(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) When it comes to conspiracies, like I want to know the motive and I want to know what's their endgame Well, everything else in the middle. I mean, I think I think calm down calm down. All right, chill out. Okay, bro I think the motive the motive the motive was to crash the economy. Oh you think so? That's what I think You know to cause well first I think it could be multiple things number one It could be to kill off a bunch of people to see if they can get away with something virus Yeah, I mean it did kill like all the way right I'll kill a lot of people elderly and obese yeah Number two to see if they can get away with something like this Because this is just kind of happened overnight almost and then it completely changed the dynamics of America number three to kind of gauge the intelligence of the common man in the United States and you know, I told a pastor friend of mine like This is kind of like a Pre not a prerequisite, but it's kind of like testing grounds to see do you think it's put out a lie out there like this? Will people just believe it you think it's a little bit of a conditioning, too yeah, I think so cuz like it feels strange to walk up to a place and like Get your get something like to beep on your head to get it tested. It feels strange to do that But like it's so it's so normal now. It's normal Yeah So I think that and then and then the one of the other reasons would be just to crash the economy Has to do I think that's the probably the biggest one I Think that's what it is. And the thing is like I'm not of this of the sort that doesn't believe that the virus Doesn't believe in the virus. Some people still believe like the virus doesn't exist. I got it. Yeah, and I in from the very beginning I've always said like it's different this virus is like the flu on steroids. Yes Because I've had the flu and I've had it really bad in times past But I never had it like this and you never lost your taste like I lost my I lost my Neural that's something in your brain. It's it's the weirdest thing to me. It's yeah It's like it's not even your taste buds that are like not like catching it. It's like your brain That's what my pastor friend. I was like this has to be made in the lab because the What am I what's the word I'm looking for the The symptoms because the symptoms are so Foreign they're so odd You know, I've never had a fever last for more than three three more than one day Actually, this one lasted for over three days. Yeah, I Had I've had body aches before but nothing like this where my kidneys were just just feeling like they're wrecked My legs hurt really bad My sense of taste and smell were gone, which is something completely foreign. I'm like this had to have been made There was also earlier like early on the reports They were like people who got it and then recovered their blood was thicker like they were they were more likely to get blood clots stuff like that People who got it and recovered. Yeah, and they were also like they found it across the blood-brain barrier and stuff like that What's that like a neurotoxin would do that with taking your blood like yeah, I'd fight like a pit viper Wow, that's what it does. It's like coagulates your blood and then you need like Advil or something to thin it out Well, too, I think you know initially I think there's not just one reason why? the virus was made One of the biggest reasons is that it helped demonize Trump Cuz troubles really it was doing really well as the president. Yeah, like the carnally like yeah I was doing well the country was doing well, so to speak like that like the The economy was just booming. Thanks for clarifying that Adam what carnally the spiritual we were in such a great place The economy was just booming yeah, he's I don't know what's up with this guy you need to put some socks on You act differently without socks Put your feet away put your feet away I'm saying that the economy was booming and people really liked Trump Even people who didn't like him initially liked him a lot and It was you know, obviously there's there's debate whether he won the election or not or whatever and people lied But I think this was kind of like was was put forth To make him look bad. Obviously. Oh, yeah, I think the George Floyd thing I think it was like orchestrator because I happen at the same time I wouldn't be surprised if Trump was in on it with them and There's just being like really sadistic kind of like giving candy to a baby only to take it away you