(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, how you doing? This is Pastor Jones with Shield of Faith Baptist Church in Boise, Idaho and we're back with another video in our series about speaking in tongues where we've been going through this fact sheet here which you can download in the description below. We put a link down there for you. Now if you're having trouble with that and you just don't even want to mess with it and you just want us to send you one, just email the church at ShieldofFaithBC at gmail.com. Just let me know that you'd like the fact sheet. We'll print one off, laminate it for you and send it to you in mail. So just let us know that. Now so far what we've been doing is we've been going through this fact sheet here and we've been exposing this phenomenon called speaking in tongues. Okay and so far we've covered points one through five so just a quick recap here. Point number one was when more than three speak during any given church service. Number two is when women do the speaking and number three was when the speaker interprets for himself. Number four we talked about when there's no interpreter and then we left off last time with this point here when there is confusion. So we're gonna go on with points number six and seven today. All right so let's get into this here. Sixthly, when would speaking in tongues violate scripture? When self-control is lost. Okay when self-control is lost. Now I don't know about you but I can't tell you how many times I've heard this where someone says you know it's just like something came over me and just made me start speaking in this tongue or just made me you know convulse or made me run through the aisles or the spirit came over me and I was just able to interpret this language for other people. I can't tell you how many times I've heard that. Okay but what does the Bible say about that? 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse 32 says this and the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. What's the slam-dunk deal right there? So if you're saying that the spirit comes over you and takes over your volition takes over who you are and makes you do something it's not the Holy Spirit. It's not the Holy Spirit that we read about in the Bible. Why would he go against his word like that? You see this is what I'm talking about here. You guys are gonna have to make a decision whether or not you're gonna follow what the Bible says or strictly what man says and again this is very important here. So seventhly when would speaking in tongues violate scripture? Well when it results in new revelations. Okay Revelation chapter 22 verse 18 says for I testify to every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book if any man shall add unto these things God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. Okay Revelation 22 the very last chapter of the Bible. It's very clear that there are no more people today that are prophets in the sense of where they foretell what God says. Okay now do we have people today that forthtell? Of course that's what I'm doing right now that's what we do every church service. We forthtell the Word of God we take the written Word of God and we preach that we forthtell. Okay that happens all the time but what Pentecostal churches do is they say all while the Spirit comes over us takes over our volition and then you know speaks a word of knowledge to the congregation today. Well you know another problem with that is that the Bible is very clear in 2 Timothy 3 16 that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God that's God breathed. So if you're having that in your church service I mean the Bible is clear that that's Scripture so I want to know why these churches aren't writing those things down and then sending them off to all the other churches as Scripture. I think that's a good question and I think that needs to be asked and I think that needs to be answered. So another verse regarding this Hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 says God who has sundry times and in diverse manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the world. So the beginning of Hebrews is very clear it backs up everything that I just said there are no more prophets today going around for telling what God says okay that was a method used back in the Old Testament time frame. It's very clear in Hebrews chapter 1 verse 2 hath in these last days spoken past tense spoken to us by his son Jesus Christ who is the Word of God and more than capable of preserving his written word for us today. Okay so quick recap here when would speaking in tongues violate Scripture? Well sixthly when self-control is lost. Nowhere in the Bible nowhere in the New Testament nowhere in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 are you gonna see an example of a Holy Ghost coming over somebody and making them do anything okay and seventhly when it results in new revelations. Okay I've seen this personally I've told the story of my congregation a few times about the time where I went and visited John Hagee's church this is many many years ago before I was aware of all of this stuff and I had no idea that he was a Pentecostal guy you know I went inside the church I sat down it was it was a Sunday evening service and I sat in his seat right and this guy comes up to me tasking on the shoulder he's like excuse me sir but I have to sit there you know and I was just kind of like what is your name written on the seat or something is there a sign seating at this church and so I kind of pushed back a little bit and the guy was like oh you don't worry you'll see you'll see why I have to sit there trust me and so me being new first time there I was like whatever so I'll just get up and move so I got up and left now as the service was closing so after the preaching I was going on John Hagee's son was up there I don't know talking or something giving a little message and starts to quote unquote speak in tongues okay and then this guy the guy who wanted my seat there happened to be you know like right in the center just the perfect prime location where everybody could see where the cameras can see the guy and this guy pops up and claims to interpret what John Hagee's son had supposedly said in tongues and of course the the new revelation was about money and about how people weren't giving enough and that's typically what you're gonna find it's always gonna be something like that or something you know some ailment that somebody was healed from in a faraway country you know somebody in Africa was just healed today from a migraine you know just silly stuff like that okay now again why bring that up because it just illustrates the fact that it's not true that whole event that I experienced at John Hagee's church that was set up right that wasn't organic that didn't just happen okay that guy tapped me on the shoulder because obviously he had already had some kind of communication with John Hagee's son that he was gonna do that they were gonna go through with that little skit that's why I like to call it a skit that definitely wasn't the Holy Ghost okay and that whole service was nothing but a bunch of violations of Scripture now I'm gonna leave you with this video here from this apostle apostle Catherine Kirk okay and I want you guys to watch these clips here and let me know what you think and we'll come back and do some more of these videos here shortly all right God bless the baptism of the Holy Spirit is when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and takes over you completely so much that will eat it will even take over your tongue the baptism of the Holy Spirit requires such surrender it requires you to be like Jesus I want you to have your way truly with me father even if you want to take over my tongue do it have your way I allow you to do what you want with my body with my everything have your way Holy Spirit when I first encountered the power of God it was prophetic ministry I would a prophet prophesied to me things about me that I hadn't told anyone things that were going on in my life and I witnessed healing happening I witnessed demons being cast out of people and that day was so life-changing that day I I knew that God was real I knew he loved me I it was a true encounter that changed me forever I came forward and he placed his hand upon my head and immediately when he placed his hand upon my head and says I baptized you in the Holy Spirit I physically could feel God touching me overtaking me and he started to come upon my tongue and my tongue was started out of a body of a core about us to keep started to speak in a new tongue a new language and I could not control I could not I wasn't doing it myself this was not my own my own like conjuring up of desires this was God taking over by the power of his Holy Spirit by his fire and it has never changed since that day