(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tampi, Arizona. So this is the third installment of this sermon. It's actually two different speakers exposing myself, exposing Pastor Steven Anderson. I've been responding to this stuff in these videos, but there's a little less than a half hour left. We're picking up exactly where part two left off. And so we're going to get through this now. I hope you don't mind, but it's because this step's a little painful to listen to. I'm kind of softening the glow by eating some Cinnamon Toast Crunch, so I might be eating a little bit during the video. All right, let's pick this thing up. And by the way, if you don't agree with them, you're out. Okay? And if you think the rapture is before the tribulation, you're done. Okay? So, of course, that is completely not true. He has no evidence for that. I have no issue with people who are pre-trib. I've had pastor friends that are pre-trib, doesn't bother me one bit. They're the ones who make a big separation issue. I don't think anyone should separate over the timing of the rapture. They're the ones who want to separate over that. I think that's like a secondary issue or even a tertiary issue. If I had a church member tell me that they're pre-trib, I'd just tell them, okay, no problem. That's fine with me. Just keep that in mind. Yeah, keep that in mind, the lie that he just told about us. Keep it in mind. There's certain things I think we can dialogue on, right? If I have a brother in Christ who believes that the rapture of the church is after the tribulation, he's got every right he wants to be wrong. That's fine. He can think that. I can go take him to scripture and I can show him, but if he's put his faith and his trust in Christ, he's as safe as I am. I don't have to hate him, right? That's funny because I know tons of people whose church would not allow them to join because they were not pre-trib. And I've known a bunch of people who were kicked out of their churches for not being pre-trib. Nobody said anything about hating anybody. I am totally tolerant of people that are pre-trib. Pre-tribbers are welcome to attend our church and be members in good standing, let alone would I ever hate them. I have absolutely no issue with people who are pre-trib. They're the ones who persecute and hate on everybody for being post-tribs. This is just so incredibly hypocritical. It's not even funny. I've heard pre-trib pastors get up and say, you're not even saved if you're post-trib. I've heard that all the time. I've never heard a post-tribber say that about pre-tribbers. I don't think that's something that we break fellowship over. Yeah, I don't either except that the old IFB breaks fellowship over that issue like 99% of the time. So anyway. Yeah, that is just you because none of your friends agree with you. That is just you. It's like Galatians chapter 3 and verse 29, if ye be in Christ and ye are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. The only problem is they've got that messed up. What they're taking that to mean is that what God promised to Abraham is now physically promised to us and it's not. That's not what he's talking about. They'll say that we're the real Israel. That's why the video, we are marching to Zion, which sounds really Kingdom Nowish, but I have. Okay. He said Kingdom Nowish. I don't know what that means. I've never heard of Kingdom Now, so I can't really comment on that. I haven't gone that far yet on them, but that's kind of interesting, but they say we are the seed of Abraham. It sounds Kingdom Nowish. I don't even know what that means. It actually, it sounds like a hymn that we've been singing in every single independent Baptist church our whole lives because I believe it dates back to the 1700s written by Isaac Watts Marching to Zion song 43 and soul-stirring songs and hymns. I mean, every fundamental Baptist church sings that, so that's not a weird title. That's where I got the title. What that's talking about there, the idea in the Old Testament that every nation would be blessed as a result of what God was going to do through Abraham. Okay. And you can sit here today and say, as a result of what God did for Abraham and through Abraham, you have been blessed. How? Because the Messiah has come for me. Amen. Every nation on the earth has been blessed through the seed of Abraham. Amen. Christ has come. Right. That's what he's talking about. We see this, this promise referenced that is, that is here in Galatians chapter three in verse eight. He talks about that. And then also in verse 16 now to Abraham, the seed for the promise made that not the seed, but as many, but of one and to thy seed, which is Christ, we have our salvation as a result of Christ coming. Right. And we understand that, um, that's where they, they get things wrong. And notice how the only verses that he uses are verses to support what I'm teaching. And then you just go, yeah, but you know, he's wrong though. So he reads verses to support my teaching and then just says, yeah, but they're wrong, but where's his scriptural evidence that I'm wrong. And the inheritance there as being connected with all the Abrahamic promises, um, and uh, not the gift of justification of, uh, the Gentiles. And so the heirs there are those that possess eternal life, right? As a result of possessing eternal life, we are heirs of Christ. Um, and so that inheritance is the gift of justification. Um, there's, as, as we go through the next few videos, um, this is a, this is a two hour video. Um, so we're not going to go through the whole thing. I'm going to hit some highlights or lowlights or re think it through, but, um, hit some of those things, but just so you don't have to go back and watch the video. There's some things that are argued that are really hard to follow in the arguments. Yeah. If you're dumb, they're hard to follow if you're dumb. I don't think that any person of normal intelligence would have any problem following the arguments that are made in marching design. Marching design is very clear. A, B, C, uh, you may not agree with it, but I really doubt that any person of normal intelligence has trouble following what the film is saying. And then other things that absolutely completely contradict each other. No, it's just you had trouble following it as you just admitted because you apparently can't grasp these things. For instance, there's an argument made that the Jews are the synagogue of Satan. Okay. That's the argument. Later on, there's an argument that there is no such thing as a Jew. Okay. Now he's trying to say that this is a contradiction. Well, over here, you said the Jews are the synagogue of Satan and over here you said there's no such thing as a Jew. So you're contradicting yourself. Okay. Wouldn't that be the Bible contradicting itself? Because doesn't the Bible say that there are people in revelation chapter two and three that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. And then elsewhere in the same Bible, doesn't it also say there is neither Jew nor Gentile. There is neither bond nor free. So maybe you just have to get the context, right? So that's not me contradicting myself. If I preach a verse that says, quote, there is neither Jew nor Gentile. That's a direct quote from the Bible. Okay. If I expound that verse and then later I'm expounding another verse that talks about the Jews, you would have to accuse the Bible of contradicting itself. And of course the Bible is not contradicting itself. It's context. Okay. Wait a minute. The one can't be the other, right? I mean, what are we doing here? So it's just, it's, it's a bit of a convolution of arguments. I guess, has he never read the Bible? Like has he never read the part where it says both of those statements verbatim? I mean, it's so silly to bring that out as a contradiction. All the promises of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are singular. Well, that's odd. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, singular. So it's just those three, right? But the church has replaced Israel. Well then it's not singular anymore, is it? So how do we, how do we justify those? I mean, this is, this is so ridiculous. Again, he's not really attacking anything I've said. He's attacking what the Bible says in Galatians three. The Bible said that it was singular. Okay. And so he's like, well, how can it be for the church then? Because the promises were made to Abraham and to his seed, singular, which is Christ. I'm not the one who made that point. Galatians three made that point. He even just read the verse a few minutes ago. So the promises were made to Christ singular. So how does the church, quote unquote, and I never worded it that way. That's how he words it. How do Christians inherit those promises? Because we're in Christ. So it's singular, Abraham and his seed. And the Bible says, if you are in Christ, you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. This is not a contradiction because Christ is the singular seed of Galatians chapter three. And the way that we get in on that is by being in Christ. Very simple. So it's convoluted on that. There is no Israel. The church is Israel again, just different. And then he uses some, I never said there is no Israel. I quoted the Bible when it said there is neither Jew nor Greek twice verbatim Galatians three 28 and Colossians three 11. Look it up yourself. Strange math to prove that the Jews can no longer claim to be Jewish. You know, I wonder how far this guy went in math. Strange math. There's nothing strange about that math to anybody who took, oh, I don't know, pre algebra or algebra one, algebra two. I don't know what math you'd need to talk about exponents, but you probably just need to graduate from high school to understand the math that's in Marching Design. It's kind of funny how he calls it strange math. And by the way, that film Marching Design has been out for six years and I have not had a single person even attempt to debunk the math in that film because the math is correct. The math checks out and anybody with a high school diploma can verify that. Just because of the amount of people that should be born and were born at that time and I'm not going to go into it gave me a headache. He gets a headache from pre algebra math. He uses that and then about 20 minutes later takes a DNA test and proves that he has Jewish roots from his mother's side. Well, okay, then scratch the math or scratch the DNA? Okay, what in the world is he talking about? He obviously didn't pay attention to the math part. The math part was showing that every single person on this planet is a direct descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and I proved that mathematically. Then he says that I went and took a DNA test and showed that I had way deep in my ancestry, in the deep ancestry part of the DNA test, that I had Jewish descent and that every single person that we tested came up positive for that, by the way. And then he says, well, which one is it? Those two don't contradict each other, Sherlock, because of the fact that if I just finished showing math, that we all descend from Abraham, and then I showed DNA results that show that I'm descended from Abraham or whatever, that doesn't contradict itself. What is he even talking about? And by the way, he doesn't even understand the part that where I take the DNA test and say, oh, I'm Jewish and the DNA expert lady says I now pronounce you Jewish. I guess he doesn't understand that that was a joke. And that literally in the next moments of the film, we say like, come on, obviously, DNA is not what this comes down to. And then we get into the more the biblical message of the film. But what contradiction has he imagined? But I guess that math really did go over his head. If he thinks that the math and the DNA contradicted the whole point of doing those things both was to show how they agreed. I don't even know what he's talking about, to be honest. Which are we going to do? So anyway, those are some things to think about. And so I'll show you another video here. Those are some things for you to think about. So he literally displayed a clip of me reading the Bible. I didn't even comment on it. I don't know how well you could hear that because it was so quiet. He literally played a clip where I was reading directly from the Bible. I was kind of dramatizing it a little bit, you know, like his blood be on us, but I wasn't even commenting on it. I read the Bible and now he's going to pause and comment. Does he have a problem with me or does he have a problem with the Bible? This is kind of the start of the video. And basically what his whole premise is that the Jews rejected Christ. They put him on the cross, which to a Jewish person to say that is very offensive. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. That's so offensive to say to a Jewish person that the Jews killed Jesus or that they put him on the cross. Well, I guess we should just stop preaching the Bible because Peter, think about in the book of Acts, Peter gets up and says, you crucified the Lord of life. He preaches to the Jews on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 and says, you have with wicked hands and you know, I mean, tons of places in Acts, you slew the Prince of life. You have crucified Jesus. You killed Jesus. And then they get mad at Peter and John and say, you intend to bring this man's blood upon us. So guess what? People were offended by it in the book of Acts. And did that stop Peter and John from preaching? No, they said we ought to obey God rather than men. But how in the world can this guy say, oh, you're gonna offend Jews by saying, you know that the Jews killed Jesus. In fact, let me just look up some of these verses for you just so that you know, because I'm quoting wrong, Acts chapter three, verse 15. Okay. This is again, Peter and John preaching to the Jews specifically, he says, but you denied the Holy One and the just and desired a murderer to be granted unto you, Barabbas, and killed the Prince of life. He says, you denied the Holy One and the just, you killed the Prince of life, whom God has raised from the dead, where of we are witnesses. And then let me get you another scripture here. It says in Acts chapter five, verse 28, did not we straightly command you that you should not teach in this name, and behold, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine and intend to bring this man's blood upon us. Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, we ought to obey God rather than men, the God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you slew and hanged on a tree. So when the Jews told the Christians to stop saying that in the book of Acts, did they keep saying it or not? I mean, unbelievable that this guy would say, Oh, you know, you know, he says that the Jews killed Jesus. I mean, isn't that offensive? And is it true? Yeah. They were part of it. What did the Bible say? I just read for you what the apostles said. You killed Jesus, you slew him and hanged on my tree. You're trying to bring this man's blood upon us. You killed him. The Jews both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets. I mean, that's what the Bible says. And this guy's arguing with that, like, well, no, they're just part of it. What does the Bible say, though? These are Bible verses. These are quotes directly from the Bible. He literally played a clip from our movie that was verbatim scripture with no commentary. And that's what he's fighting against right now. I was a part of it, too, was I not? I think I was. I mean, it's OK. Well, let's just ignore all those Bible verses, then, you know, we were all we all did it. We were all part of it. So I guess we just need to ignore Acts chapter three, ignore Acts chapter five, ignore First Thessalonians two and everything else. And so he talks about them being accursed. God done with the Jewish people, never going to use them again, even uses that logic to say, what is the point of preaching the gospel to Jewish people? That is a bold faced lie. That is not. I never said what is the point of preaching the gospel to Jewish people? In fact, multiple people, multiple Jews got saved after watching Marching Design. I have won a Jew to the Lord on door to door, soul winning personally. We baptized a Jewish guy at our church a year or two ago. So that's just an outright lie saying that what's the point of preaching the gospel to Jews? I've never said anything like that. But it's amazing to me how people would say, well, you know, the Jews had nothing to do with killing Jesus. But only exceedingly, the more cried out, I'd say they were involved and it was the most Jews that did it. And, you know, but obviously people today just have been brainwashed into a lot of things and by a lot of movies, a lot of Jesus movies, you know, they showed us a couple people saying crucify him. You know, it really is a great multitude of people. So again, he used the logic to say, why go to the Jewish people? Do you see? Yeah. So you see, there you go. So he plays a clip that's totally unrelated to what he just said and see, see, see, there you go. He says not to go to the Jewish people. Where did I say anything like that? I said that a multitude was crying out, crucify him. That's directly from the Bible. He plays a clip of me saying that, see, he says there's no point in going to the Jewish people. Never said that. I believe in knocking every single door and preaching the gospel to every creature. And when I go out soul winning, frequently I see that little thing on the door that Jews have on their door. And I have never skipped the door when I saw that. When I see that thing on the door, I knock that door and I try to give them the gospel and I love them and sincerely want to see them saved. So again, he just he's a complete liar. He plays a clip that's totally irrelevant and then claims Oh, see, did you hear that? Why tell them about Christ? They've rejected Christ. So what's the point? Even so much to never said that the apostles left Jerusalem. Yeah, but Paul came back. They were told to leave Jerusalem. They were told to stay in Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on high, and then to go to all nations, go into all the world. But again, this is a straw man, because I've never said, don't witness to Jews, okay? I said, the closest thing that I've ever said to this that he could maybe be twisting, which I wouldn't even give him that much credit because he tells so many outright lies, is that I have said that the Jews are one of the least receptive groups of people as far as they're they're typically quite unreceptive. So therefore, it doesn't make sense to invest like huge amounts of resources of missions toward Israel, it would be much smarter to redirect those resources to places where you can get 1000s of people saved where people are hungry for the gospel in places like the Caribbean, Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America, you know, I just said it doesn't make sense to send like all these Boku missionaries to Israel, when God wants us to reach all nations, you know, I would like to see, basically, Israel just get treated the same as everyone else. So, you know, I just don't think that we should send like 10 times more missionaries or 100 times more missionaries per capita to Israel, as we send to other countries, I think that we should just reach all souls with the gospel, and that we shouldn't give preferential treatment to Jews because, you know, God's not willing that any should perish, but that also come to repentance. And God's not a respecter of persons. And I think we should go preach to the people that are receptive, and whether they're red, yellow, black or white, and not just focus only on these, you know, Ashkenazi Jews. Not only that, have you read the book of Acts? I've read it, but apparently you haven't, because they accused the Jews of killing Jesus repeatedly. We're talking thousands of people trust in Christ. We had priests trust in Christ that realized, wow, something amazing happened, right? So when you paint with this broad brush, you're going to get yourself in a lot of trouble. I didn't do that. Acts 1, 8 tells us to go to Jerusalem and to the uttermost parts of the world, right? And so, yes, we are to preach the gospel to the Jews, and did the Jews scream at that time for the crucifixion of Christ? Yeah, they did. What was Christ's last words on the cross? When they were crying out for him, he said what? Father, forgive them, they know not what they do. Amen. I love that verse. Mark Robinson in here points out that he would surmise that the prayer of Christ would have more avail than the cry of the people, and I would agree. And so you see, as a result of that, the flaw. Okay, so what does he mean by that, that the prayer of Christ would have more avail than the cry of the people? So if the people are screaming, crucify him, his blood be on us and on our children, and then Jesus says, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Is he implying that these people automatically get forgiven for that? Even if they persist in unbelief, persist in rejecting Christ, that because Jesus said, Father, forgive them, they know not what they do, that they get forgiven no matter what they do on their end, that's a false doctrine, okay? Because Jesus, when he says, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do, number one, that's showing the love and compassion and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, that he wants people to be saved, he's giving them a chance to be saved, but that does not automatically mean that they're saved. They have to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved, okay? It's not just enough for Jesus to pray, Father, forgive them, they know not what they do. Number two, some people that were there did know what they were doing, okay? Obviously, when he says, Father, forgive them, they know not what they do, he's praying for the majority of people who know not what they do, okay? Did Judas Iscariot know not what he did? Did all of these people know not what they did? Obviously, some of these people are so hardened, they've seen all the miracles, and they just persisted in unbelief, but I don't, what point is he making there? Is he actually saying that people who continue in unbelief are forgiven anyway because they're Jews? Folks, if you don't believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you have God's wrath abiding on you, and let me just assure you, I don't care if you're Jewish or Muslim or if you call yourself a Christian, if you're not saved, you are not forgiven, period, okay? And yeah, did Jesus say on the cross, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do? He's expressing his will, he's expressing his desire, he's praying for people that they would be forgiven, but they are not going to be automatically forgiven. They have to believe on Jesus. And let me tell you something, every Jew who rejects the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior is going to burn in hell. And I'm sure that this guy would even admit that as well, I'm sure that he believes that. So what he's saying here makes no sense. Logic. And it doesn't jive with scripture, the scripture says the wrath has come upon them to the uttermost. States that throughout history, which this is what's interesting, and this is why you really can't argue with this type of a person is because there is no real concrete, okay? So for instance, you can't argue with this kind of person because you're wrong. What he does in a portion of this video is he takes quotes from the Roman Catholic founding fathers of the church, if you will, and quotes them in a good light to say, see, Christianity never thought that Jews were God's chosen people. We always have thought this is a new thing that we started thinking that God wasn't done with Israel. So I guess to him, the founding fathers of the Roman Catholic Church are John Chrysostom, Martin Luther, John Calvin, because those are the type of people that we quoted that he's calling the founding fathers of the Roman Catholic Church. And what we were illustrating at that part of the film was just that the mainstream view among all denominations has historically been that Christians are God's chosen people and not the Jews. That's been the mainstream view in all denominations. That's been the mainstream view even among Baptists until the 20th century, okay? Zionism is a new concept, it's a new thing that got big around the turn of the 20th century, and so that's the point that we were making, okay, by quoting those guys. We're just showing that that's been the historical mainstream view. Again, that goes against his argument where if someone isn't what they should be, then you discard everything that they say. Except I never said if someone's not what they should be, discard everything they say. That's the straw man that he's been accusing me of, where if somebody's wrong about one doctrine I completely reject that person. That's not true, and so he's just made up this weird straw man and now he's accusing me of violating this weird image that he created of me. So what do I say to that? You're going to quote the Catholic Fathers? I mean, really? You know, look, and listen to me, I'm not a follower of Martin Luther or John Calvin, but I don't think that those guys are considered the Catholic Fathers or the fathers of the Roman Catholic Church. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that those guys are considered founders of Protestant denominations, okay? So it's kind of weird the way he's characterizing that. And there were a lot of them that got it wrong, and if you go through history you see a lot of people that got it wrong. Anderson and Jimenez, who's another guy out in California, get it wrong on Galatians chapter 3. We just talked about that. Yeah, you know, we talked about how they get Galatians 3 wrong. All he did was read verses from Galatians 3 that support what I'm teaching and gave no rebuttal from scripture. What verse has he given to back up anything that he has said so far? The only verses he read were verses that gave our position. The film also discusses Mayor Rothschild, and what it says is this, they had a lust for the accumulation of wealth and power, and to control the world through finance, which has been an age-old anti-Semitic rhetoric for years. And so as a result of that, that's... So banking billionaires don't have a lust for power and they don't want to control the world through finance? I mean, isn't that just common sense that that's what billionaire bankers do? That's what their desire is? That's what their whole life is about? Doesn't the Bible say that the love of money is the root of all evil? And then he just acts like this is some wild concept? We have the nation of Israel now. He talks about Freemasonry and uses that. Mark Robinson said this, I'm a Jewish man who have known Jewish people, and I don't know one relative or Jewish person who is a Mason. He missed the whole point. Our point was that Freemasonry draws from Judaism. If you actually watch the film, that's what Tex Mars explains, that without Judaism, you wouldn't have Freemasonry, because Freemasonry is drawing from the symbols and doctrines and ideas of Judaism. We didn't say that Jews are Freemasons. That claim was never made. The claim was that Freemasonry is influenced by extra biblical teachings of Judaism. That's what Tex Mars was talking about. This thing is why are you bringing these things up? And there's a lot of people that do a lot of weird stuff, right? And so you put everyone in this lump, and you formed this doctrine, where why would you even witness to a Jewish person? How many times is he going to repeat this lie? I wonder if I've witnessed to more Jewish people than him, because I've been door-to-door soul winning consistently every week for the last 22 years. So I've witnessed to a lot of Jews, and how dare he lie and accuse me of not witnessing to Jews or not wanting to witness to Jews. I mean, if you can put a YouTube title that says, how to hate a Jew, that's, and the video doesn't even mean what it says. It's just, again, he's talking about a video. I did not give the video that title. Someone else gave the video that title, and they were saying that if you hate Jews, it would be to not give them the gospel. That would be hateful to Jews, to tell them that they're already God's people, that they're okay, that they don't need Christ. That would be hateful toward Jews. That's what that video was about. All I, and again, I didn't give it that title. I just got up and preached that it would be hateful to the Jews to not give them the gospel. So what was my whole point in that video? If he actually watched that video, which he claims to have watched it, then he would know that in that video, I'm saying that we should give the gospel to Jews. We should witness to Jews, and yet he's using this video as an example of me saying not to witness to Jews. He's a bold-faced liar because anybody can go watch that video and see that I'm telling people we need to win the Jews to Christ, and they're not okay as is. They need the gospel. That kind of stuff is ridiculous. States that mean St. Christianity has been deceived by Satan and has accepted the unsaved Jews as equal to Christians. He refers all of us to John Hagee, which obviously isn't true, and says those who believe that are the devil's people. I never said that. I never said one time that people who believe in Zionism are the devil's people. I've frequently said that there are a lot of good pastors who are wrong on this, a lot of good Christians that are just brainwashed on this, and they believe in Zionism because that's what they've been taught. I never said that they're the devil's people. I said people who reject and hate the Lord Jesus Christ are the devil's people. That's obvious. They're the children of the devil. If you believe that God is not done with the Jewish people, you are the devil's people. You see what I'm saying? There's no... So why doesn't he play a clip of that? It's funny how he has these audio clips, these outlandish accusations he makes against me. Isn't it funny how he has no audio to back that up? He plays audio of me reading the Bible and making sense, and then just brings out railing accusations. There's no dialogue. Well how do you have an argument with that, right? There's another pastor on there that makes the comment that one has to renounce their belief in Jesus to immigrate to Israel, and this just isn't true. There's a lot of things that are... Yes, it is true that if a person wants to immigrate to Israel, they would have to either be A, ethnically Jewish according to the state of Israel. The state of Israel has a definition of what it means to be ethnically Jewish, or B, you would have to convert to Judaism. Every single rabbi that we talked to said that in order to convert to Judaism, you must renounce your faith in Jesus Christ. So if I, Steven Anderson, wanted to immigrate to Israel, the pathway for me to do that would be to convert to Judaism and renounce Jesus Christ. Also, the rabbis that we spoke with said that there would be a ritual bath that you would go through as part of the conversion process to Judaism, and part of what that ritual bath would represent is washing away any previous affiliations, meaning your past religion. You cannot say, well I'm still going to believe in Jesus Christ, I'm going to be messianic. I'm going to be a messianic Jew, I want to immigrate to Israel as a messianic Jew. The only way that you can immigrate to Israel is if you're ethnically Jewish, then yeah, you could be a Buddhist or a Hindu or a Christian or whatever, if you're ethnically Jewish they'll let you, or if you want to immigrate to Israel as anyone else, you have to renounce your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and embrace Judaism. So sorry, but that's true, I verified that with countless people, I even was just talking to a Jewish person recently and they confirmed the exact same thing. A person who'd spent years in Israel was very knowledgeable about these things. This video that aren't true, but they're said, and you're not going to argue with me, so here we go, I have missionary friends that are in Israel, the government in Israel isn't the main issue, it's the Orthodox that are the main issue, but I have a friend there that's been there for many years, that I met a long time ago, and they have a thriving church there and they put placards up around the city and they do all kinds of things, and the problem that they have is with the Orthodox. I really, you know, I hope that that's true, but I doubt that there's this thriving, red hot, soul winning church in Israel that he's talking about, and notice he doesn't bring up them doing soul winning, he brings up them putting up placards, so I guess they purchased advertising or, you know, signage all over the city, but I didn't hear him say soul winning, right? It's not with the government, and so that just isn't... And notice what he says, it's not the government that's the problem, it's the Orthodox, it's not the government, it's the Orthodox, either way they're being hindered from doing the soul winning. It's like, well, but yeah, but it wasn't the government that hindered them, it was the Orthodox that hindered them. Either way, somebody's hindering them, okay, but yet they're thriving with their placards, okay. Right. This is interesting, he quotes Romans chapter 10 verse 12 and says that there's no difference between Jew and Greek. In the context of salvation, he's right, right? A male is saved by faith in Christ, a Jewish person is saved by faith in Christ, right? So in that context, yes, he's right, all come to Christ through grace, through faith, uses Galatians chapter 3 and verse 28, there's no male or females in Christ, right? He sure quotes a lot of verses to prove my point, but I don't hear him quoting a lot of verses to prove his point, isn't that interesting? Practically there's a difference, right? You got chapter and verse on that? I mean, I mean, come on, I mean, we all know there's a difference, right? I mean, practically there's a difference, right? Well, let's get practical. How are you going to practically tell who's Jewish and who's not? Wouldn't you need a genealogy? And doesn't the Bible tell us to avoid genealogies? And by the way, I have never spoken to a Jew that has a genealogy that goes all the way back to the time of Christ. So they don't even have the genealogy anyway to even go back to the time of Christ, let alone to go all the way back to the 12 patriarchs. But if we're told to avoid genealogies, it must not make any practical difference if there's no practical way to even tell who is a Jew and who is a Gentile. Yeah, there is. Yeah, there is. Chapter and verse, buddy. You better believe that because here you got to go in the right bathroom, right? I mean, there's practically there's a difference. You're going to find out about that if you go on the wrong one. I don't know what he's talking about with Jewish only bathroom or something. What in the world? Or I guess as he talked, I guess he's talking about the difference between male and female or something, because there's no in Christ, there's neither Jew nor Gentile, there's neither male nor female. But again, he has not given one Bible verse to support his view that it matters in 2021 in the New Testament, who is quote unquote, a Jew and who is a Gentile. Where is the scripture when the Bible tells to avoid genealogy? So it doesn't matter. And so, God, he says, God's no respecter person, man, great. Anyone can come to faith in Christ from any place. Okay, so you hear what he's doing there? He's what he's basically saying is that God's only not a respecter of persons when it comes to salvation. But he's saying that God is a respecter of persons in other areas. He's like, well, God's no respecter of persons because anybody can come to Christ. But apparently, according to him, God is a respecter of persons when it comes to people's ethnicity. I mean, what kind of a dumb doctrine is that? But that doesn't mean that God can't use you different than God uses me. That doesn't make him a respecter of persons. That doesn't mean that he can choose to use Israel in a different way than he's chosen to use the United States. Yeah, he is going to use Israel differently in the end times. He's going to use them in the end times to get their butts kicked when the Antichrist completely wipes out Jerusalem and Israel in the end times. So yeah, he's going to use them to get their butts kicked in the book of Revelation. It doesn't make him a respecter of persons. Yeah, it doesn't make him a respecter of persons because the reason he's doing that is because of their wickedness and unbelief. So he would have done it to anybody. He destroys a bunch of other people in the end times too. There is a difference. And unfortunately, there's no logic and it's just not biblical. Where's his Bible for this? He only read the verses to support our views. The issue is whether or not six million Jews died in gas chambers and were subsequently pre-made. What we know as the Holocaust. That's the issue. It's an issue of whether these historical events took place or not. Let me say this. Obviously, Jews died in World War II. Obviously, there were Jews that were executed in World War II. Obviously, Hitler hated Jews. I'm not speeding that back for one second. It's true. That Hitler and Nazis hated Jews. Or that the Jews were rounded up and put into forced labor camps. And that they were put into forced labor camps. Lots of people died in World War II. That's where this type of thinking leads. So ludicrous. What did I say that was wrong there? Like it's been estimated that about 70 million people died in World War II. 70 million people. So why is it just focused in on this one group of people, the Holocaust, there's 70 million people who died in World War II? And I am acknowledging that a whole bunch of Jews were murdered and they were put into concentration camps. That's all true. Okay. But what I'm saying is that the official narrative on the Holocaust has been completely twisted and changed and that it's not accurate. Just because I don't agree with the way the history is presented of World War II. How is that a doctrinal issue or why would this kind of biblical thinking lead to that? I mean, it's just bizarre. Like I'm not even allowed to question historical events. Because obviously, folks, history is written by the winners. If World War II would have come out the other way, the history would be completely different. So again, it's totally irrelevant. And I acknowledge, of course, he plays a clip of me saying that yeah, obviously, Hitler hated Jews, the Nazis killed tons of Jews, they executed Jews, they put them in train cars, they went to concentration camps, but guess what, lots of other people died in World War II as well. The most people who died in World War II were probably Russians and Germans and French and people over there that died in mass numbers of many, many millions of people. All I've said is that the 6 million figure doesn't mathematically add up. So I don't believe in the 6 million figure. That's it. When you get off track, and I think this is the broader point to all of this, make sure that what we're teaching from the scripture is done within context. You didn't teach anything from the scripture, you haven't shown us any Bible to support what you believe, you've only shown verses that support what I believe. When we start to go off, there's no limit to how foolish we can be. And that's what you see here. As a result of this, he states that the Holocaust was the justification for the nation of Israel. Again, he pronounces it the holy cost. I don't know if that's some kind of a Freudian slip or what. It's so holy unto him that it's the holy cost. And he says that I said that the Holocaust is the justification for the modern state of Israel. It's true because, you know, obviously, the Jews going in and ethnically cleansing Palestinians, and taking over Palestine, and kicking out the Palestinians, massacring Palestinians, obviously they have to have a way to justify that. And the way that they justify that is by pointing to the Holocaust, you know, we have to do this because we have to have our homeland, because the Holocaust, okay, that's a very reasonable viewpoint that's held by many people. It's nothing radical or absurd about that. To think that the Holocaust is used as a justification for what Israel has done to the Palestinians. Anything that God did, it wasn't a miracle of God. It was just the doing of the United Nations. And so nothing to see here. And it was a justification, this is a quote from him, it was a justification for going and stealing the land from the Arabs and killing a bunch of Palestinians, kicking them out and putting them in giant concentration camps known as Gaza, okay? Again, just foolishness, he also states that the Nazi Party and the Zionists had the same stated goals. That's a fact. They both worked together in the early days of, you know, say 1933 to around 1938. This is a fact, and in fact, in the video where I said that, I even held up a coin that on one side has a Nazi swastika on it, and on the other side, it had a Star of David on it, and it was basically talking about, it was a coin commemorating the Nazis and the Zionists working together to get Jews to move from Germany to Palestine. It is a historical fact that the Nazis and that the German government under Adolf Hitler encouraged Jews to move to Palestine, and they even worked out this deal, how they could move all their money and all their assets over there. And they tried to make it as easy as possible. And the Zionists wanted Jews to go to Israel, because that's what Zionism is, right? They want a homeland for the Jews. So a lot of the European Jews are too comfortable in Europe, and the Zionists are trying to get them to move to Palestine. Even today, a lot of Jews don't want to move to Israel. Why would they, if they're comfortable in New York or Los Angeles or Germany or wherever, why would they want to move to Israel if they're happy where they are? So basically, the Zionists are trying to get people to move into Palestine, and the Nazis are trying to kick out the Jews, and so they're like, yeah, go to Palestine here. Let us help you get to Palestine. Again, that's a historical fact that everyone would agree with. No one denies that the Zionists and the Nazis teamed up. There's a coin about it. There's a metal coin that you can hold in your hand that commemorates it. Any history book about Germany during the 1930s will explain that, no matter what angle it's coming from. That's mainstream. Really? Yeah, really. They both wanted to make the lives of Jews miserable, and they wanted them to leave Europe. Hitler wanted them out. The Zionists wanted their homeland back. The supposed eyewitnesses would share a fair view. The eyewitnesses would say, oh yeah, we threw three of our poor bodies in 11-1-5, and it was done in 20 minutes. No, that's not reality, folks. Listen. To say that there are very few eyewitnesses is just intellectually false. It's intellectually false that there are very few Jewish eyewitnesses to the Holocaust. Explain this to me. How could there be tons of Jewish eyewitnesses to the mass killing of Jews? Wouldn't they be dead? If Jews were being exterminated and they were there, wouldn't they have been killed as well? So how many eyewitnesses could there possibly be? The eyewitnesses that said we saw these incredible – what eyewitnesses are we talking about? Sorry about just kind of going off without giving context here, but that's what he's doing. He's not giving context. The context is the numbers that were claimed to have been cremated in these places are not humanly possible. Then these eyewitnesses say, oh yeah, we saw these incredible numbers being cremated. Obviously there are very few witnesses because supposedly if they're killing everybody, how many eyewitnesses could there possibly be, right? That's just logic. But here's the thing. You can watch documentaries about the Holocaust, just mainstream Jewish documentaries from that perspective about the Holocaust and they will basically have supposed eyewitnesses claiming that they would put three or four bodies into a cremation oven and about 20 minutes later it was done and then they would throw in three or four more because they're trying to get to these impossible numbers. The point I made is that those cremation ovens can only hold one person and that it would take about an hour to cremate someone in those, best case scenario, and that if you put two bodies in, it takes twice as long because that's just how the physics works. Because of the fact that it goes by how many pounds of flesh, not to be morbid, but how many pounds of flesh you're putting into that cremation oven depends, the time that it takes to cremate depends on that because it's very difficult to cremate bodies. It takes a lot of heat, a lot of time, and so yes, I will say right now that if someone claims that three to four bodies were put in one of those ovens and that it was over in 20 minutes and then they put in the next batch that they're lying because it's scientifically humanly impossible. It just can't happen. That's the clip that he played. I even called a bunch of mortuaries and asked them. I did a bunch of research. I watched documentaries about mortuaries that had nothing to do with the Holocaust, just documentaries about mortuaries, and I read up on it, and I studied it, and it just doesn't add up. It's that simple. I mean, the math doesn't work. Well, that's a lie. Where's his evidence? And to make that statement, I don't know how you can do it. You can look at a photograph of the ovens. They can't fit three to four people. It's just that simple. Look at the pictures. But history has recorded that. Oh, well, case closed then. History has recorded that we don't have any more eyewitnesses too, right? And we believe it. They might not be true either. So he's just basically saying we need to believe all history that we're told. Even if there's no witnesses or very few eyewitnesses, we just believe stuff because it's history, okay? Just believe it because it's history. Because history has recorded it because we see the facts of it. So history has recorded it, therefore we see the facts of it. Well, sorry, that's not how history works, buddy. But if you want proof of it, go 40 minutes east of here into Zion and go to the Holocaust Museum and you'll see proof of it. Go to Washington, D.C., go to the Holocaust Museum, go to Yimat Shebez in Jerusalem. It's funny, I have a book on my shelf. I have a book about the Holocaust on my shelf that's a mainstream history book that says that it gives the number as 5.1 million. So it sounds like they don't believe the 6 million figure either because they said it's 5.1 million. And the number killed at the individual camps radically has changed. The plaque outside of Auschwitz at one point, I mean, it's changed by millions. The numbers are all over the place, but it's just like shut up and believe the 6 million because we said so. You'll see thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of artifacts. Thousands of artifacts, really? Thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of artifacts? I think he's exaggerating a little bit. This isn't anything new. This is what Satan's tried to do for all of time. That's what Satan's been trying to do all the time, questioning the 6 million figure. What does any of this have to do with the Bible or doctrine? Why are we even off on this tangent? Who even cares? This isn't even about religion or the Bible. But he can't prove anything I said wrong from the Bible, so then he just goes after me on my opinion, and that's all it is, folks, because you know what? I could be totally wrong about the Holocaust because it's just my opinion. It's just my opinion. I did the math. I looked at the history. It doesn't add up. So I question things. So I question it. That's my opinion. I might be wrong. I might be right. Who cares? It's not a biblical issue. But sorry, it's not crazy of me to question something that's scientifically and mathematically impossible. And now he's using someone that has allowed himself to be influenced with the Baptist label to do it. He says about the Holocaust, those that are survivors. I don't know how many of you have ever met a Holocaust survivor. We just had... By the way, the definition of a Holocaust survivor is anyone living anywhere in the entire Third Reich, which is like most of Europe, anywhere living in the huge area controlled by the Nazis at the height of their power, that huge area of the Third Reich, anybody who lived in that time, any time, even if they lived there for one day, if they just were totally peaceful and everything went great for them, if they spent five minutes there, any time between 1939 and 1945, they're a Holocaust survivor. Okay. That's the definition. The privilege of having a gentleman here for college that did our chapel and pray for him. I don't believe he's saved. He just admitted that they had an unsaved speaker in their chapel. Chapel is a religious service where they listen to preaching and they brought in an unsaved Christ-rejecting Jew to speak to them in their chapel. But to hear the account of what happened to him and his family, but he says this about... I guess he showed up and talked about how all of his family and how he himself, because it happened to him and his family, I guess he's going to talk about how he was gassed to death and cremated. So how is he here talking to us then? That claim, in his words, to be Holocaust survivors. That they are simply modern day liars and... No, I did not say that because that's literally millions and millions of people. Because again, the definition of a Holocaust survivor is anybody who lived in the Third Reich at that time. I said that somebody who's getting up and saying that they cremated three or four bodies at one time in those ovens at Auschwitz and that it was done in 20 minutes is a paid liar. And I'll stand by that because that's not physically humanly possible. They are paid to say what they say. Again, it doesn't have to be any facts. You just have to say it loud enough and makes it true, right? And so you don't seem to need any facts because I called a bunch of mortuaries. I encourage anyone to call the mortuary in their area and ask them how long it takes to cremate a body in a computer controlled, high tech, much more advanced, much hotter oven in 2021. Let alone the ceramic oven that they're using back then. Much more primitive in the 40s. These are some of the things that just really fly in the face of everything that that we believe. That's referring to the fact that supposedly the goal was to kill all the Jews and to cremate them all. That's the whole burn off. So my point is this, if there was no mass cremation of millions and millions of Jews they couldn't really call it the Holocaust anymore. It's amazing that someone can actually say that. It's so amazing that I actually looked up what the word Holocaust actually means, which is the whole burnt offering. In fact, you can look up in the Douay Rheims Bible, which is the Roman Catholic Bible from the early 1600s, Abraham, when he offers Isaac his son upon the altar in Genesis 22, he says, the Lord will provide himself a victim for a Holocaust, instead of what the King James would say, the Lord will provide himself a burnt offering. It says he'll provide himself a Holocaust. If you read a Spanish Bible, instead of burnt offering, it'll say, olo costo. So yeah, the Holocaust means the whole burnt offering, when you burn the entire thing. I don't think that that's a correct use of the word Holocaust because they weren't all burned up. So that's all I said, what I said was quite reasonable. And so what he says is, there is no historical evidence that this took place. The number 6 million has nothing to do with historical. That's the number 6 million. There's no historical evidence that could give us the number 6 million. That's true. The number is exaggerated. And I'm quoting, or any real calculation, it is only because the Jews love the number 6. And then he gives the following examples. The Star of David has six points. Six million people died in the Holocaust. The six day war, really the Jews, the Jews, you know, can we only make it a six day war, please? So silly. And that number is based not on real history or science, but that number was foreordained. And so, well, the reason why I think the number was foreordained, all you have to do is go on YouTube, although I'm sure YouTube might have deleted this video. What about you can find over 10 newspaper articles before Adolf Hitler even came to power that brought up the 6 million figure that say like 6 million Jews are in danger of being killed. In World War I, there are newspaper articles saying 6 million Jews may be killed, 6 million dead. And it's predicted, the 6 million figure is predicted like over 10 times in newspapers before 1939. So that's why the number seems like it's a foreordained number. And again, maybe I'm wrong. But I thought that we're supposed to look at history critically and try to see things from both sides and actually test things and, you know, check things out. But he wants to just, you know, it's a fact because history has told us this. You know, I'm not just going to blindly accept everything in a history book. You know, if a history book tells me something that scientifically and mathematically cannot happen, then I'm going to question it. Excuse me. I think it's obvious that when you get off of biblical things, there's real no limit to the lunacy of the things that you'll say. The last video, I'll show you this and we'll touch on this as we close. I don't have any advice for him, except to put a bullet in your own head so that you don't molest my kids or anyone else's kids. I don't know if you could hear that. But he said he didn't have any advice for homosexuals except put a bullet in your own head. Either last week they had a conference or this week they had a conference down in Orlando dealing with this subject. Why would I have advice for homosexuals when the Bible says, give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine. So the Bible says, give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine. I don't have anything to say to homos. And here's the thing. I believe that homosexuals are reprobates according to Romans chapter one, that they've been given over to a reprobate mind and that they are doomed. They hate God. They don't even want to retain God in their knowledge. So they're damned. They're for sure going to hell. It's too late for them. They're reprobates. Their heart has been hardened. Their mind has been blinded. God has given them up. God has given them over to a reprobate mind. So the best thing that could happen from my perspective would be that they die as soon as possible before they can molest more people because they're not reproducers, they're recruiters. And so they're child molesters. So I actually love children and I don't like the fact that our country is being turned into a Sodom and Gomorrah. I mean, just last week that San Francisco men's choir flat out said, we're coming for your children. Now what if I heard about, think about how we all heard that this week, right? We all heard how, you know, we're coming for your children. What if then we heard about next week that they all did like a mass suicide? That exact choir that said, we're coming after your children. Wouldn't we rejoice? I know I would. The gay bar was shot up in Orlando, his, his comments were, there should have been more killed, which again, no, that wasn't my comment. My comment was that there's 49 less pedophiles in the world now. That was my actual comment. We don't agree with the lifestyle. We're not, we're not gonna, we're not gonna soften that. You just did. You just did soften it by saying, we don't agree with the lifestyle. You already did soften it, buddy. It's not the way the Bible words it. But God died for sin. Yeah, he died for sin, but again, you have to believe in Jesus for that to be applied to you. And the Bible says in Romans one that homosexuals don't even want to retain God in their knowledge. They are haters of God. So again, this is like the same thing where, where Jesus said, father, forgive them for they know not what they do. Basically God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. He died for everybody, but that doesn't mean that people don't have to do something to be saved. The Jews have to believe on Jesus Christ to be saved. Homosexuals would have to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. But how can the homosexuals believe on the Lord Jesus Christ when they hate God so much that they don't even want to retain him in their knowledge and their heart is hardened by God and they've been given over to a reprobate mind by God, even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind. So of course Jesus died for them if they believed they would be saved, but they don't believe so they're damned. It's that simple. And so they use Romans chapter one in verse twenty eight and they take that out of context to say that it's right in context that it's in context. Read the whole chapter for crying out loud person with a reprobate mind is a homosexual. So we made that up that the person with the reprobate mind is a homosexual. Well last time I checked Romans one says that the people with the reprobate mind that they are men burning with lust toward other men and women with women. So that's what the Bible actually says in Romans one. There's no doubt about that are a homosexual. You can never, ever be saved. Their reprobate interesting because Calvin defined the reprobate mind is this a sinner who is not the elect and is predestined and damned to hell. He's wrong about that. So like you said we take the piece here and we take a piece here. So he's claiming that I have Calvin's doctrine of reprobation. No I don't because what what John Calvin just read I don't believe that I've never preached that. I don't agree with that. And so when the Calvinists say the word reprobate they mean something completely different than what I mean and what the Bible means. We take a piece here to fit what we want to say. Paul had different advice, thank God, in Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 9. Okay you want to talk about taking scripture out of context. He's claiming that 1 Corinthians 6 verse 9 is advice for homosexuals. What a liar. 1 Corinthians chapter 6 is about lawsuits. Not bringing a lawsuit against a brother in Christ because if you bring a lawsuit you're bringing it into the worldly court system and they are unrighteous people. We're going to judge angels. We need to judge matters within the church and not go before the heathen because even though such were some of us as these wicked unrighteous people in the court system we've been washed, we've been sanctified, we've been justified in the name of the Lord Jesus by the spirit of our God so now we're qualified to judge. That's the actual context. See I'm using Romans 1 in context to make my point. He's using 1 Corinthians 6 completely out of context and anybody who reads those two chapters and gets the context will see that the context of Romans 1 is saying exactly what I'm preaching whereas he's pulling out something completely out of context and claiming that it's quote advice for homosexuals. That's baloney. That's not what it says. Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God. What's the context? Because that's why you should not go to law before the unrighteous. That's why you should not go to law before the unjust. They're not going to inherit the kingdom of God whereas we will inherit the kingdom of God and we will judge angels and if we're going to judge angels how much more things that pertain to this life? Be not deceived nor fornicators nor idolaters nor abusers nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revelers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God. That's why you shouldn't go to them for judgment. No unjust person is going to inherit the kingdom of God. Which is why you shouldn't go before them for judgment because they're unjust. They're unjust. Amen. That's why they shouldn't be judging you down at the courthouse. Don't sue one another. And such were some of you. And even though some of you have also done a bunch of wicked sins, you are qualified to judge now that you're saved because you've been justified. You've been cleansed. You've been washed. Now listen, go back to our original point. So explain to me how what he just read was, quote, advice for homosexuals. He's a liar. There's no advice there for homos. Where does the Bible say, and unto you, homos, I say this, because think about in the New Testament, he'll say, like, sometimes, you know, unto the married, I give this advice, you know, unto those that are single, you know, he could give advice, you know, children, obey your parents, husbands, love your wives, wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands as is fit in the Lord, homos, here's my advice for you, homos. There's no such Bible verse, okay, so he, you know, he did not deliver on what he promised there. Do you hear the grace in the Apostle Paul's voice, and such were some of you? If it was me, I'd have said, such were all of you, right? But the Apostle Paul knew that some of them were some of these things, and others of them were others of these things, but they all weren't the same. But they all had sin, and they were all at one point unjust. But such were some of you, but... So everybody was unjust at some point. Some people were really bad. Nowhere did he say, some of you were specifically homos. He gave a big list of a bunch of wicked things that worldly judges and worldly courtrooms, you know, would be characterized by in their personal lives. And he's saying, you know, you'd rather have people in the church judging you that are actually righteous people, not like the unjust out there in the world. He didn't say, you guys used to be homos. He did not say that. He did not give advice to homos. See, this is being taken out of its context. In fact, I don't, I've never heard anybody preach this passage in context, except myself and my friends, because of the fact that this passage is about not going to law before the unjust and not suing your brother in Christ. You never hear it preached like that. You always just hear this one verse ripped out of context and misused. Yet Romans 1, when we preach Romans 1, isn't it interesting how we usually start around verse 17 or 16 or 18 and take it all the way to the end of the chapter? And usually we even spill over into chapter 2. That's context. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus by the spirit of our God. Amen, Amen, and Amen. The grace of God, such were some of you and the apostle Paul was saying, listen, you used to be those things. You used to be the unjust. You're no longer that. So don't live like that anymore. You're no longer that, so don't live like that anymore. Where does the chapter say that in those verses that he just read? Now obviously, that is a biblical truth that we're saved and we shouldn't live like that anymore. But he's not actually exegeting what the verses actually said. He's just taking these verses and just saying stuff, okay? I actually gave an explanation of what the Bible's teaching in that passage about why we should not go to law before the unjust, why we should go to law before the saints or, excuse me, you know, judge things with the saints and go to law before the saints and not before the unjust. He is just saying stuff, you know, and some of what he's saying is right, some of it's not right. But what he's saying is he's not actually exegeting the passage. Live like the unjust, live like the saved, live like you're going to heaven, live like you're washed, live like you're sanctified, live like you're justified. Apostle Paul didn't say to them, don't put a bullet in your head, there's no hope for you. The Bible says in Leviticus 2013 that homosexuals should be executed, okay? That's what it says. In Romans chapter 1, he says that they that do such things are worthy of death, okay? The Bible says in Jude that even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. He said that if anyone offend these little ones, they would be better off having a millstone hanged around their neck and being cast into the sea, which was a popular form of suicide during the Middle Ages where people would drown themselves in that manner. And let me tell you something, homosexuals are pedophiles. And so what if I said, hey, my advice to pedophiles is blow your own brains out. You know, would these people be okay with that? If I said to pedophiles that they should blow their own brains out? Well, guess what? Homosexuals are pedophiles. And it's not my fault that this guy has been brainwashed by our society into thinking that they're normal and that they're not predators. If there's anyone in our society that needs hope, that's who it is. You know what the suicide rate is among homosexuals? It's huge. I don't know what it is, but you know, it isn't high enough, I'll tell you that. It's massive. Why? Because they're miserable. Because they know they're disgusting. No hope. Because there is no hope, exactly. Christ is their hope. Christ is my hope. And so you can see the grace of God. I hope you find that helpful. I hope you find that encouraging, I encourage you, stay true to the scripture. Stay true to the context of what you're preaching. Good advice. Don't get a trick pony and sit on it and preach that thing. Preach the word of God and do so with grace and humility. Thank you. Well, there you have it, folks. Notice how many Bible verses he used to prove his points. In fact, I think in this entire one hour and eight minutes, you know, correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I think he really only, at least in this episode for sure, he really only brought up one verse to make his point, which was first Corinthians six. He had no points on the Israel stuff, no Bible at all. And then he just pulls first Corinthians six about as far out of context as you possibly could can and claim that it said things that didn't say, whereas, you know, he quoted a ton of scripture in support of my position. And I quoted a ton of scripture in support of my position. And so you be the judge, you know, you at home that have listened to this, you're smart enough to see who's actually using the Bible and preaching what the Bible says. And the stuff about the Holocaust is totally irrelevant. It's not even a Bible doctrine. It's just a matter of opinion. Nobody really knows the truth about it anyway, because none of us were there. And so, you know, people can look at the evidence and try to figure it out. We're never going to know exactly what happened in these historical events because, you know, it's just the nature of history. Anyway, God bless you. Have a great day.