(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) investigators with the Southern Poverty Law Center they're wondering if this Norcross based stronghold church is really a hate group. Channel 2's Tony Thomas has a preview of our investigation. Tony. Jovita the preacher of the church that meets here in this as strip ball points to the book of Leviticus an early book in the Old Testament as the foundation of his beliefs. Now that has at least one group is calling what he preaches here hate speech while other groups even those who don't agree with his stance say he has every right to speak it. This is just about right and wrong. He's free to say whatever he wants about them so long as he's not inciting people to violence. I believe the Word of God is black and white. David Burzins opened the stronghold Baptist Church last June. The church meets in a Norcross strip mall. On this Wednesday night his congregation small but because he posts on YouTube his sermons have hit more than 24,000 views since he opened the metro Atlanta church. I didn't write the book but I'm gonna preach the book. His topics cover everything from home birthing to politics education to homosexuality. They need to be eradicated from the land. That was on Gay Pride weekend as thousands marched through Atlanta. Homosexuals are not allowed in this church and never will be. I do believe that they're predators. I sat down with Pastor Burzins to discuss his views and the fact some like the Southern Poverty Law Center look at his words as hate speech. It's a title Burzins doesn't run from. People want to label us a hate group because we hate things that they don't think we should hate. But others we spoke with like the American Civil Liberties Union say you can like it or not but you cannot censor it. Do you believe this speech is or should be protected? From the speech that I have seen from this individual absolutely. The Southern Poverty Law Center continues to look at this church and others. Now also we'll at 6 look ahead at what other beliefs this minister says he rocks his foundation on and the views he says many of you won't like. That's coming up on Channel 2 Action News at 6. Live in Norcross, Tony Thomas.