(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Yeah, so Johnny Appleseed He actually went around planting seeds from apples that produced these crabapple trees and crabapple trees If you ever heard of a crabapple, you can't eat it. It's not edible. It tastes like garbage and Not only that they're also you the only their only use for that for crabapples is mostly apple cider aka out like alcoholic Beverages so he littered the Northwest us with all these apple seeds that produce nothing but crabapples even today People are still like these at crabapples fall on the road and they rot and they make everything slippery It's all garbage. It smells bad and all this stuff because nobody wants to eat them. There's like no, they're not desirable It's a lot Johnny. Yeah. Thanks Johnny for that for those apple seeds, but that's not the worst part on his travels planning these seeds He was actually actually also Spreading a false gospel. He was part of this This movement called the new church More commonly known as Sweden Borgians. They were named after this guy called Sweden Borg And there were essentially like a Christian cult. They denied the Trinity I'm pretty sure they denied hell It was hardcore work salvation. I mean they denied Trinity is enough right? They were a cult and this was in the 1700s This is like way before JW's and Mormons and SDS DAS and whatever So aside from planting these these really bad physical seeds. Yeah that produces really bad fruit He was also evangelizing a false gospel false gospel spreading the bad seed. Yeah and producing corrupt fruit Yeah, exactly. So he couldn't produce good fruit spiritually carnally or spiritually yeah, so yeah, essentially he was going around spreading this false gospel and all this stuff and He was damning people to hell probably making people twice fold the child of hell just like he was But something interesting I like a connection I made to that was in Romans 11 when it talks about grafting in the way that if you want Back to kind of the apple thing if you want to eat an apple and be like I want to make a tree out of This app when you plant the seed so you an apple you plant the seed and what you have to do is when that seed Sprouts is you have to take a clipping from a good apple tree that makes good apples tasty apples, like whatever like Honey crisp or what have you and you have to graft it into that apple sapling So you cut off the apple sapling you graft in a good tree and when it grows it'll produce good fruit So essentially every apple tree that we eat of a certain variety is is a clone of itself Just kind of like how we all become children of God as well Yeah When we get grafted in and you can kind of see that that parallel with Romans 11 and the only difference would be is that We're grafted in exactly. It's not Jesus Christ is not being grafted into us. We're being grafted into him exactly. That's good He's like the true vine. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah, so