it's not necessarily one who's selling anything and this right here is a whore and that doesn't make her a lesbian or a reprobate or a sodomite okay so again somebody who didn't know Spanish could just jump to conclusions about what these words mean just like somebody who doesn't know Hebrew is going to jump to conclusions by seeing the similarity of these words but that doesn't make it so so the Kadesh is a sodomite and Kadeshah is a whore okay let me prove this to you further from the bible okay um in the verse itself sodomite is interchanged with dog well think about what a dog is okay a dog is a dirty animal the bible talks about dogs will eat their own vomit we know that dogs will eat excrement and do other disgusting things okay well think about this does a dog sell anything no but a dog will pretty much hump anything and we've all seen dogs that are in heat or dogs that get around other dogs that are in heat where they'll hump somebody's leg they'll they'll hump anything they'll hump a tree they'll hump you know a male a female dog whatever okay so this is why God is using dog to describe a sodomite now if a sodomite were just only one who sells his body then it wouldn't make any sense to compare him to a dog because there's no comparison whereas if a sodomite is referring to a homo well then comparisons abound okay but not only that if we go to the next time the word sodomite is used first kings 14 24 the bible says there were also sodomites in the land and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the lord cast out before the children of israel now think about this what were the abominations that caused the lord to cast out the caninites out of the land well the bible tells us in leviticus chapter 18 in leviticus 20 god goes through those sins and he explains that it was men lying with mankind it was man lying with a beast and he lists all these perversions but he doesn't mention anything about them selling their bodies or you know because of prostitution the land is spewing them out or they're being kicked out of land no god cast them out of the land because of the abomination of the perversions that they committed so according to first kings 14 24 the sodomites are those who do according to the abominations of the caninites those who did according to the abominations of sodom okay so the bible is quite correct here the king james version is quite correct to put sodomite here because that's what these perverts are called okay it's not a prostitute it's a pervert okay let me read the next scripture here first kings 15 12 and he took away the sodomites out of the land and removed all the idols that his fathers had made first kings 2246 and the remnant of the sodomites which remained in the days of his father asa he took out of the land second kings 23 7 and he break down the houses of the sodomites that were by the house of the lord where the women wove hangings for the grove so when we see the new modern bible versions taking out the word sodomite and instead going with the word male prostitute or cult prostitute or shrine prostitute what that's telling us is that basically they don't really know the hebrew language correctly they don't really know the bible well enough to realize that it's not a prostitute it's a sodomite it's a homo okay and what they're doing is basically just looking at this with their rudimentary hebrew knowledge and just saying oh those really look similar and just going with that and just running with that like if a spanish speaker just automatically assume when he's in argentina or whatever that well this must be a male prostitute or this must be a lesbian or you know and and mixing up these two words or mixing up these two words look i'm gonna go with what the king james translators have translated as sodomite it makes more sense it fits the context of committing the abominations that cause them to be cast out of the land in canin that caused sodom to be destroyed and also being like unto it dog that fits so we don't want to go with this false teaching that says hey actually it's just a prostitute and look why are these modern scholars teaching this because they want to defend homos and try to make it out that well it's not the fact that it's a man with a man it's the fact that they're selling it that's the problem okay that's what's behind this new so-called scholarship to try to get the word sodomite out of the bible and then also we don't want to make the opposite mistake and think that a whore is somehow referring to a reprobate or a lesbian or something like that as the female version of the sodomite that's ridiculous because we know that jesus christ of course reached many whores with the gospel in his days so they clearly weren't reprobates the publicans and the harlots believed in christ in many cases and many prostitutes got saved and of course there are prostitutes who are lesbians that are reprobates but not all of them are and the bible clearly shows us examples where they're not and in fact you know tamar who uh was the one who lay with her father-in-law okay um in that story in genesis chapter number uh 38 i believe it is you know this word is used to describe when tamar's by the side of the road pretending to be a prostitute paying to be a whore okay that has nothing to do with her being a reprobate or lesbian you know that's a false teaching and so anyway i just wanted to make sure that you understood that the king james bible is correct when it uses the word sodomite what the word sodomite means why it's there and don't let these kind of arguments try to spin your mind and look this is just a cautionary tale for people going back to greek and hebrew in general when they don't know the language okay because you can come up with wrong conclusions you know uh you look at words and sometimes they they look like a word you know and you can think oh i know what this means it's called a false friend for example in german the word gift you know oh i know what that means no no the word gift in german actually means poison it's not a present that you get okay or for example there's the german word actuel and and when you hear the word actuel in german if you don't know german that well you might think it means actual but actually actuel means current so if i said mine actuel de frau i'd be saying my current wife that that would make it sound like i had other wives you know before or after okay uh whereas you know it doesn't mean yeah this is actually my wife you know so you could you could say the wrong thing there if you didn't know what that word meant or how about the spanish word effectivo you might see the word effectivo and just think oh that means effective no if effectivo means cash okay how about the spanish word embarazada which means pregnant you might look at that and think oh it just means embarrassed but actually embarazada means pregnant okay and we could go on and on all the different examples and and you know bible examples like for example when the bible says that they go after strange flesh you know in greek the the word strange there is the word etero so so you could say oh they went after hetero flesh so the men in sauda were actually straight so you could get all kinds of stupid doctrines by going back to the greek and hebrew when you don't know the language or how about when the bible says that god's going to make of abraham a great nation you know what the word for nation is that hebrew goi so he's going to make abraham into a great goi define irony what am i trying to say here i'm trying to say that if you don't know greek and if you don't know hebrew then don't try to form conclusions based on what you see in these languages because you don't know the language and don't listen to these so called scholars who barely know the language or took a few semesters of the language and are trying to pull the wool over your eyes and trick you into rejecting the king james version look go with what the king james bible says you speak english you're fluent in english i'm fluent in english let's talk about what the king james bible says and don't let people use a foreign language to try to contradict what the king james is saying okay because the king james bible was translated by 54 scholars that are way smarter than these bozos who try to go back to the greek and hebrew to change what the bible is saying okay and the king james bible has been around for over 400 years it's been tested tried we've seen the fruit of it okay these bozo johnny come lately scholars who want to change what the bible means all the time and take out hell and take out sodomite take out damnation and take out all these different things you know i wouldn't trust them at all okay because their scholarship leaves something to be desired and many times they have a wicked agenda even to defend homos or whoever else anyway i hope this video was helpful god bless you have a great day