(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. I just wanted to make a quick video rebuking the stupidity of the Black Hebrew Israelites. And this movement is something that you'll see a lot on YouTube, Facebook, different places where they're constantly piping up with just the most ridiculous, foolish arguments. They really just prey on people's ignorance and, you know, anybody who's following them, I'm sorry, but is not very smart. They just assume that people haven't read the Bible, so they cherry-pick strange verses out of context. And their whole point is to try to prove that Jesus was black and that black people are the true Jews and so forth. Now let me just start out by saying this. I have nothing against black people. I love black people. In fact, you know, when I went to Bible college outside of Chicago, I actually chose to work in the black ministry. So I spent two and a half years ministering in South Chicago every Saturday and Sunday, preaching and reaching black people with the gospel of Jesus Christ in an area that was pretty much 100% black. And if you've ever been to Chicago, it's very segregated. And so the neighborhood that I was in Inglewood, which was around the intersection of 67th and Halstead, that whole area where I went soul-winning, you know, you never hardly even saw another white person. I mean, everybody was black. And I chose that ministry and I was able to win many hundreds of black people unto the Lord. And I enjoyed spending time with them, getting to know them, reaching them with the gospel. So this isn't about me being a racist. And frankly, it doesn't matter to me what color Jesus is, because if Jesus were black, that wouldn't bother me at all. And I would worship him just as much, except that the simple fact is that Jesus was not a black man. And so therefore that's a lie. And so I'm going to rebuke it as such. And the fact that a certain segment of black people known as the black Hebrew Israelites want to make such a big deal about turning Jesus into a black man, which is contrary to scripture, contrary to history, contrary to common sense, you know, this just shows that they are narcissistic, where they demand that God be made in their image. Instead of just accepting the truth of the God of the Bible, they want to form and fashion a God in their own image. And they basically refuse to worship God unless God's black. You know, I don't expect God to look exactly like me. And I don't believe that Jesus Christ was a Caucasian. He was from the Middle East. And if you look at people who live in that region, they are a light brown complexion. And so that's probably what Jesus looked like when he walked on this earth. I'm not saying he was a Caucasian or a Scandinavian, but he certainly was not black. He certainly was not looking Nigerian or looking Ethiopian or as someone from sub-Saharan Africa. That doctrine is foolish and ridiculous. Now the scriptures that the black Hebrew Israelites will try to twist are often scriptures from Jeremiah or Lamentations where it talks about people who are starving to death. And so their skin becomes blackened as a result of starvation. Well, they'll just take these verses out of context and show them to the ignorant fools who follow them as, see, look, it says these people were black. Another really common scripture that they'll use is Revelation chapter one, where it talks about John on the Isle of Patmos looking at Jesus in his glorified form, where it says that Jesus, his head and his hairs were white like wool as white as snow. That's a pretty clear verse. His head and his hairs, not just his hair, they read that as, oh, he had white hair. No, no, no. That's not what it says. His head and his hairs were white like wool as white as snow. The way that they interpret that is, oh, he had woolly hair. He's a black man. So these people are so diluted and they twist scripture so much, they can look at a verse that says white as snow and get black out of that. How do you get black out of white as snow? Here's what they'll say. Well, it says that he had woolly hair, so therefore he's black. His hair is like wool. No, it does not say his hair is like wool. No, it does not say woolly hair. It says that his head and his hairs were white like wool. It doesn't say that they were like wool in their texture. It says that they were the color of white wool. Then it even explains further by saying white as snow. So that image of Jesus, obviously glowing in brightness and resplendency, he's described as being white. Not black, white. Not only that, but if you were to look back in the Song of Solomon, for example, which Solomon is the ancestor of Jesus Christ. Solomon was definitely a Jew. He was a Hebrew. He was of the tribe of Judah and so forth. The Bible says in Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 10, describing King Solomon, it says, my beloved is white and ruddy, the cheapest among 10,000. So right there in Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 10, it describes Solomon as being white. It describes him as being light and complexion there. I could go on and on. I could show scripture after scripture after scripture, but you get the point. The idea is that these black Hebrew Israelites are liars and they're racists also because they're constantly acting like they're better than everyone else because they're the true Jews. I know that there are white people who are guilty of the same stupidity, where sometimes white people will claim that the white race of Northern European ancestry are the true Jews and that the Anglo-Saxons are the sons of Isaac. That theory is foolish as well, but I'm focusing on the black Hebrew Israelites in this video because I see way more of them. I see way more racist black Hebrew Israelites than I do white people claiming to be the Israelites. These black people that buy into this garbage are narcissistic and they just demand that if Jesus doesn't look like me, I'm not going to worship him. What are we going to say next, that Jesus is Chinese and if we don't agree that Jesus is Chinese, that we hate Chinese people or something? Why don't you just make Jesus an Eskimo while you're at it? This whole thing is stupid and foolish and it's based on ignorance of scripture. Middle Eastern people are a light brown. They're neither white as we would consider white being European, Swedish, German, whatever, nor are they black as being Sub-Saharan African because Jesus was not born in Sweden or Germany or Norway or Ireland or Great Britain, but Jesus was also not born in Sub-Saharan Africa. Jesus was born in the Middle East. People in the Middle East are a lighter brown complexion, which is why the Bible will talk about people getting darker from being in the sun a lot, or it'll talk about people, some people being very fair or light skinned or white skinned because people in the Middle East can go either way like that. To sit there and say he's Chinese, he's an Eskimo, he's black is just to deny scripture and to teach stupidity because the Bible talks about the Ethiopians and the color of their skin. That's a different group of people than the Israelites. Anyway, I hope this video helps you to have a few answers to these loudmouth, blowhard, black Hebrew Israelites who are just constantly commenting on YouTube videos that have nothing to do with even skin color, but they're just obsessed with skin color. These fools don't realize that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile. There is neither bond nor free. There is neither circumcision or uncircumcision. The color of our skin means nothing in the New Testament. The nationality that we're from means nothing in the New Testament. Our ethnicity means nothing. Our genealogy means nothing in the New Testament, but these carnal black Hebrew Israelites are just trying to glory in their flesh and just obsessed with making Jesus black so that they can be the true Jews of the true Israel. Listen, if you're black and you're watching this video and you want to be the true Israel, all you have to do is receive Jesus Christ as your Savior and then you're grafted in as a true Israelite. You don't have to pretend that Jesus walked this earth as a black man. You can just believe on Jesus no matter what color he is. It doesn't even matter. You could believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and then you'll be a child of God and then you'll be one of God's chosen people and you won't have to do any mental acrobatics or twist and lie about what the Bible says and lie and say, oh it says he has wooly hair, which is a lie, or oh it says his hair and his beard were white. When that's a lie, it says his head and his hairs were white like wool as white as snow. So just believe on Jesus Christ as your Savior. Just believe what the Bible says. Don't get caught up in all this racial foolishness of the black supremacist black Hebrew Israelites. God bless you. Have a great day.