(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. So continuing the Pastor Anderson exposed series, someone sent me a sermon by Dr. Bill Grady, and the sermon is supposedly exposing me. Now, I haven't listened to it yet. I'm going into this thing cold. I don't think I can handle listening to this thing twice. It's over an hour long. But knowing Bill Grady, this thing is probably not going to disappoint. It's probably going to be filled with all kinds of wild things, heresy, lies, garbage, and just outright lunacy. So anyway, we're going to go into this thing together. I've prepared some sustenance to get me through this, of course, because this is going to be a bit of a slog, I think. So I've got my Cinnamon Toast Crunch, milk, of course. And then I've also just created about five or six kind of reaction cards for me to just hold up. Again, I don't know exactly what he's going to say in the sermon, but I can predict that certain things are going to come up. So I've just created several reaction cards. And I've also got a Sharpie and some paper handy in case I need to make some new ones as we go. So anyway, I'm hungry for my Cinnamon Toast Crunch, so let's jump right into this thing. The truth about that two hours and 45 minutes, he didn't tell you it was two sessions. Two sessions. Instead of two speakers, they had one and he split it. Two hours and 35 minutes. We had 10 minutes. Thank you, preacher. First thing I've got to do is get you to where you're not scared of 900 page books that are out there. First thing I got to do. Let me ask you a question. How many of you think, how many of you have seen a preacher who could write a 900 page hardback book? Several of them out there, at least two. And the next one's 600 pages. They could tell you, they could write those kind of books and tell you why Italians hate Jehovah's Witnesses. I mean, you tell me if you know anything like that. You know, how many of you know why Italians hate Jehovah's Witnesses? This is Italians all over this part of the world. I live in east Tennessee. There's more baptists down there than people. They've never met an Italian down there. This is, I'm from New York. Amen. You know myself. You know why? They hate all witnesses. Okay. That was free. All right. We're going to need a new corny joke. You know what a good five. How about a good four letter Italian word for goodbye? Have you ever heard that one? Huh? Chow? No. Hang. Okay. All right. This one's going to be a long night. I can tell. These jokes are meant for a lot of psychological reasons. I'm feeling you out like you're feeling me out. Long story short, Amway says if a person feeds you a fish dinner, he feeds you for a night. If he teaches you how to fish, he feeds you for a lifetime. You've heard that quote. So, evangelists run around helping people, and I can help you with what I'm going to say tonight, but I have an extra advantage over most of the preachers, evangelists. I can leave books behind that'll transform your understanding about any subject that you're interested in. I don't know everything, but I've spent years working on this material. I have a son who's a detective in Blount County Sheriff's Department. The book I'm going to feature in just a minute tonight, a message on Israel. This was six years, 10 hours a day. My son did a time study on it with my schedule, and it came up with 18,000 hours. So, that's how much work went into this, and it's $30 on Amazon, but it's $20 out there on the book table. So, imagine if somebody came up to you and said they would do 18,000 hours of lawn work. It's going to get tiring. No. It's like six years worth of work for you at your house. Every summer, they'll be there all, you know, for the whole season, and all they want was one paycheck ahead of time. $20. You know what the Greek word for that would be? Watch. You're going to miss it. Watch. Okay. All right. So, you know, you want to know something? Get out there and pull your wallet out, and you'll learn something. I'm not apologizing for it. I mean, I had a heart attack finishing this book. It was a wild run, but you don't find my books in the bookstore, so I've got to run around like a snake-roll salesman to get them circulated. All right. Anybody know what happened in Washington last month? Here's a photograph of it. This came out in 2005, a painting of Satan grabbing the dome in Washington, the Capitol. It's called How Satan Turned America Against God. You want to know what happened? This book came out in 2005. Explain it before it happened. If you can explain this, I'll give you every book on the table for free, and I'll give you the table. I don't even own the table. All you got to do is explain this. Ready? You like riddles? Here we go. Second to the last page in the book. Second to the last page. From Osama to Obama, the Lord's got everything under control. He's got the whole wide world in his hands. Okay? Now, here's what I want you to explain. The copyright page is 2005 is when the book came out. Our brains are so fried, the way we're living, you may not realize that's three years before Obama became the president. From Osama to Obama. How'd you do that? Preachers aren't necessarily as dumb as we look. Say amen right there. All right, preacher, they're getting quiet. The Lord said, give them another Italian, Joe, quick. All right, how many of you know why Italians like to wear gold chains all the time? Any Italians in here tonight? Got to be some. Amen, Brother Grady. Ask them, they'll tell you. You know why Italians wear gold chains? They got to know where to stop shaving. Say amen quick so I'll feel better. All right, I've only got an hour to... If I stutter, that's my Joe Biden impersonation. I only have an hour to summarize 18,000 hours of work, and I'm going to do it, but I have to kind of do something to make sure I get you interested in looking at these books. I'm not hard up, but I'm working my mother through college, and this helps with the tuition payments. But I want you to learn something, okay? So there's five books out there, all right? Four of them are religious history, if you want to look at it that way. First books, the history of the King James Bible, why it's the right Bible, what's wrong with the other Bibles. Final authority. Then there's the hardest book I have to keep in print because all the home school mothers gobble them up. What if God wrought a biblical interpretation of American history? That's Baptist history and American history put together. You know, the Baptist got the Bill of Rights. You know, there's not one preacher in the hundred that even knows that. You got to learn this stuff. Then the history of all the conspiracy groups fighting Mr. Trump tonight. And then, by the way, anybody ever heard of the neutron bomb, the most bizarre weapon in the history of the world? There's the guy that invented it, and that's me and him in his backyard in California. He's an unsaved Jew, atheist. He wrote the afterword to this book because it's a pro-Israel book. He wanted to help me get it out. Then you got the history of Israel, modern Israel. That's what I'm going to speak on tonight. Anybody ever hear of the Son of Sam, David Berkowitz? He's over here in Wall Kiln, New York with a 360-year jail sentence. If anybody's interested, here's his picture in prison holding on to his King James Bible. He got saved 20-something years ago. I visited him four times. He gave me permission to print his testimony in the back of the book because he was Jewish. His testimony is called Son of Hope. He loves the Lord tonight. Right down here in Wall Kiln, New York. If you don't get this book for any other reason, you might want to know where the largest statue of Elvis Presley is in the world. I live in East Tennessee, and they think Elvis is still alive over there. Here's a picture of the largest Elvis statue in the world. It's 16 feet tall, bronze. This is standing one mile outside of Jerusalem in an Arab village called Abu Ghosh. Here's four Israeli Elvis impersonators with their jumpsuits on, posing in front of the statue. And the third one in is a woman. You can't make this stuff up. They love Elvis in Israel because his great-great-grandmother was Jewish. But anyway, there's a fifth book out there, a history, a Bible study book on how to understand the Bible correctly. But anyway, any of these books, three of these books are $30 on Amazon, the bigger ones. But any book out there tonight is $20, or any three for $50. So if you want to learn some incredible things, you'll get a blessing. I'm only here one night, and it's a Wednesday, half the crowds are in. There's an animal farm in the hallway. It shook me up when I came out there a minute ago. I didn't know what was going on. So I got to do a lot in a short time, okay? So get your Bible and open up to the book of Romans. We can tell you're making real good use of your time, buddy. Romans chapter 11. Real good use of your time. Eight minutes in, and you've said nothing, except for close tail infomercial. Let me preface things by telling you that there is a big controversy in America tonight where a bunch of dumb Baptists are now propagating a teaching. The Catholic Church has pioneered the Dark Ages, and the Protestants picked it up after the Reformation, and now dumb independent Baptists are teaching it. It's known as replacement theology, and all it means is God got bent out of shape when the Jews rejected Jesus, and so he canceled all his promises to the Jews for the land, for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob's descendants, and he gave it to the church instead. He's done with the Jews, and you're the new Jews. You're the new Israelites. All kind of Baptist churches picking this up now. You wouldn't know that, necessarily. That's why he'll bring in somebody like me from out of the area to tell you what's going on. You've got to bring in a specialist. And then there's no pre-trib rapture anymore. You've got to go through the tribulation because you're Israel now. No Holocaust. It was make-believe. It's coming out of Arizona. Some nut named Stephen Anderson is propagating it, and he went to House Anderson College for three years and bombed out, so it's weird stuff. The internet will mess your mind up if you're not careful. You don't know what you're getting into half the time. So let's find out if the Apostle Paul ever got into the house from Stephen Anderson. Romans 11, 1, I say then, have God cast away his people? See, there's the question. Is God done with the Jews? Look at the answer. Two words. Duh. God forbid. For I also am an Israelite. Oh, the Lord just said, hey dummy, you didn't tell the people how to pay for the books. Thank you, Lord. Listen, people ask me all the time, do you take debit cards? I'll take somebody else's debit card to get your hand on it for a few minutes. I don't care where it comes from. I'll take debit cards, bad checks, cash, anything you want to give me back. The ring, just let me know, and I'll be at the table. And any widows in here? Got to be a widow running around tonight somewhere. No charge for you. Just come by and give you a free book and won't even blink about it, okay? Just put me on your prayer list. No wannabes. All right. It's getting better. Can you tell it's getting better? You know, I've had two men come up to my book table in the last year telling me they identified as widows. If I'm lying, may the Lord strike him dead. You don't have to make stuff up in the 21st century, I'm telling you. What was in Los Angeles? Man, this guy really crammed a lot of information into his time. God forbid, for I also am an Israelite of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin. Paul says if you believed in Jesus, how did I get in here? How did I get saved? Because he believed in Jesus. God has not cast away his people, which he foreknew. What you're not, what the scripture saith of Elias, how he maketh intercession to God against Israel. That's the New Testament spelling for Elijah. Lord, they have killed thy prophets and dig down thine altars, and I am left alone, and they seek my life. But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. Well, that sounds pretty good, seven thousand. You know, that's a lot better than one. But that's a drop in the bucket compared to the millions in the nation at that time. Now remember, these crazy new people, these, you know, they call them the New Independent Fundamental Baptists. That's what they're known as. They're teaching their people that, you know, they're the new Jews. And what they're telling the people is that God basically threw a hissy fit, you know, when they crucified Jesus, you know, and forget you. That's what they're teaching. Well, listen, look at the next verse, verse five. Even so then, at this present time also, there is a revenant, according to the election of James. Right, the ones who believe in Jesus. You know what that's saying? Yeah, I do. You know what God did when the Jews rejected Jesus? He didn't even take a baby aspirin. He's been used to this stuff. Anybody ever see the Ten Commandments from growing up? They made the golden calf. Remember that? They've always been rebellious. Completely wiped out the temple. Nothing new. 30 years into the church age now. There's just a few Jews that accept that Jesus is Messiah. They've been fighting Jehovah all since their inception. Somebody said the greatest collection of anti-Semitic literature in the world is the Old Testament. God blasting them 24 hours a day himself. There is people and they're rebellious and stiff neck. He's got a point. Look down here at verse 25. For I would not, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery. What mystery? I got to pause it. Sorry. Notice how he just jumps forward. He reads a scripture in chapter 11 that clearly states that the reason why God has not cast away his people is because some of them believe in Jesus and that those people are God's chosen people. The apostle Paul's the chosen people because he believes in Jesus. There's a remnant according to the election of grace and anybody who's in that remnant is saved. Right? They're God's people. So what he's saying is God didn't cast away the Israelites. He gave them a chance to be saved and as long as they believe in Jesus, they're still in the club. They're still part of God's chosen people. He skips this huge part of the chapter about how the natural branches are broken off. Basically that the people who don't believe in Jesus, unbelieving Israel, are not the chosen people. They're not Israel. That's what chapter 9 of Romans is all about. They're not all Israel which are of Israel. Romans chapter 2, he's not a Jew which is one outwardly, neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh. He's a Jew which is one inwardly. Philippians 3, 3, we are the circumcision which worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh. What he just read clearly stated that the reason God didn't break his promises to Israel is that there are many Israelites who got saved so they continue on into the new covenant. They continue on into the new testament but anyone who does not believe in Jesus Christ is not the elect. They are not the chosen people and this bozo believes that Christ rejecting Israel is still God's chosen people. It's absurd. It's unbiblical. It's ridiculous but this is what all these old IFB guys believe that you know the unsaved, unregenerate, Christ rejecting Jews are God's chosen people. We believe that anybody who's saved is God's chosen people whether they're Jew or Gentile. So the reason that God didn't cast away his people is because there are seven thousand that have about the need of bail. There's a remnant according to the election of grace possible included. All right he just jumps over all that completely twists what it said now he's just jumping to the end of the chapter out of context. Coming up you'll see it a second, lest you should be wise in your own conceits that's a perfect description of all these nutty Baptists now fighting the Jews, fighting Israel and here's the mystery that blindness in part has happened to Israel. That's not talking about real blindness you know that's spiritual blindness. Notice it says in part because some Jews get saved. It's not total blindness it's partial blindness but the key word is right after Israel's. Look at that little word there until. Some of them get saved by believing in Jesus. Until the fullness of the Gentiles become in. Doesn't sound like permanent blindness to me. Sounds like temporary blindness and that fullness of the Gentiles means the last the last Gentile that gets into the body of Christ and that body is now full. Out it goes at the rapture and now the blinders are going to come off that Jew in that tribulation period. God is not done with that Jew. What does the next verse say? Verse 26 and so all Israel shall be saved as it is written there shall come out of Zion the deliverer. That's the second coming of Christ where we're riding down on those white horses wearing our our wedding dresses probably amen and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob. And you know what we're doing? We're coming down to rescue our mother-in-law if you hadn't thought that through. That's right. Hello neighbor. Anybody realize Jehovah in Israel are husband and wife? Well they're divorced now but he's going to get a remarrier. I think we didn't we marry Jehovah's son. Is that right? You know what that makes Israel? Thank you for yeah Elvis has left the building. I could spend literally hours just unpacking the heretical garbage that he just said in the last 20 seconds. You know last time I checked Jesus Christ is Jehovah. What kind of a non-trinitarian crap is this that he's teaching because the old testament names of God like Jehovah apply to father son and holy ghost. I mean has this guy ever read the bible in his supposedly 18,000 hours of research? I mean what a bunch of garbage. God divorced Israel but he's going to remarry them again later and we're not married to Jehovah. We're married to Jesus and we're going to be wearing we're going to come back in drag in revelation 19 wearing wedding dresses. I told you it's going to be a wild ride with this guy but this guy is accepted by mainstream independent fundamental baptists. His books are popular. I mean it's unbelievable. That makes Israel our mother-in-law. I don't know if you knew that. Verse 27. Isn't that something? Verse 27. That was worth coming to church for tonight. For this is my covenant unto them when I shall take away their sins. Future tense. I've got you know maybe over a hundred verses in that book on Israel. I don't know how many but I know the most important verse in the book is in the next verse. As concerning the gospel they are enemies for your sakes but as touching the election they are beloved for the father's sake. All you homeschool moms note that word fathers. First time I ever heard that I misread it and my wife was my proofreader corrected me. That's not capital F apostrophe s. It's a lowercase f s apostrophe. First time I heard it I thought it was on my god the father's sake. It's talking about the Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob fathers. The fathers of Israel. I don't even have time to address stupidity but I've already done it. All right a real point of 37 cent word. Romans chapter 11 explained verse by verse. Romans 11 verse by verse. I debunked all of this garbage. That's what you read in that verse. God told you that Jew is two things. He's beloved and he's your enemy at the same time. How do you explain that? I was in San Antonio Texas preaching one night and the preacher had me staying in an RV and the middle of the night somebody broke in amen. Cleaned the whole joint out. TV sets, papers, clothes, everything. I slept right through the whole thing. I couldn't call the police because my phone was missing off the little nightstand next to my bed. That was a wild day and you know and every night as you lay down angels are camping all around. You know the Lord can protect his own. Just want to be close enough to him that he thinks you're worth sparing amen. Now that that whoever that dude was was my enemy. A matter of fact the policeman that filled out the the police report got was frustrated with me and the preacher because we were calm. He said you two men ought to get down on your knees and thank God that he didn't wake up pointing to me and basically he was implying that if I would have woke up I would have been sent into the next dispensation. All right that guy would that guy's my enemy. You know how could he be how could he be beloved at the same time. Now that Jew is your beloved enemy. Now watch this. No they're our greatest ally. I've been preaching a sermon for four years as when my new book come out on Israel and I know exactly where I'm heading now. Here's the new crazy Baptist that hate the Jews right. Here's the traditional group here that still loves them and I'm sure 99 percent of you are in this group here. Now that group's crazy but this group's got problems too. One of the problems they have is sometimes they they love the Jews so much they don't think they need to be saved. Crazy John Hagee teaches that. Somebody should have got Hagee's material to the Apostle Paul. He could have saved himself a lot of lumps and bumps on his head in those synagogues trying to get those Jews saved. But the other problem a lot of us have is we can be the more we love Israel and the more uninformed we are of reality we can be very naive about how messed up they are. This group over here knows all the statistics. They founded Hollywood. They run the pornography industry. They corrupt more governments. They got us in these middle eastern wars. I don't know if you ever heard the term neo-con short for neo-conservative started by a Jew in New York by the name of Crystal. Look him up in the index of my book. And lots of other tons of things. And the same people that love Israel they quit saying those terrible lies about God's people. You know because we love Israel because of the Bible. I love Israel too. But they that is there any water? It doesn't prevent them from being wicked unsaved and on their way to hell and our enemies. Don't leave. That's my number one contact in here. I could tell already. He's he's he's cheering me on here. What's that Lord? They need another Italian joke? I don't even know why Italians have short necks. I love Palestine. All the time they stand in front of the judge. I never heard of the guy. I don't know nothing about the guy. All right. Listen the more you laugh the less jokes you're going to hear. Blah blah blah. So I don't know my throats really. Judge I never heard of the guy. I don't know nothing about the guy. Sorry I bumped the computer I think. All right. Listen the more you laugh the less jokes you're going to hear. Blah blah blah. So I don't know my throats really. Scratchy for some reason tonight it normally isn't. So here's the deal. What's going on in the room now is if you're the good guys you know you can become... How in the world did you put that on me? It's left-handed. I can't stand these things. They got to come in that way. This guy packs a lot of good stuff. I could have rejected that if I ever seen it. When you start dealing with the Bible says the false balance is an abomination of the Lord. The Lord doesn't want you to love the Jews so much you're blind to how messed up they are. First of all the apostle Paul's the one who told you they're your enemy. You want to string him up too just because you love Israel? Nope. This is very important to figure this out. What do you mean they're enemies? I don't know. You ever heard of gay marriage? Where do you think that came from? Legally supreme court decision six years ago. Thank you sir. Five to four decision. The Jews represent 2.5 percent of the population of the country. When that supreme court decision was made they were representing 33 percent of the highest court in our land. Three Jews on the court. This part of the sermon's making a lot of sense. All liberals. They joined two liberal Catholics and away went Adam and Eve and it's now Adam and Steve. See that door back there? The ACLU would lock those doors in a New York minute. One for the Bill of Rights which by the way is no longer worth two cents anymore. Where'd that come from? Well listen. Do you know 80 percent of the lawyers in the ACLU are Jews? The president is a Jewish lesbian. That's what that verse means. The chosen people according to Bill Grady. The elect according to Bill Grady. Yeah started by a Jew named Karl Moore. God will bless those who bless them and curse those that curse them according to Bill Grady. Now look I got a 900 page book endorsing Israel. Fighting these nuts that hate the Jews. But you got to be balanced and understand what the actual facts of the matter are or you'll be a dingbat for Jesus if you don't understand this thing. You know why nobody knows what bathroom to use in America? Because I'm another good little Jewish boy. I'll show you this picture right here. Blah blah blah. Here he is. Sigmund Freud. You ever hear of him? Sure. I interviewed David Berkowitz in Wallkill, New York prison four times. First time he told me the thing that got him into satanism. Shooting people in the cars all over New York because he thought a dog was talking to him. Tell him to kill him. His next door neighbor's dog. He said the thing that got me to satanism was two things. Watching Rosemary's Baby in the theaters over and over when he was 12 years old. The second thing was reading this guy's Bible, so called. Anton LaVey put the satanic Bible out. Started the first church of Satan. Another good little Jewish boy. I just have to pause this for a second and mention something just ridiculous and stupid and blasphemous that he said earlier in the sermon when he said that when the Jews rejected Jesus Christ that, you know, it was just God didn't really care and according to Bill Grady quote, he didn't even take a baby Tylenol. You know, this stupid, corny, blasphemous joke about the Lord. But actually in the Bible, I was just thinking about this as he rambles on, you know, actually Jesus Christ looked at the city of Jerusalem and wept and cried and said, oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you know, and I'm paraphrasing but he said something along the lines of, you know, how often would I have gathered you unto me like a hen would gather the chickens and, you know, he wept and said, behold, your house is left unto you desolate. Like this attitude that God doesn't care or that or a heresy that would say like, well, Jesus cares but God the Father doesn't really care. That's stupid. You know, God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. And so what you know, what is he saying like that there's no difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament, that the Jews didn't face consequences for rejecting Christ or that God just didn't really care didn't even bother him. He doesn't even need a baby Tylenol, whatever blasphemous thing that's supposed to mean. But you know, the Lord Jesus Christ did care he did weep. And the Holy Spirit is also grieved. The Father also feels the same way up in heaven. He also loves people and so loved the world. So what it was, what is this garbage that he said back there? And then, you know, the other thing I was thinking about too, is well, I, okay, I could go on and on. I mean, it's, let's get back to this because it's gonna be long enough as it is. Everybody in this town knows who this guy is with a long tongue hanging out of his mouth. That's Jane Simmons, founder of KISS, KISS and Satan Serves. He's born in Haifa, Israel. Now see, they're not all Jews, aren't all bad. George Washington had his revolution bankrolled by that Jewish banker right there from Philadelphia, Haim Salmon. Here's the Jewish woman to put her, her words are on the Statue of Liberty tonight. Give us your tithes, your poor, your huddled masses. Irving Berlin, God bless America. He's the one who wrote that. He also wrote White Christmas. Hey, I won't, I don't know if I'm going to mess around with too many of these, these, what do you call it? Vaccines coming out. But I didn't have a problem taking Jonas Salk's polio vaccine as a kid. Good Jewish doctor. Now you girl, you ladies remember that expression about the little girl with the curl. When she was good, she was very, very good. But when she was bad, she was horrid. That's a Jew. How can any unsaved Jew be good? His big problem is money. God gave him power to get wealth. That's the exact wording in the book of Numbers. God blessed that Jew to be able to make a buck because he had to run from one nation to the other and he's always carrying his precious stones with him. He couldn't take his real estate with him. Ladies, help me. They have to be saved to be good. There's none that do good, no, not one. There's none righteous, no, not one. No unsaved person is good. Somebody said the reason Gentiles hate Jews so much is because Gentiles love money and Jews know how to make it. God blessed them with that ability. Speak for yourself. This Jew come into a village one time and the mayor met him and said, we don't allow any Jews in our village. And the Jew said, that's why it's still a village. So they get in trouble wherever they go because they take over the local economies and they become the bankers. It's just like the bad guys over here saying all that stuff about them rock child. You hear these crazy people. But a lot of what they're saying is totally true. That neutron bomb guy, he called my house once a week for seven years. We were friends. I went out, been at his home, witnessed to him forever. We used to tell Jewish jokes back and forth for seven years. They weren't hate crimes when you get our age. It's called humor. Some young people today need to watch Archie Bunker reruns and get a taste of reality. Amen. And I called him one time and I said, said, Sam, I said, I got a real rough joke for you tonight. You might get mad at me for this one. He said, go ahead, Bill. I said, why did Jews have big noses? And it got quiet for about five seconds. He said, why? I said, because the air is free. Okay. Now, you know, he almost fell out of his chair laughing. He said, I'll give you one better than that. What's a real Jewish dilemma? I said, what? He said a free ham sandwich. Now, here's the key thing about these. You want to learn something profound? I'll show you something wonderful. So I get in here laying out the negative things about the Jews in the good, in the service. It starts to get a little tight and quieter because the people out there are pro-Jews. Remember, anybody ever see the Patriot, Mel Gibson? Remember he's trying to, I didn't see this. Somebody told me. He's trying, he's trying to, he's trying to recruit, he's trying to recruit, you know, recruit soldiers. And they're in that tavern there and he says, God saved the King. Remember that? They all start throwing glasses at him and hatchets. He said, we're in the right place. See, when you start getting quiet, that's a good sign. This is not a Steven Anderson church. You understand? But let me tell you what, what's wrong with getting too quiet if you're not informed of how bad the Jews really are. You want to know why you're like you are? I give you a great truth. It's because you have a Jew inside of you. Christ in you, the hope of glory, Paul told the Colossians. And we, we have that gravitation to all things Jewish, you know, especially the Hebrew language. Man, you ever hear the Hebrew language go into a trance compared to Arabic? You know, those two, those two al-Qaeda fathers, you know, and one's in the other one's house and looking at the pictures of the kids up on the mantle like we do. And the one says to the other one, they blow up so quickly. But blah, blah, blah. Okay, so that's why you don't like hearing somebody talk bad about the Jews. Well, Paul, Paul told you they're your enemies, but they're also beloved. You see that? That's a conundrum. This group over here says God's done with the Jews, replacement theology, okay? Doesn't God love Muslims and Indians and Buddhists too? I do. The real position is something that would be, could be called replace, it could be called restoration theology, not replacement theology. What does that mean? That Jew is on the sideline now because he's rejected his Messiah twice. God gave him a second chance after the crucifixion, and by the time they stoned Stephen, God said that's it for now. I'm going to put you on hold. I'm going to raise up the Apostle Paul, and he's going to go after Gentiles, and we're going to have something called the church for a while. Then when we're done with that, I'll take that out of here. We'll go back to finish it up with that Jew again. Now, that's the real position, and it's restoration theology. Number one, God's going to restore that Jew back to his land, and then he's going to restore him to his Lord. Okay, real quick, I'm not going to re-preach my sermon from Sunday night, but if you haven't already, I encourage you to listen to my sermon on Sunday night called replacement theology, and I completely destroy this idiotic doctrine that Jews who reject the Lord Jesus Christ as he's being preached, as the Word of God is being preached to them, are going to suddenly get saved in the end times as a result of seeing supernatural things. It's heresy. It's unbiblical. I completely destroy it in my sermon on replacement theology that I just preached last Sunday night. I don't want to re-preach that sermon, but what he's saying is absurd. Now, 1948, the whole thing started. It's just a toad over there with what God's promised them. You read Genesis 15 verse 18, there's a lot more land than what's there now. That's the size in New Jersey now, but it's a start, and the key is, is God going to do what he said he would do? Is he going to restore, is he going to come back and save him and straighten him out? All right, I got one more scripture for you to look at. Look over to 2 Timothy real quick. Hope you don't mind me giving you kind of a rapid fire approach here, because it is Wednesday night. Oh yeah, it's rapid fire, man. The doctrine and the Bible verses are just rapidly coming. So I've got to give you a quicker version, okay? 2 Timothy 2. The question is, do you think God's going to do what he's going to do? When I got saved in 1974... This is the slowest sermon I've ever heard in my life. God said it, I believe it, and that settles it. How many old-timers in here, you remember that one? Remember the next version they come out with in a year or two of that? Same three statements, but the middle one had a big X through it. God said it, that settles it. Who gives a flip? Who believes it? That's God. He's going to do what he's going to do. And the issue is, is God, can you count on God? Well, what's it say in verse 12? If we suffer, we shall also reign with him. That's the millennium. If we deny him, he also will deny us, deny us a significant position in the millennial kingdom, which that's part of our reward structure. Hey, look at the next verse. If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful, he cannot deny himself. You see, when God says he's going to do something, you can go to the bank with it. He's going to do what he's going to do. And the key to this whole message tonight, everything I'm trying to get across to you, and with the key thesis of that book, is that God is going to straighten those Jews out. He's going to preserve them. Anybody ever see a wandering Jew bush plant? I mean, yeah. He's going to preserve them and then rescue them and convert them back to himself. There's no personal choice in South Asia. Whether or not they want anything to do with it. Yeah, whether or not they want it or not, they're just going to get saved. Hey, remember the Christians being naive? No free will. But you just don't realize how naive you could be. You know, 80% of the Jews in this world are atheists. I didn't say they don't believe in Jesus. That's understood. They don't believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Yeah, I know. You call it the secular Jews. Nice way of saying atheist. And if you back a Jew into the corner about that, you mean you don't even believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? What's the problem? You know what they'll all say? They got a little escape hatch, they think it works. They all say the same thing. Our God died in the Holocaust. See how cute that is? In other words, if there was a God, how could he have let the Holocaust happen? So I can't believe in a God anymore that would let that happen. As if they were right with God up to the Holocaust. They've been disobedient right from day one. Golda Meir, remember hearing about her? The first woman prime minister of Israel? You know, she went to high school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, believe it or not. Her famous line is, I am a socialist and therefore I cannot believe in God. It's like Bernie Sanders, good Jewish socialist. And so they're messed up. And not only are they, I was in Jerusalem doing research for this book, I don't know, five, six years ago. I had a guide there in the old city of Jerusalem. We were in the Tower of David. A Jewish woman. And I asked her a question about Ezekiel 38. I wanted to get her take. You know what she said? She said, oh, I think he was on drugs when he wrote that. Mr. Grady, what do you think about this painting over? Just like they didn't even flinch. Them Jews are rough, man. I got a picture in this book of a Jewish sniper, the Israeli version of American sniper. He's a friend that like, I have a father son relationship with him. I'm always witnessing to him. And we've been to Israel together. He's in Nashville tonight. Top salesman almost in the whole city of Nashville. Real estate. Here's a picture of him leading a special ops mission in Gaza. He's a good guy, but he's a typical Jew. Unsaved. He told me the worst joke I've ever heard in my life. He said, Bill, he said, do you know why Hitler shot himself? I said, why? He said, he saw the gas bill. That's a Jew. Great guy. Most of the worst jokes I've ever heard in my life have been from Bill Grady. Now, here's something else the good Christian people don't know. Okay, well, you mean only 20% of the Jews believe in God? Yeah. Well, at least they read the Old Testament, right? I know they don't read the New Testament. At least they read the Old Testament, right? Wrong again. Two times in a row you're wrong. Why would they read the Old Testament? They get under conviction if they did that. They're lost. They read something you hear about it all the time called the Talmud. That's like a 25 volume set of commentary started in the Babylonian captivity and right up through the 20th century, some contributing editors. Remember, anybody ever see a fiddler on the roof? Remember that crazy rabbi in there? You know, they're asking him all these weird questions. That's what a typical Jewish religion is. They don't know anything about the Bible. So they're messed up. It's called the Babylonian captivity. Now, so here's the deal. Here we go. How is the Lord going to, how did the Lord save these crazy people? They came into existence in 1948 as a country. We all know that. You want to really learn something neat? Listen, if you want to understand how the whole Middle East came into existence, all you got to do is go out and get a turkey sub at Jimmy John's. Number four, Turkey Tom. And if you can't get a Jimmy John's, go to Jersey Mike's. Well, wait a minute. This is New York state. You've got a thousands of delis here. You don't need these crazy places. I'm thinking of down in Tennessee. Up here, delis are churches. I tell that to the people down South. Deli in New York, you know, with the 5,000 mile long window, that's church up here in this thing. People worshiping the delis. Okay. But anybody like Turkey? I was born on Thanksgiving. I like Turkey. You like Turkey? All right. So what are you talking about? 1914 on the eve of World War I, there was an empire called the Ottoman Empire. It ran from the edge of Africa in the northwest corner all the way to Iran. One world, one government, Ottoman Empire. At the last minute, they jumped from supporting the Western governments. They jumped over to Germany and Austria and Hungary on the eve of World War I to be one of their allies. Bad move, because the bad guys lost. And to the victor go. And that Ottoman Empire got cut up. The Turkey got carved. And all these new countries were put in place by the League of Nations. That was the United Nations of that day. And don't worry about the glare. That's to hold your attention here. All these new cookie cutter cut out countries were produced by the League of Nations by 1921. And also number two, then they were divvied out to the allies to control them until they were able to be on their own. They were called mandates. France got Lebanon and Syria, for instance. England gets Palestine, which is right in the middle of that long empire. Okay. Right in the middle. They wanted that for more than any other reason because of the Suez Canal by Egypt. They want to keep an eye on that's very vital to their shipping lanes. Okay. That's how the Middle East came into existence as we have it tonight. Now, so England's in charge of Great Britain. Pardon me. Great Britain is in charge of Palestine starting in 1921. Who's in Palestine? The original cowboys and Indians. The Jews and the Arabs. And they're fighting like crazy. And this is another thing most Christians don't know. That the British were 100% for the Arabs and 100% against the Jews. They hated the Jews. Schindler's List. Don't go that way. They hate you over there. Don't go that way either. They hate you there too. I mean, you know, they hate it among all nations. Okay. So long story short, what was I just saying? Does anybody know? I got to thinking about something. What? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Blah, blah, blah. Okay. So they're fighting with that. They can't control the, you know, the Jews and Arabs fighting them and the Jews are fighting with the British. I get photographs in the book of them blowing up British places. The King David Hotel. That's the biggest hotel in Jerusalem. The British had their headquarters there. They blew half the building up with dynamite pictures in the book. So by 1947, they're telling the UN, forget about it. We can't control these crazy people anymore. And they gave it over to the UN to have a vote what to do next. And the United Nations voted on November 29th, 1947 to cut the country in half. To give half to the Jews and half to the Arabs. They called it the petition vote. The Arabs said, we don't want any, we don't want our half. Those Jews are going to be here with us. We'll trust our, we'll just hang around and wait for our, our cousins to show up. Okay. Now this is, this is night, night. Don't miss the date. November 29th, 1947. When that vote took place and they said, we got six months for the clock to tick down to where it becomes official. So everybody can kind of get ready. So six months later is the date that all of you are familiar with. May 14th, 1948. You know, we all know that. Now the Jews said, well, half a bagel is better than none. Amen. We'll, we'll take our half and the Arabs wouldn't take theirs. So what happens is, you know, the, the, the Jews become a state at midnight, May 14th, bingo, it becomes legal. And by 1230, they, everybody's, all the Jews aren't dancing in the streets anymore because the first bombs are dropping. Five nations invaded them. It kind of reminds me of the Bible story where Solomon wisely judges between the two women where they're both claiming that the baby is theirs, right? And Solomon takes a sword and says, we'll cut the baby in half and give one to the one lady and one to the other. And the woman to whom the baby did not belong said, yeah, sounds great. Let it be neither mine nor thine, but divide it. So I guess it's pretty easy when you're stealing something that doesn't belong to you to just be like, yeah, cut it in half. Yeah. Okay. Half a loaf is better than none. Whereas the other woman said, no, no, no, no, no. You know, just give it to her then because, and then of course Solomon gives it to her because she said, he says that, you know, she's the mother thereof because she didn't want to see her baby get cut in half. Okay. And so I don't know, I just kind of thought of that. Of course the Jews are just like, yeah, we'll take half. Sounds great. Yeah. We'll take half of someone else's property. Yeah. Sounds great. But the people who already lived there and were displaced, you know, they're the ones who don't want it. It'd be like if someone invaded your house and then they're like, Hey, let's just split it. And you're like, no, I'm not going to split it. And they're like, yeah, I'll split it. Yeah. Okay. I'll take upstairs. You take downstairs of your house. Anyway. Invaded them a little after midnight, Lebanon up here, Syria over here, Iraq over here, Jordan over here and Egypt coming up from the South, up the coast. And they were going to be wiped out thrust into the Mediterranean Sea. That's what all has happened. Now, the deal is how do we, how did the Lord save those people? Well, you're not going to believe the story. First of all, back to showing you, don't be naive now. You got to realize how messed up the Jews are. Let me show you something. Here's a very famous photograph that a lot of people have seen. It's the first prime minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion. He's standing behind a table, a bunch of other men sitting behind the table. He's reading with a microphone in front of his face this document here, which is the Declaration of Independence. They don't have a constitution, but they have a Declaration of Independence. And that's four o'clock in the afternoon, see? Israel is declaring their independence. It will go into effect again at midnight, right? Now, listen, you want to know what these crazy people were doing early that morning, nine, ten o'clock? They were in the smoke-filled back room like the politicians do, right? And they're fighting over one last decision that has not been made yet. You know what it means to kick a can down the alley, to procrastinate? Well, they've been procrastinating about one thing. Ready? What is that, preacher? Whether or not they're going to put the name of Jehovah, the God of Israel, in their founding document or not. What do you think 80 percent of the leaders of Israel thought? What are you nuts? Forget about it. Twenty percent, roughly, just using that number. You know, the religious Jews, oh, right? So they're going back and forth fighting about it. About two or three o'clock in the, I got footnotes on this story. People can't even believe it's true. Israeli historians, I'm quoting them. About two o'clock in the afternoon, they came to a compromise. You know, Ben-Gurion said, hey, look, it's showtime in a couple hours. We've got to do something. So the secular Jews thought it was funny, and you know what they said? Forget about Jehovah. I'll tell you what, we'll throw you a bone, right? We'll let you call him the Rock of Israel. Put that in there. You know, the Jews thought, the religious Jews thought that was blasphemy. But again, half a bagel is better than none, and they said, okay, we'll take it. And they shake hands. Why did I tell you that? Because I want to reinforce how messed up that Jew is. He's less than 12 hours away from being driven into the sea, and his last energy is being expended on keeping Jehovah out of his document. That's history, brother. You want to know where the Holocaust came from? That's just the tip, that's just the pinnacle of all the punishment God's been laying on that Jew, all through his history. Okay, so Ben-Gurion's an atheist, but he's not stupid. He knows he's going to be in trouble at midnight. You know, he knows that. If it was five armies to one army, that would have been bad enough odds. It's five to zero. They don't have an army in Israel. These armies are coming in from outside the country, and the British won't let the Jews even carry little guns. And the second problem is, those Jews are cantankerous as the day is long. Go read what Paul said in 1 Thessalonians. He said, they're contrary to all men. The old expression is, if you have two Jews, by the way, Preacher, appreciate all these teenagers. They're as locked in as phasers locked in on Star Trek. Now, a couple of them girls were kind of goofy there in the beginning, but they're like this now. I mean, I appreciate that. He's the only one that's nodding out a little bit here, because he's heard this sermon before. I appreciate the attention. Hey, you know what? Young people, ready? You better be serious about spiritual stuff now. You ready? The world's coming to an end. You know, it's coming to an end. Watch teenagers. I'll give you a line to make you feel good. Ready? It's so coming to the end of the world. Okay. Blah, blah, blah. Okay, so long story short, Ben-Gurion, the old expression is, if you have two Jews, you have three views. They fight over everything. Ben-Gurion visited the White House, you know, one year after the war was all over, you know, and Truman is the best friend Israel ever had in that time. And they're visiting, he's visiting Truman in the White House and Truman making small talk with him. He says, it must be a blessing being the new prime minister of the first, you know, the first prime minister of the state of Israel. Ben-Gurion says, Mr. President, I am prime minister of 500,000 prime ministers. They're crazy. They fight over everything. That's why Ben-Gurion's hair is out here. If you look at any pictures of them, they're always, makes Einstein look like Elvis, ain't he? So long story short, Ben-Gurion, what he does, he's got two problems. He has no weapons and he's got no leadership for the men. All they have, right, at that time are illegal, illegal underground militias. The Haganah, the Ergon, the Stern Gang. You hear some of these Sterns that are there hiding their few weapons that they have to guard the kibbutzes, you know, the commune, the farm communes on the frontier, on the perimeter of the land. And those guys fighting with each other, killing each other, having shootout battles to steal weapons from each other. The Jews, I got it all outlined in the book. So Ben-Gurion's got problems. First of all, let me show you how God provided the weapons. That's a craziest story you ever heard in your life. Can I give it to you in two minutes? You won't believe it. So there's a Jew born in Czechoslovakia. His name is Robert Maxwell. By 1947, he's grown up, you know, and he's been through the World War II with the British army, and now he's in MI6. They're CIA, right? He finds out that Joseph Stalin is going to try to overthrow the Czech government, where he's a native son from. He's born in Czechoslovakia. And the MI6 is going to help the overthrow of the government, you know. And he says, wow, now I'm torn. Do I be loyal to MI6 or my native land, Czechoslovakia? So he chooses Czechoslovakia. He warns them of what's coming. They're able to stall that overtaking of the government. And, you know, they get two or three more years of freedom. They say, how can we, you know, reward you for helping us, saving us? He says, I need you to sell weapons to Israel. Nobody would sell Israel weapons, including America at that time. So long story short, they sell Israel everything they ever needed for that war, every slingshot, you know, airplane, everything they had for this 48 war you always hear about came from Czechoslovakia. But this guy goes on to become this guy that worked it all out, Robert Maxwell. He goes out there to become a billionaire, a publisher. He owns all the tabloid newspapers in London. You know, they like all the pictured newspapers. In 1991, he buys the New York Daily News. He's a multi-billionaire, typical Jew. He dies a mysterious death in the early 90s, falls off his yacht in the Virgin Islands naked. And they don't know what happened to him. They give him a big state funeral in Israel because he's the great hero that saved Israel in 48, buried on the Mount of Olives. But a few years later, they found out he was as corrupt as the days long. He was the Israeli version of Jimmy Hoffa. He stole $500 million out of the pension plans of his own newspapers. And so he kind of died, you know, he kind of had a scandal over the rest of his life. Why did I tell you that story? The yacht that he fell off in was named after one of his daughters. First name has got a million ways to pronounce it. Okay. Ghislaine Maxwell. Yes, she's the girl with the little black book that tells who's been at Epstein's Sex Island. Isn't that something? The greatest hero of Israel in the 48 war, his daughter is the biggest pedophile in the 21st century. How can you make that stuff up? Don't you think these Jews are messed up? Okay. Now, the other problem that they have is they have no leadership. So Ben-Gurion they don't have a secret delegation to the Pentagon in Washington in 1948. Now in January, four months ago, before they're going to get run into the sea, and he begs the delegation there to beg for some political or military leader in American government military to go over there and tell them what to do. There's a movie about this off of a book. The book was called Cast a Giant Shadow. That's the title of the movie. Everybody and the grandmothers in the movie, John Wayne, Joel Brent, Frank Sinatra, Kirk Douglas, who's a Jew in real life. His Jewish name is as long as that platform. You couldn't pronounce it if you had to. And he plays the role of the key person in the story I'm closing out here now with. He plays the role of a guy named David Mickey Marcus. Mickey's the nickname. Colonel David Marcus, top military mine in the Pentagon at that time, who's a Jew. His parents are Romanian immigrants. Who is this guy? Oh, he graduated from West Point here in New York, almost at the top of his class. You men out there, he was a man's man. He was the light heavyweight boxing champion at West Point under Douglas MacArthur. He graduates, goes to Brooklyn Law College and gets a legal degree and a law degree. Then he becomes the youngest judge in the history of New York City. When Pearl Harbor gets bombed, they reactivate his military commission. He trains 8,000 paratroopers in Hawaii for the 101st Airborne invasion on Normandy. So three years later, when the 101st Airborne jumps, he sneaks away from his desk job and jumps with his own men. They went crazy because they don't want to lose him. He's so smart, he wrote the surrender papers for the German army to sign, a Jew. You won't get that on the history channel, but that's a fact. He goes to all those conferences, Yalta, Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt sitting there. He's at every one of those meetings advising Roosevelt on all the legal options. He's in JAG. You've heard of JAG? He's the top guy. So they sent a three star general after him when they found out he took off. They went nuts. All this is in the movie. The general gives him a good cussing out. What the blankety blank are you doing here, Marcus? Well, I'm sorry I got lost, sir. That kind of thing. They booed him back to the Pentagon with a stern reprimand. This is the guy we're talking about. Top man. In the movie, you see John Wayne and Kirk Douglas. John Wayne is his superior military officer there in the Pentagon. John Wayne is trying to talk him out of going. What do you want to go there, Mickey, and waste your life in a dirt bag place across the world? You know, get in trouble politically maybe, blah, blah, blah. He says, you don't understand. Your family hasn't been wiped out in the Holocaust. You can understand. Has anybody ever seen that movie? Okay. So finally, John Wayne agrees to let him go, but under two conditions. Number one, he's got to get a fake passport with a fake name on it. See, who's in charge of Israel still? Britain. They don't leave till the day right before May 14th. They go out the same day. So they're still in control of the country, right? And number two, if you get caught over there, we never heard of you. And they shake. But we can't let you take any military manuals over there. He's got to create an army in three months. So he arrives in February 1948 disguised as a construction worker. He recreates five military manuals from photographic memory. He's got three months to build an army to knock out five Arab nations. This is beyond crazy. Well, long story short, to save time, everything he teaches them works. Within four weeks of the invading armies coming into Israel, the five armies are running in five different directions. And so everything he taught them worked. They made him a brigadier general. Everybody in Israel was looking up to him like, you know, the Messiah. It's a wild story. The other thing that he does is Jerusalem is cut off. The movie makes a big deal about this. Jerusalem is cut off with an Arab siege. There's one road going into Jerusalem. It's called U.S. 1. Still to this day, one main road. And all the high ground paralleling the road have all these gun emplacements. The British turned them over to the Arabs when they left the country. So the Jews are being starved out. They can't get supplies in there. So this guy is so smart. He builds a back road up the back way with bulldozers and engineers. And it's a real scary climb through the mountains. But they're able to get 40 or some odd trucks in there two days before the ceasefire takes place. Oh, I didn't tell you that. When they're running in five different directions, the UN jumps in. Whoa, we have to have a ceasefire. That's what they always do when the bad guys are in trouble. So they set up a ceasefire date. Well, two days before that ceasefire is going to go into effect, he gets all these trucks in there and rescues everybody. The movie makes a big deal about that. Okay, now, so let's go move ahead a day and a half to about three o'clock in the morning. The ceasefire is going into effect at ten o'clock in the morning. It's three thirty in the morning. And Marcus is with his officers, bivouacked in a Catholic church. And you won't believe that. They're in the very town with that crazy Elvis Presley statue. He misused a couple of Bible verses. And he gets up at two o'clock in the morning to use the latrine. He's talking more about a movie than the Bible. And he comes out, he puts a white sheet over his head because it's a cool night, talks to the guards here for a few minutes, or the guard, then disappears into the darkness. He comes back about 20 minutes later and there's a new guard there that came on early. Doesn't know who Marcus is. Shoots him right through the heart. Kills him on the spot. The whole nation of Israel goes crazy like the Confederacy did when Stonewall Jackson was killed by his sentry. Ben-Gurion classifies him as the greatest man of the war. They send him back to New York in an airplane. Give him a state funeral. Governor Dewey's there. The mayor of New York City is there. The secretary of the treasury, Morgenthau, a Jew is there representing the White House. It's amazing. Only part of the movie that's fake is that he had a girlfriend over there behind his wife's back. He was much in love with his wife. That never happened. True story, never happened. Long story short, they bury him up at West Point. That's the key to this whole story. I'm winding it down. Oh, I was wondering what the key was. Now it all makes sense. They bury him at West Point. Any of you ever been to West Point? Or his grave's over there. You put it in the corner of this room right there for proximity's sake because I'm going somewhere. And if you get a guide out there, that guide will tell you that his grave is the most unique grave in the whole cemetery because he's the only American soldier buried there that died fighting under a foreign flag. Star of David. By the way, did I tell you what his fake name was on his fake passport? No, but I bet you will though. Michael Stone. The Rock of Israel. We'll let you call Jehovah the Rock of Israel. You know who the Rock of Israel used to save his stubborn and stiff neck people? He used the stone. Michael Stone. No, the Rock of Israel is Jesus. The one that defends Israel. The one they don't believe in. The one they reject. Dude out with a stone. Because we're Israel. Because we have Jesus. Every sermon's got a closing illustration. So does a book. 18,000 hours of work. By the time I saw Mickey Marcus' grave in West Point, I was getting close to the end of that six years of writing and I didn't know how I was going to end the book yet. But when I was in that cemetery, God gave me the closing illustration to use. And it's a blessing and I'll be done with this. If you go in that cemetery, that's the number one unique gravesite, they'll tell you. Over here, about like here, there's another gravesite. That same guide will tell you this is the second most unique gravesite in that cemetery. There's a whole book written about who's buried here. And you won't believe it in a million years. And I'm done with this. In the 1830s in America, there was a Donald Trump. His name was Warner. And boy, his first name escapes me for just one minute. I can't think of his first name, but his last name was Warner. And he's a millionaire. He had a big townhouse in Manhattan where he lived. He had, watch it, all you girls. He had two teenage daughters. Mother died. He got a nanny helping him rear the two girls. But they're socialites. He's worth millions, right? What he does is he buys Constitution Island, it's called, in the Hudson River, 280 acre island right on the edge of West Point. You could probably hit it with a stone if you throw it hard enough, right? He bought that from the private owner to build a hotel and a resort on there. Before he could do it, in 1837, there was a financial panic and he lost all his money. Had to sell his, get out of his townhouse and liquidate so much of his stuff. But somehow, Jackie was able to hold on to his island there. Anybody remember Green Acres, you know? They had a broken down farmhouse cottage on that island, and that became their new home. The girls are traumatized having lost their mother already, and now they see their dad lose his marbles. Anybody remember Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind? The dad, you know, he's about half loopy. That's how the dad got infected by this panic. So they're living in his ramble shack place now, and those girls are hungry looking for God. You know, that's what tragedy will do. My mother killed herself right here in Manhattan when I was 11 years old in 1964. Had a brother who went to Sing Sing Prison for three years for shooting the man at the police station in Brooklyn. My grandmother on my father's side was in the Binghamton General Hospital in the middle ward for 30 years. Never saw her one day. Tragedy will shake up a person's life. I started looking for God when my mother killed herself. These girls are looking for God. Within a few years, they both get saved at a Presbyterian church revival meeting in Manhattan, and like the black preacher would say, they got muchly saved. When they came back, God had given them a gift to write poetry and songs and stories, and their genre became the youth groups of churches in New York and New Jersey. This is the 1830s, and their material starts getting published, some of it, where they're able to eke out a living because daddy never recovers, and his finances are destroyed, right? He's going to die prematurely, and those girls got a nanny kind of with them in a crazy farmhouse there on Constitution Island, and they're eking along a living. Well, pretty soon, you're not going to believe where this story's going. In their 20s, they move into their 30s, right? I'm having a hard time believing it's going anywhere. Neither one of them got a husband. There's no husbands that come along in the will of God, so the snickering begins, right? You know, the Mrs. Thurston Howard III people, you know, with the glasses on the stick, you know, and don't laugh. Don't worry when people laugh at you. As long as you and God know what's going on, that's all that matters. Bob Jones Sr. said you and God make a majority. Well, now they're in their 40s, and they're getting close to their childbearing ears are going to be over there. They have no husband, no children, just two sisters out there serving God. Well, now they get into their 50s and 60s, and now the laughter really increases because they're being offered all kind of money to buy Constitution Island from real estate investors who want to now do the same thing their dad had wanted to do. He's dead now already for years, but they don't want to sell because they want to give it to West Point. They're patriotic, and they know West Point wants that piece of ground. Anybody ever hear of Benedict Arnold? He betrayed West Point to the British. George Washington had to have a chain stretched from that very island over to West Point to block British ships coming down to Hudson. You can see that chain in a museum in Newburgh, New York. But West Point can't afford to take that free gift because it's tied in with their daddy's estate that's in the red. It's a weird, you know, dilemma. But the real estate investors, they can't afford to cover the debts, and they make those two women filthy rich, and they turn it down. So now the laughter goes up, see? You know, if you hang in there long enough when you got a trial, God will bless you sooner later. You need to see Jesus walking on the water. That's the fourth watch of the night. Check it out. You got to roll for three watches. You want to see a big miracle, okay? And these gals just hang in there until late in life. Some Christian woman, philanthropist, finds out about their weird dilemma and dumps a bunch of money into the account of their father, gets it up into the black, and those two sisters now up in their 70s or 80s live. Now they put West Point in their will as beneficiary for constitutional, and they die, and West Point gets that island. What do you think West Point did to show their gratitude to those two spinsters? Bury them right here in West Point, and that guide that takes you to Mickey Marcus's grave and tells you that's the most unique gravesite in the cemetery because it's the only American soldier buried when he died on the farm. So relevant, so important. This is the second most unique gravesite. So spiritual. These are the only non-military related civilians buried in this old cemetery. So I'm all done. Say, Brother Brady, what's that story got to do with anything? It's a cool story, but how's that tie in with your book? I was wondering the same thing. Well, I'm done with this. West Point will tell you what that book will tell you about these two girls that you can buy at the West Point Books. Is that a hymnal that he sold? Yeah, he's holding the hymnal now. They'll tell you that the West Point cadets that were saved then, they were laughing at these two women. They thought they were heroin. He's using the hymnal as like a prop. He thinks it's a bible. On Sundays, the saved cadets, I mean the future generals, captains, colonels, majors, you know of our military and our better years, right, that were saved men, right, would get in little boats, Jack, and row out the Constitution Island on Sundays. They call them little flotillas to spend the afternoon with those two old biddies. They'd have tea with them. They'd have lunch with them. Mostly they wanted to have little bible studies with them. So why was that? Because when they were young kids in their churches, they're from all different parts of the country, but when they were young, there was a song that none of, probably none of you have ever heard of, that was very popular back in the 1840s and 50s, that they grew up singing. Got a lot of emphasis on children tonight, in your Juana's and all this. These, these tough generals grew up singing a certain song that Anna had written, the younger one of the two sisters, and when they were there, it was like they all had a camaraderie, all these men, all different parts of the country, but now they had something in common, and they couldn't wait to see this young lady, or this old lady now, that had blessed them as children. Now, I, you won't believe it, this book has the song in there. It's bizarre, and all I want to do, and I'm done, brother Jack, I've been, I've been working after a quarter after, I'm four minutes over, I feel guilty. I cut out all the Italian jokes I could have been doing. Yeah, you were really efficient with your time, you did a great job, you packed so much Bible into such a short amount of time, it was incredible. Okay, all I want you to do is humor me now, I want to see who's old enough in here to know the song. Would you look at it for me and I'm done? Get your hymn book and look at number blah blah blah, blah blah blah, where is it here, blah blah blah, oh yeah, here it is. Look at number 631, and tell me if you've ever heard of that song before. I'm done with this. 631, who grew up singing that song? I got one here, you're not supposed, if you're a lady, you're not supposed to, you know, raise your hand, you're, you're implicating yourself. I said only older people would know this, I wouldn't want the men to raise their hand, I'm just joking, of course. All right, you got it? All right, ready? Two, three people, that's, oh wait a minute, wait a minute, I messed up. Her name's not on the bottom of that. Oh, wrong page, just go back one page, try 628, see what Anna Warner says on the bottom of that page. So you lied, yeah, I'm an ex-Catholic though, I fall back on venial sin ministry. Anybody ever grow up singing that song as a child? Raise your hand. Listen, that girl never had any children, right? I bet she had tons of spiritual children. All you folks that raised your hand, I bet your quarter you sang Jesus Loves Me before you ever sang Amazing Grace. See, God knows what he's doing. You know how I tied that into the book? The last sentence of my book, and I'm done with this, the last sentence in the book, if you have the book written about Mickey Marcus buried over there, right, what's it called? Cast a Giant Shadow, you've got that book in your hand, they got a little blip on this cover to get you to buy the book, it says this is the story about the man who died to save Jerusalem, right? So what I said in my book is, the last sentence of the book, I said the ones buried over there died to save Jerusalem. The one that's buried over here wrote about the one that died in Jerusalem to save Mickey Marcus and the whole world. Aren't you glad you got where these girls are going, or you're going where these girls are tonight, and you're not going to go where that poor patriotic Jew probably went? Probably, who knows? Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Yeah, he's for sure in hell, buddy. You didn't believe in Jesus, you're not a Christian. You have to be a Christian to go to heaven, Bill Brady. All right, well there you have it folks, that was it. Sorry it didn't really end up being much of a Pastor Anderson exposed. Like I said, I didn't watch it in advance, and I was told it exposed me. Obviously, he did bring me up several times, but he didn't really talk about much of anything, just this rambling nonsense. I mean, this is a church service. He talked more about Hollywood movies. I mean, he narrated like scene by scene an entire Hollywood movie, alluded to 10 more, barely used the Bible. When he did, he twisted it, skipped things. Completely misrepresented it, folks. There you have it, folks. Case closed, right? Marching to Zion debunked right there. Anyway, if you haven't already, I would love for you to listen to my sermon called Replacement Theology that I just preached on Sunday night. I would love for you to listen to my sermon that I did a year or two ago called Romans 11 Verse by Verse. I highly recommend that sermon if you haven't heard it. Also, of course, our documentary films Marching to Zion and Beyond Jordan. Unlike Bill Brady, I'm not using the church to sell things. I mean, he's literally on tour selling books. You could tell his sermon's like an infomercial for his books. He even said, well, Barnes and Noble doesn't carry it, so I got to travel around to sell it. Yeah, except that the Bible forbids us from making God's house a house of merchandise. He says, take these things from here. Nothing wrong with merchandise, but there is something wrong with merchandise in the house of God. Unlike Bill Brady, I'm not going to make merchandise of you. If you show up to Faith Forward Baptist Church, we got all our DVDs, and they're all free. They're on the back shelf. You take as many as you want. Everything's free. The Bibles are free. The preaching CDs are free. Anything that we have back there is free. And not only that, all of my preaching, all of my content that I've put out over the years, none of it's copyrighted. It's all public domain as far as I'm concerned. And so you're free to promote it. And of course, our major films that we made with Paul Wittenberger, they say right on the back of the DVD, copy and share this disc. And so all of that stuff can be freely shared and spread. Unlike Bill Brady, the traveling circus, selling his garbage books filled with garbage, heretical theology. I mean, listen to junk he said in the sermon tonight about just his lack of understanding of God, of Jesus. I mean, it was bad. But anyway, there'd be a lot more for me to criticize, except that he barely even talked about the Bible. When he did talk about the Bible, it was heresy. But he didn't talk much about the Bible. So there wasn't really much to rebuke. Because, you know, I was a little, you know, just lean on material to work with there, because he's mainly just telling stories and talking about his book and whatever. Anyway, God bless you. Have a great day.