(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, Hebrews 10 10 26 says this for if we sin willfully After that, we have received the knowledge of the truth There remaineth no more sacrifice for sins. So a lot of people will try to use this portion of Scripture to teach that You can lose your salvation, right? Because when they read this verse They interpret it as well if we're living in willful sin There remaineth no more sacrifice for sins. In other words, you're not gonna have forgiveness But again back to my prior point when we're talking about divorce when you study subjects in the Bible You have to take a holistic approach to it You got to see what the whole entire Word of God says because what is he referring to? When he says there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins. He's not referring to the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made Obviously the callback is to the literal animal sacrifices of the Old Testament now, let me just give you a brief Description of how that worked in the Old Testament. Okay under the Mosaic law the Levitical law There were animal sacrifices and these animal sacrifices according to the Bible were made to atone for the sins of man, okay Now these were daily sins the sins of the flesh the sins of the body Okay, in other words if a if a person committed a sin, for example They defrauded their brother or you know, they they lusted or they stole whatever it may have been any kind any type of sin they were required to Do to make a burnt offering of a lamb or of a goat? the high priest would come and lay his hands upon the goat and put the sins upon that person upon that go and You know, they would either sacrifice it or it would become a scapegoat, but they were to offer a a literal animal For the sins of the flesh Okay Now, let me explain something. This does not mean that they were getting saved like every single day Okay, because obviously the Bible says that Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness and Abraham came before the Mosaic law So that means that Abraham was saved by faith because he believed God it was counted unto him for righteousness David who still under that Old Testament law The he described the blessedness of the man to whom the Lord imputed righteousness without work saying blessed is the man to whom the Lord You know whose sins are covered whose iniquities are forgiven so on and so forth, you know to whom the Lord will not impute sin So he's under that Levitical law of animal sacrifices So here's the thing people got saved by believing on the Lord in the Old Testament But as far as the atonement for the daily sins that they would commit The Carnal ordinance that was imposed upon them during that time was for them to offer an animal sacrifice for the daily sins. This is why Sacrifices were made in the morning at night weekly monthly. Why because people sin every single day Now we don't have that today now do we but what do we have today? We have first John 1 9 that says if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness In the Old Testament you would offer the animal sacrifice You would go to the high priest and he would confess your sins on your behalf upon that goat Well in the New Testament, we have a better mediator, which is established upon better promises Jesus Christ has now taken the place of the high priest and we as the royal priesthood are able to go to Jesus Christ and Basically receive the forgiveness of daily sins that we commit now God has forgiven us of all of our sins past present and future so that we don't receive the punishment of hell but if we don't want to receive the punishment on This earth for the sins that we do on a daily basis The Bible says we were supposed to confess our sins to forsake them to receive that So when the Bible says if we sin willfully after that we see the knowledge of truth There were mean that the more sacrifice for sins. He says you can no longer offer a burnt offering For your daily sins do you commit that's no longer valid because now we're in the New Testament Which the Bible also describes as the New Covenant