(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) are we live hey ladies and gentlemen this is matt powell and the team here at dinosaur adventure land coming to you today with a whacking atheist now this is actually the first one that i've ever personally done um it's not something that i particularly uh look forward to i don't i guess i don't enjoy confrontation i don't like having arguments with anybody really but i think in in the day and age in which we live unfortunately that's the society in which we're in it's a society that of people that wants to argue and fight about evolution they want to cram it in everybody's faces why they think we evolve fish and so um i just thought it'd be a good idea to go ahead and just um attack the theory of evolution at the fundamental and those who are the proponents of it and we're going to see some proponents of it that you can look up online and i just want to say right off the bat that anything that i'm saying you can actually look up and verify to be factually true i don't just talk um and just pull things out of my hat and just make things up anything that i say is based on a fact or a statistic or something that is demonstratively true i just want to get that out of the way because people accuse me he's so dishonest he's such a dishonest liar and so i just thought i'd get that out of the way you can easily google anything that i say at any time and you can see in any place that it is correct all right so let's go ahead and launch into this these churches are popping up all over the place now and so atheist churches like that like what the is he talking about i have never seen an atheist church audience my atheist audience have you seen an atheist church what's your background were you raised in a religious family did you go to church and recently i've just been uh be baptized so i have the access to the atheist church is launching 35 new services in cities across the world there's ones in new zealand hungary france the uk and 16 here in the u.s okay so atheists always say we don't have a religion we are not religious why is it that they have atheist churches then why do they have atheist pastors did you know you can go to a counseling session with an atheist pastor if you want to and you can go and get counsel and life advice from those who believe in magic that the world created itself from nothing if somebody thinks that the universe time space and nature popped into existence from nothing with no cause no god why would you trust them for anything they say that they're skeptics and that they were so skeptical of the bible many of them that they just couldn't believe it anymore but yet you think of the fact that are we still live or are we having an issue okay we're good okay very good uh you think of the fact that they claim to be skeptical yet they will believe anything that you tell them they'll believe in anything they'll believe in the big bang they'll believe that we evolved from apes and chimps they'll believe anything but thus saith the lord and so yeah the atheist church is a real thing people think that it doesn't exist it does exist we have a we have them popping up all over the united states and so these atheist youtubers that say we've never heard of that he's lying they don't even know what they're talking about they haven't even googled it all you have to do is google it once it's it's not hard to do so i'm here at the one in strongsville ohio just outside cleveland what the is he talking about i have never seen an atheist church audience my atheist audience have you seen an atheist church like the first couple videos and like forever that we get from that pile and it's just a bunch of lies just a bunch of lies right wow you know um what do you say you know uh it's something that you can like once again it's something you can google it's something you can look up you can see they have pastors that get something you can look up you can see they have pastors that get up and they preach evolution from a literal pulpit they have a literal pulpit at these atheist churches they even have a worship service i mean you know this is this needs to be pointed out these these atheists that are after your children that are after our kids after even college students people in my demographic that are trying to get us to think that there's no god to think that we evolved from chimps are after our kids and they've done no research they have no idea what they're talking about yet they'll flaunt their wings and make it look like they really know what they're talking about they'll make it look like they're so tough and so strong and they just want to challenge us to debate so so powerful we're so scared we're just trembling in our shoes all right do you really believe that something came from nothing yes notice the pause do you see how this professor this atheist professor paused okay if you have to pause to give somebody an answer you know you're being dishonest when they say that the universe created itself from nothing they know that they're being dishonest they know that it's ridiculous do you really believe that something came from nothing yes notice the pause it's embarrassing and they should be embarrassed anybody who professes atheism should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves right we didn't come from nothing and no scientist believes that we ever came from absolutely nothing do you really believe that something came from nothing yes you guys walk in circles and you do my work for me really that's kind of how i look at it uh you know they they're just going in circles and and then they turn around and and they just i mean it's just so ridiculous you can see this with your own eyes this isn't just stuff that i make up i'm not lying to your face look the truth fears no investigation you can ask me any question you want because i know that i have the truth the truth in the lord jesus christ the way the truth and the life right the big bang is not something from nothing before the big there was nothing literally nothing and then something happened triggering the most colossal explosion in history in a billionth of a billion of a billionth of a second the universe grew from the size of that tiny point to something billions of miles across this colossal blast created everything all the matter we see in the universe today so aaron raw says you know nobody says that the universe came from nothing you got a bunch of scientists that say that oh yeah we believe it just popped into existence in fact lawrence krauss has a book called a universe from nothing stephen hawking himself said that because there's laws such as gravity the universe can and will create itself from nothing so these guys that say well nobody says that the universe created itself from nothing like do you even talk to your own colleagues because your own colleagues are saying that magic is true that mysticism is real that a genie in a bottle just popped into existence from nothing so what do you mean ridiculous that the idea of of the the idea of evolution and us coming from these uh single-celled organisms it started all from an explosion what if i said nothing caused something behind this piano to explode what if i said nothing caused it people say that's crazy that's weird but that's exactly what atheists believe they believe there was no god that means there was no god that means there was no explosion of nothing of time space into time space and nature it's completely ridiculous so just keep in mind unfortunately the atheist community anybody anybody who says that they are an atheist they have admitted to you they have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to just basic laws of science or basic laws of logic or even the big bang is not something from nothing do you really believe that something came from nothing yes all right so i i want to i want to pause here i know we played that clip a couple times but the theory states that all the matter in the universe was condensed down to an infinite decimal amount of space smaller than a single proton and then in a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second it went from the small smaller than that to billions of miles across you know that is trillions of times faster than the speed of light yet nothing can travel faster than the speed of light so when they say the big bang model has been tested and proven even nasa themselves said and i quote it said even though the big bang theory is widely accepted it will probably never be proven nasa said that it will probably never be proven because it's not provable because it's not science because it's not true amen let's talk about the universe shall we universe as you know it was created by what is known as the big bang or so we believe the big bang is the belief that the universe essentially came from nothing and that's hard to understand because half of something so enormous in you know significant and just magical come from nothing this is what they are learning in school they are learning that the world popped into existence on cause from nothing we have to combat this we have to lift up our voices you know even those of us who are shy i am a shy guy i don't like to necessarily talk in front of crowds of people or even to people at all because i struggle with shyness believe it or not most people don't know that about me but i just am shy but the bible commands me and you and everybody in this room everybody listening online that if you know the truth if you know the lord jesus christ he's not given us the spirit of fear but of power and love and of a sound mind and we need to open our mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel and we need to tell the gospel share the gospel with these people i feel so bad for them now as i said it was once believed that our entire universe not just earth not just our solar system not just our galaxy everything our entire universe is one thing okay again like this crowd they say that we're so skeptical they're just so skeptical of everything they've ever been taught in the bible but they'll buy into it's it's like what did they leave to go believe a lot of these former christians they left christianity some of them or whatever religion say that there's no god they left to go believe in magic they left to go believe in mysticism that everything created itself and that we're here for no reason and that we were caused that unconsciousness caused consciousness to come into existence which doesn't make any sense that there was no law giver for scientific laws that we have if you have a law you have to have a lawgiver for whatever that brought time space and matter into existence whatever that cause would have been would have had to have been outside of time space and nature they say give me your proof for god matt give me your best proof for god's existence the fact that i'm sitting here right now in this room is proof that god exists the fact that this matter and energy that we see around us is proof that either a it popped into existence from nothing magically or that b it was created either somebody created something out of nothing or nobody created something out of nothing either god created the world or the world created itself there is no other option so um you know and there's a lot of other arguments but whatever created time space and nature would have by definition had to have been outside of time space and nature to be able to bring time into existence you have to be timeless be able to bring space into existence you have to be able to exist outside of space it's pretty powerful pretty amazing whatever created matter had to have been able to operate outside of matter to therefore bring it into existence those are the attributes of god so when people say you don't have any evidence of god it just goes to show they haven't even done the basic thinking they're just buying into things that they're hearing on tv from their favorite celebrity they're not actually studying science they'll claim to be studied i know this because i've talked to them right i've talked to people like the raging atheist the yfn atheist mr jones 1972 these are all debates you can look up and you can see how they went and um you know you can see that they really have nothing at the end of the day they can try but they will fail because they're defending something that's indefensible you know the chances of just a mega bang or explosion creating you know what's essential for life you know living creatures is just it seems unbelievable with that i mean if it were true it would be believable right if you know the truth it's believable jesus is so unbelievable that this would be the case to me it is unbelievable but it is truly unbelievable what unbelievers will believe to remain unbelievers that's how i looked at it anyways okay before i before we get into this this uh surfing dinosaur here a lot of people don't know this you know evolutionary theory has to explain so many things other than just humans evolving from fish and chimps and lizards it has to evolve it has to explain so much more has to explain these fossils that are found out of place now according to evolution theory duck-billed dinosaurs surfed across the ocean to africa okay you can look it up you can verify that it's true that that dinosaurs surfed across the ocean to be able to get to africa because they found fossils in africa so this is their response uh to this hmm guys i wonder if that's what evolution actually says all i had to do was a simple google search and this was the very first thing that came up dinosaurs once crossed oceans first duck-billed dinosaur fossil discovered in africa you know matt's right about that cowabunga dude duck-billed dinosaurs surfed in africa so not only does he accept it he says he's right cowabunga dude this is what we believe you know it's um it's so sad you know like he actually buys into it and like i said it's all it's unbelievable what these unbelievers will believe to remain in their unbelief of the truth it is so sad you know i i uh i really do feel bad for some of these folks i feel like their their opportunities have been stolen from them because they've been taught wrong and if you tell a lie big enough loud enough and often enough we all know this people will believe it right that's what adolf hitler said he said if you let me control the textbooks i'll control the state such a shame such a shame ethan uh he runs the your friendly neighborhood atheist channel um and you will know him from and you will know him from matt powell's latest movie uh the atheist religion which um i i'm sure you've seen it too what are your thoughts did he actually i mean i don't get why he didn't want to talk to a more qualified person i mean i guess i do now because he did a very good job of making me look stupid okay so you claim that you're not a qualified person yet you're out there on the internet talking about evolution and why it's right if you're going to defend evolution publicly then you should be able to do it in a civil discourse you should be able to do it within the realms of debate and i have comments all the time well i think that he chose you because he made you look so stupid he could have done so much better with somebody else and he did a very good job of making you look stupid and another thing that watching this movie has is that i did lose the debate there's no need to get online and talk about how you lost you know in my opinion the best advice that i can give you would be to just simply change what you believe right if you're defending something that's wrong you know darwinian evolution which we know is something that is a fairy tale you should change what you believe if you're truly skeptical you should change what you're putting trust in and it's like i don't know like is it just me or do do a lot of these people not really have some self-awareness here when they're getting on camera saying i did lose the debate like who would post that on their channel what in the world you know i mean even if i lost the debate i don't think i'd get on my channel talking about i did lose the debate like what's the point there's no point in that move on you know to the raging atheist if you watch this video just know that we're on the same side having said that i have to be honest and admit you lost the debate to matt powell from the modern day debate youtube channel he's tactical yeah yeah he's i've always said that matt powell's a smart guy he knows what he's doing he's a walking charisma machine and that's the problem and you're and it's a manipulation well yes he he's quick he's witty he's uh that's the reason why i don't debate okay so again they claim it's so weird because they claim that i am so incredibly stupid a lot of these guys say he's so incredibly stupid he has no idea what he's talking about and then this private conversation that they had got leaked out this is what they really think they they're afraid of us as christians they're not just afraid of me they're afraid of us they're afraid of of jesus because jesus has power you know the word of god has authority you know when they when the apostles were being tried by the um by the enemies of christ by the pharisees remember what the pharisees said they were crying they cried out they said uh these are they which turn the world upside down we're afraid of these men you know they're they're going to be afraid of the truth a lot of times but like i said the truth fears no investigation if you're an honest person you'll accept jesus you'll accept the word of god you'll stop spewing the nonsense that you atheists have been spewing for years to our youth on your youtube channels do you know why they do cartoons on their youtube channels what do all kids love cartoons they are targeting our children they are after our kids and it is our job to stand up and tell people to watch out you know um it is a shame to see people buy into this it really is 60 million years ago last tuesday the mighty dinosaurs were wiped out there were many reasons for this and here is just one of them number 63 now this is a kids video for kids education this is for higher learning okay this is how dinosaurs went extinct according to a one aspect according to a one aspect of evolutionary theory uh dinosaurs did part themselves into extinction all their greenhouse gases what caused climate change okay folks they are so skeptical that they are going to they're going to believe that dinosaurs farted so much that they killed themselves with their own flatulence they're so skeptical of the bible that they'll buy into anything and again these are the crowd these are the people that are after the kids we must call them out you know mutt is just that freaking stupid but he doesn't actually understand what he's saying because he doesn't understand what the fuck he's talking about maybe you ought to feel weird there mutt you know other than the bible that's that's pretty funny you know i read mostly the bible so he's right that you know you're reading a lot of the bible but here's the thing the word of god has power and the word of god really proves itself and when they preach the word of god like i said it it cut to their hearts and that's why they stoned the apostle steven is because they started gnashing on the apostle steven with their teeth because they hated him so much why do you think they nailed jesus to the cross because they hated our lord jesus christ so much um yeah so this uh this guy why don't you read another book other than the bible when i do videos um i don't know if any of you guys have noticed but i'm i a lot of times i'll reference the bible but a lot of time most of the time i'm referencing these scientific articles sir that you can uh you can google right there's this thing called the internet that us christians have learned to use as well and i would encourage you um i think his nickname was grumpy atheist or something like that um i would encourage you to look up what i'm saying not just accuse me he's a bible thumper he's just why don't you read another book other than the bible because i do he also said that dinosaurs farted themselves into extinction okay they want to say i'm lying about that he was just making that up no you can look it up people are saying this it's not me i'm saying that what they're saying is wrong and then they're accusing me of coming up with it this lady goes dinosaurs did fart themselves into extinction guys i say no wait a minute that's that's weird that's crazy and then they all turn around match saying that dinosaurs farted themselves to death what's wrong with him he's a liar nobody says that folks you may not be able to hear it online but the people in the audience are cracking up right now they're laughing at this because it's so absurd is it weird to apply to a video that's already replying to an initial reply does that make sense either way i'm doing it because matt howell matt howell is a big homogeneous apologist and communicationist he's also really putting in the context of the gender effect i think in this video he how it was insane assertion that yes this is really going to take dinosaurs farted themselves to death they literally teach that dinosaurs farted themselves to death but the another one guy says well you've missed represent matt you have misrepresented us we believe that they they tooted and it warmed the environment that's how it's even more stupid and that's why they died they died from global warming so how is that an insult you know like he's like a ben shapiro it's like they hate ben shapiro so much and they hate matt walsh and the guys from the i love matt walsh i love ben shapiro all those guys at the daily wire i think they do amazing work keeping our country a little more conservative you know but how is that an insult you know it just shows how how crazy these people really are to insult you by saying well you're like ben shapiro that's not an insult that's actually kind of a compliment okay because i like ben shapiro i think he's good at what he does but yeah this is this is insane but he says of course nobody thinks dinosaurs farted themselves to death dinosaurs they also warmed the planet uh they threw all the cats they emitted from eating all the leafy plants and all they needed a total of 520 million tons per year of global methane which is basically the level comparable to the total given off today by animals and industrial activities so they it's part of their way to extension i think what's important to hear is actually that this once and for all groups that the creation museum in kentucky is wrong because the dinosaurs were actually starting that much out of me would not have been that close to them so i just want to point that out so this is the reason that the bible is wrong is because they think adam and eve couldn't have happened because the dinosaur farting would have killed them i mean this is this is the kind of crazy insane wild only the professing themselves to be fools type would come up with and they'd be they profess themselves to be wise but they've become fools is this just a natural thing i mean parts are natural right that that is natural so maybe this is the earth's way of keeping populations from getting too out of control you know because like the large dinosaurs they didn't have any predators so this is the earth the earth's way of doing it you know we are going to be the victims of of our greenhouse gases which is of course natural but then the earth will have the last laugh i guess the last laugh we are going to be victims of our own greenhouse gases folks i don't know how this lady sleeps at night i don't know how she eats any beans you know i just don't get it i don't understand it but she she literally said we're going to be victims of our own gas you know it's like the adult version of the you know you're being afraid of the monster in the closet it's just more of you're being afraid of yourself farting yourself to death just so weird people actually think this people man maybe i mean we've always had climate change right but this could be like extreme right oh it is time to tell time will tell guys time will tell that's the simplest explanation that we have right now which i think there were so many dinosaurs that it increased the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and that caused you know warming i think that would be a simpler explanation of that of what happened so everybody's accused me you're straw menning them you're making this up nobody believes nobody not one this one guy said believes that dinosaurs farted themselves to death not one matt and i finally just said okay i'm going to call the directors of american atheists i'm going to interview them and ask them what they think happened to the dinosaurs this lady said there's so many so many dinosaurs that they farted and killed themselves again it's just insane now dinosaurs did not part themselves to death people like that so the next thing that that wolf said it was cut out of here he said this is one of your straw men arguments to make it look like evolution is not true you know here's the thing it's not a straw man you know consider yourself whacked it's game over you know you should come to our side and get out of that creepy forest that you're in and lose the creepy voice because i know that's not your real voice you're muffling it to sound like a like a demon somebody in here said that like a demon actually i think his youtube name was something like cyber wolf demon so i mean it's kind of fitting how um really pissed me off the fact that he's going around and claiming that he's trying to rid the world of all these lies really irritates me why would that irritate you like you know we know these things to be false in fact i talk to people on the street and i and i ask them what they believe about evolution and a lot of people are believing this now so it shouldn't you know piss you off that i or that anybody would get online and say we're gonna share the truth you know just shouldn't shouldn't make you upset there buddy he dumbs it all down to make it sound stupid to his audience because it's a lot easier if you make something sound stupid to convince him it's wrong or it's flawed beards can really take a hit university of utah researchers discovered human beards evolved toward punches to the head and jaw that's insane we were punched so much as primates that our beards that's how we got beards is because we needed a cushion from being jacked in the jaw when we were chimps so they say well he just makes it sound stupid folks any like any rational person knows that it's ridiculous i don't even have to say a word i could zip my mouth you know zip your lip like my mom used to say and go out on the street and hold up the news articles about you know dinosaurs frame themselves to death or you know men's beards evolving from a punch to the jaw and everybody's just gonna laugh at it it's a joke to them if people knew what evolution taught no one would actually believe in the theory so he dumbs it all down to make it sound stupid because if you make it sound stupid you'll convince them it's wrong what about this is rational and logical it's much more logical to say in the beginning god created rather than in the beginning nothing exploded he dumbs it all down to make it sound stupid to his audience because it's a lot easier to make something sound stupid to convince him it's wrong or it's flawed all right so richard dawkins here who here is familiar with richard dawkins he's the world's most famous atheist and he goes on television he wrote the book the god delusion he made a movie where he went up against all these different pastors and tried to debate them and a lot of these pastors did pretty good against him and he tried to let him there's no god you know this is ridiculous stuff and he has gotten so many people to doubt their faith but the man that caused many of you out there on the internet and in the world to doubt your faith and to throw away the bible he doesn't even know what a mutation even is the mechanism you write that drives evolution he doesn't even know what it is he doesn't even know what it causes check this out he gets stumped on camera he has to say cut the cameras it's the most basic scientific question you could ever ask a geneticist he didn't know the answer to this so the next thing that he said there was please cut the cameras because i don't have an answer right now and then he had to come up with an answer but again this is the most basic genetic question that you could ever ask a geneticist he didn't know the answer to so you know that's that's the fundamental of evolution is the mutation and the reason we know that evolution is false is because of the fundamental of evolution their supposed fundamental is what causes degradations of systems over generations of populations basic scientific law okay so he's saying i'd love to do this debate but the day before this is what he posts he says uh this guy this atheist dallas wade says bro matt powell couldn't handle the un under the compelled unbeliever in a debate and then the same guy that's like let's do a three hour debate matt the day before he posted this he says actually i do not share your confidence he's quick and articulate he would squash me in a debate why in the world would you assume that i would not see that because i go through these comment sections you know it's like they think that we're almost stupid that we wouldn't notice this and i just want to point that out like these these people they they flat they they they show their feathers right and they act so big but in private they're like oh they're stuck in their parents basement they do not stand a chance let me make this clear to the atheist movement online you do not stand a chance against god and his word you do not stand a chance against christians that know basic scientific law you don't stand a chance against those you might as well if you can't beat them join them that's how i look at it you can't beat us you should join us and the most rated up comment that i've ever gotten on my channel and this is the weirdest thing because like this shows these people do not do research the most rated up comment that has hundreds and hundreds of thumbs up on my entire channel says this matt this matt guy has obviously never talked to an atheist so all the other atheists that come across this stuff they just thumb it up thumb it up thumb he must have never talked to them which my channel consists of conversations where we've sat down over tea and had a conversation about evolution and they fail every time because it's it's not me it's them but it's not believing something it's not me being a good debater it's because they are are believing something that is so wrong it is so flawed and it's easy to point it out um i have put out a challenge before um and he's refused to even acknowledge that again consider it acknowledged if you want to have a debate i i will debate you mr compelled unbeliever but you kind of already put here that you feel like you'd get squashed so maybe we just shouldn't maybe we should call it off maybe you should take your video down and stop acting like and pretending and lying to your audience lying and saying let's have a three-hour debate matt when you know i'm not going to have a three-hour debate with you because i'm not going to waste my time i might debate you for 30 minutes on something and then we'll just call it a day you know i don't want to waste a bunch of time let's uh let's end with this let me see here as i started to watch his videos i noticed that he was making arguments actually putting the words into atheist's mouth of arguments that atheists just don't make and frankly that pissed me off okay all right well that i've acknowledged your challenge sir let's roll with it okay this is the last bit that we're going to cover and we'll call it a day once in a while i get people that really that or that claim they don't believe in evolution and my response generally is so why not really why not your world just becomes fantastically complicated when you don't believe in evolution what what what about your world is so complicated what makes your world less complicated if you think that you evolved from a chimp right how does it make your world less complicated to think that your ancestor was curious george or that your ancestor was mr limpet the fish or that your ancestor was sponge bob square pants a sponge in the ocean according to evolution that is our ancestor these people believe in literal tune network cartoon ancestors instead of factual and reliable and testable methods of ancestry we've actually been able to do tests and determine our ancestry we've been able to trace our genetics back to y chromosome noir atom and mitochondrial eve which lived in the recent past according to the fbi academia is on our side here are these ancient dinosaur bones or fossils that's the first thing bill nye says it if you don't believe in evolution your world becomes complicated but then he says well here are these dinosaur bones that's proof of evolution in the dinosaur bones mr nye contains blood vessels does blood last millions of years blood cells hemoglobin in the blood we find collagen effects proteins histones c14 inside of dinosaur bones so the very first thing that he referenced is the very thing that proves creation science let me tell you a little bit about evolution guys your world becomes complicated without it let me show you these dinosaur bones that prove it the dinosaur proves the dinosaur bones prove creationism if i believe that god exists and i believe that it was the bible god that existed i would not worship it so a lot of people say well we should have these debates and try to reach these guys that we debate to be honest i i do have hopes for the people that i have personally debated in the past um you know when when raging atheist i'm going to end with this when raging atheist broke down and cried after the debate that i had with him i actually inside felt super bad for him to be completely honest um i even called him on the phone i didn't really want to make this public but the cat's out of the bag it's too late i called him on the phone and said hey if it's gonna bother you that much that you know you got beaten at a bait i'll take it down let's take it down let's scrub it from the internet let's forget about it i want to help you i don't want you to be humiliated there's no no glory in humiliating another human being we're all created in the image of god god so loved the world god so loved there's so loved love that we need to share with the world folks and uh you know i i said look you know i'm willing to let's have it scrub from the internet let's forget about the debate let's talk about you you know and instead of doing that he just got all upset and ah you know f you or whatever hangs up and that was it i was worried he's gonna maybe commit suicide because you know you get humiliated like that in front of the whole world and and you have no hope you have no no lord to turn to no no jesus man that's that's a scary place to be when you're addicted to drugs and alcohol you know unfortunately atheists actually lead the world in suicide