(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The written Word of God has taken a long journey, starting from the scriptures themselves and then traveling through history all the way to the Bible we hold in our hands today. Moses, who first received the written scripture by the finger of God, soon after destroyed the tables of stone, but God's will for man to have the Bible was not deterred. The following is a brief account of how God has providentially preserved scripture despite man's weakness. Moses is really kind of our first introduction to this concept or the idea of the Word of God not just simply being spoken or communicated to mankind, but rather being written down and being handed a copy. And interestingly enough, the first copy of the Word of God is written by God Himself. Exodus chapter 31 verse 18 says, And He gave unto Moses, when He had made an end of communing with Him upon Mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God. Not only did God write this, He wrote it with His own finger. He wrote it into the tables of stone. He's given it to Moses, and He gave Moses a lot of commandments. He gave him the Ten Commandments, it was really famous in Exodus 20. He also gave him other commandments and other instructions. And he's having Moses come down from the mount to deliver it to the children of Israel. In chapter 32 the Bible reads, And Moses turned and went down from the mount, and the two tables of the testimony were in his hand. The tables were written on both their sides, on the one side and on the other were they written. And the tables were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God graven upon the tables. Moses just comes from the mountain of God where God gave him a fresh book of the Word of God. Arguably virtually no one's read this, maybe Moses. It's possible no one has ever read this. And the children of Israel were so easily rebellious that they had immediately started worshiping a false god. They'd have Aaron make them a golden calf. You know in his anger he's just so mad he just breaks it. Now you would say, well does that mean like all hope is lost we can never have the Word of God or can never be written down again? Well no that's that's the cool part about this story is that even though it was lost quote unquote or destroyed quote unquote, here's the reality. God can give the Word of God to man again. Not only does the Bible record Moses receiving and delivering God's Word, the prophet Jeremiah was also tasked with the same responsibility. The Lord spoke to Jeremiah saying, take thee a roll of a book and write therein all the words that I have spoken unto thee against Israel and against Judah and against all the nations from the day I spake unto thee from the days of Josiah even unto this day. Then Jeremiah called Barak the son of Neriah and Barak wrote from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the Lord which he had spoken unto him upon a roll of a book. We have a man of God under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit dictating the Word of God and another man is then just simply writing and copying exactly whatever the other person is saying. Now then once the Word's been delivered you would say, well what's going to happen to him? Well unfortunately the king didn't like the Word of God. Why? Because it rebuked him and this is pretty common in today's America where rulers and leaders and in fact lots of citizens they don't like the Word of God being preached. King Jehoiakim went on to burn the roll containing the words of God. In response the Lord demanded that Jeremiah take another roll for the purpose of encapsulating God's Word another time. Jeremiah goes on to dictate the words of the Lord to Barak the scribe again but this time there were more words added. The words of the Lord were also given to Daniel as referenced during the Olivet Discourse which was a famous message delivered by the Lord Jesus Christ concerning pivotal events related to Bible prophecy. Jesus said in Matthew 24 verse 15 when he therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place who so readeth let him understand. So Jesus is bringing up passages in Daniel and saying hey whoever's reading this book of Daniel let them understand. You know what that indicates to me? That people are going to have the book of Daniel when the Antichrist is doing the abomination of desolation. So he's not even just telling me that the Bible has been preserved up to this point. He's saying the Bible is going to be preserved. The book of Daniel is going to be had and read and understood all the way up to the Antichrist. The Lord Jesus Christ frequently referenced scriptures during his preaching which demonstrates that God's Word had been preserved up to that point and was readily available during Christ's earthly ministry for people to read and study for themselves. Look at it says in Luke 20 verse 42 and David himself saith in the book of Psalms the Lord said oh my Lord sit thou on my right hand. How does Jesus have the book of Psalms? Must have been preserved. During the era of the apostles in the book of Acts James declared that Moses had been preached in every city and read in the synagogues on every Sabbath. The words of the Lord were actively in use during this time and had journeyed from Moses to Jeremiah to Jesus Christ himself and eventually the apostles. Consistently throughout the Bible prophets like the Lord Jesus Christ, the apostles, disciples they're always referencing the Word of God. They're always quoting scripture or they're bringing up what the Bible clearly says and they have no doubt as to its authenticity. They have no doubt as to even what it says. They never even for one second hesitate to articulate what the Bible says. They never say well I think this is what my version says. you