(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The Book of Life. How does it work? The Book of Life essentially archives the names of the people that will live with God eternally. It's opened in Revelation chapter 20 to confirm the damnation of the loss. Now a common misconception regarding the Book of Life is that our names are automatically written in the book at the moment of salvation. However, a comprehensive study of the phrase in the Bible would show us that names are only blotted out and they only remain when a person believes on Jesus Christ at which point their names are permanently embedded within its registry which is why it's called the Lamb's Book of Life. Revelation chapter 3 verse 5 says, He that overcometh, referring to those who believe on Jesus Christ according to first John 5 5, the same shall be clothed in white raiment and I will not blot out his name out of the Book of Life. A couple things that will get you blotted out. Number one, you die without Christ. Number two, you're not saved and you take the mark of the beast. Number three, you're not saved and you're removed from God's Word. Number four, you're not saved and you blaspheme the Holy Ghost. Now the reason we all begin in the Book of Life is because God's will is that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.