(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) tell us about what I mean you mentioned it some of it already but what are some of the the changes that the brain goes through when over a long process of time of being a vegan yeah tell me about the koala yeah well basically if you look at a koala's brain it's completely smooth and the reason it has no wrinkles it's completely smooth just looks like a lot koalas are vegan right and they are they're vegan but they're also very very stupid if you think if you take a eucalyptus leaf which is what the only thing koalas eat if you take it off the plant like off the tree they won't eat it because they don't know what it is that's how stupid they are and so like so like and you can tell this by the brain because I have no wrinkles but anyway um a vegans brain over time will deteriorate will like start losing wrinkles will shrink they'll get stupider and more psychotic and because in the in the plant kingdom you're there are some nutrients and vitamins that you just can't get and so one of those is like b12 that's literally only exists in the animal kingdom and algae and I don't know if you know any vegans were like going to the beach and eating algae it just doesn't happen right yeah and what b12 does is it helps like regulate the control of like red blood cells so like if your body's not making enough red blood cells a whole lot of things aren't like your immune system is gonna go down you're gonna get stupider you're gonna get weaker like a whole bunch of stuff is gonna happen and then there's actually this is kind of funny there's a thing called vitamin k2 as well and this was just recently discovered which proves basically that like our modern like nutrition science has like no idea what they're talking about because they literally just discovered this vitamin recently vitamin k2 and what it does is it controls the calcium that goes around your body basically tells the calcium to go into your bones into your teeth your cartilage and stuff like that and vitamin k2 can only be found in the animal kingdom and fermented things so like stuff like kefir and like kimchi basically or like or like or like natto I don't know if you ever had brother Glen it's like a Japanese fermented bean and it's nasty it's gross but yeah you can only find it in fermented foods and animal foods and what k2 does is yeah regulates the calcium so they literally get weaker bones and and they get weaker teeth and their teeth start rotting out of their mouth and it's actually really sad because a lot of kids who are put on vegan diets they'll get though they're their baby teeth will start rotting so they so they won't even before the baby teeth can even fall out and they can get their new teeth their teeth will just rot out and they'll also I don't know if you ever seen you know how on TV they have those ads for like black children in Africa like they're starving and stuff like that you see you'll see how they have huge bellies yeah yeah that's from like protein deficiency and certain nutrient deficiencies and that's now happening in America in the 21st century to vegan children they're getting those huge like bellies it's called like core core core core syndrome or something like that and they're getting these huge bellies because they're like they have no nutrition and some of these is that bloating like in this in like the intestines or something yeah yeah it's something like that basically and it's like it comes from like water buildup basically because your body is not functioning often functioning optimally so your body gets weak your brain gets weaker and that kind of makes sense like because some people think veganism is just like a diet but it's not it really is a religion because vegans don't care about whether or not if it's healthy for them or anything like that what they really care about is not hurting animals so they'll die they'll die and they'll be and they'll say like oh I don't want to hurt an animal basically you know so it I'm sure it'll be like a piece of the puzzle and then you world order like religion absolutely well I mean if it's affecting the frontal lobe cortex and absolutely yeah people will probably be way more willing to take the mark of the beast if they're like retarded act they'll be less resistant they'll be less resistant to that yeah