(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) just be warned the clips we're showing you are bad enough but if you go and watch the trailers or clips available on Hulu or YouTube or FX they're even worse not to mention the show itself okay just when you thought it couldn't get any worse in Hollywood here comes Little Demon can everyone please stop talking about my period oh god no gross did your mom tell you that I'm talking about the teens you murdered I didn't mean to don't let other people's moral laws make you think what you did was wrong together you and I can create a future without rules well you can call your own shots live the life you want to live so what is this show Little Demon well it's a show on FX a brand new TV series available on Hulu as well FX is a subsidiary of Disney and so ultimately this can be traced back to Disney ironically enough in some ways but the show has this as its premise this is the self description of the show 13 years after being impregnated by Satan a reluctant mother and her Antichrist daughter attempt to live an ordinary life in Delaware the two are constantly thwarted by monstrous forces and Satan who yearns for custody of his daughter's soul sounds like a great show huh bear in mind that it is an animated show but it is supposed to be targeting adult audiences actually has a TV mature rating at least according to the trailer that we watched it has adult language nudity violence a lot of gory violence and so they're targeting adult audiences but it's animated which animation draws kids in by default and then of course the show is targeting adults so kids feel like they're not supposed to watch it so how many kids want to go watch it because they're not supposed to watch it so let's take a closer look at this show as you can tell from the clips the show is full of all sorts of dark images about hell about the devil makes light of these ideas of course it's meant to be a comedy of sorts and so of course I'll be making fun of the ideas in general trying to normalize the ideas to a certain degree present a more palatable view of these ideas according to some and it's definitely an undermining of the biblical truth in the biblical reality of hell who Satan actually is his actual goals you look at for example Danny DeVito who plays the role of Satan in this show in an interview he said the devil is really not a bad guy he's just misunderstood but the devil is really a good guy don't don't get me wrong really well of course that's a totally unbiblical view about who the devil actually is but that's the portrayal they are giving and so they're giving this different view that's utterly anti biblical of hell which makes it seem like it's not that bad the devil's not that bad that guy maybe hell's not that bad it may not even be real so why worry about it so no doubt that is a lot to take in let's highlight just a few key points as we think about these issues biblically and rightly first of all consider the natural progression of sin in a culture the natural progression of sin in a culture is to get worse and worse and worse as a people rebelled against God abandoned his word abandoned his authority they tend towards more their own authority trying to define right wrong for themselves and it leads to abandoning a biblical truths and norms and things get worse and worse as a result we sit in the culture happening right before our very eyes if we go to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 1 it says this but understand this that in the last days there will come times of difficulty talking about the last days that's the general context and then we skip down to verse 13 we read this well evil people and imposters will go on from bad to worse deceiving and being deceived they're going from bad to worse so from the time Christ ascended and before he returns that those will be the last days and things will go from bad to worse think about Noah's day where sin kept getting worse and worse up to the point where every inclination of their heart was only evil all the time and so what we read in Scripture seems to be playing out in our culture right before our very eyes where people are rejecting biblical truth now to the point and it's not necessarily new but a new example with this little demon of just utterly making fun of or making light of the biblical realities of things like hell Satan eternity and so forth where have you been my whole life the made a physical realm it's not hell but it's got the essentials another thing to consider as we are talking about this show little demon that is the influence of Satanism in our culture and there's no doubt there's been a rise of the influence of this ideology of this religion of Satanism you can see it in numerous ways in their culture in different Satanist groups trying to get into public schools saying hey if you're having different clubs or different sources we should have a Satanist Club where kids can come and learn about Satanism and there are multiple articles headlines that talk about that and when you talk about Satanism it's not just what we typically think of when you think of Satanism Satanism in general comes in two basic forms you have theistic Satanism which that's a group who believes Satan is a real being a supernatural being that it's worthy of worship and following and adoration and so forth so there's that variation and then there's also what's called atheistic Satanism which is a group who would say you know what the devil is not real but the ideas he stands for the rebellion the autonomous attitude it's all about me I'm my own God I can live life my own way that's something worthy of praise and worship and following after so they fall after the idea of Satan but don't believe he's actually a real being so as we think about the show either way is promoting one of those two versions of Satanism right that either the idea of theistic Satanism where Satan is a real being but he's not as bad as the Bible will tell you no he's not that bad of a guy we mentioned earlier Dana DeVita who plays Satan says the devil is really a good guy don't don't get me wrong and he's relatable character and so he's not that bad he's worthy of maybe worship or following so it could be promoting that sort of Satanism or they could be pushing in a sense the atheistic Satanism which says no it's not real and so they're making fun of it making like a fairy tale the devil is not real the Antichrist idea that's not real hell's not real they're all fairy mythology but some of the ideas behind Satan may be worth following these autonomous attitudes and we can live our own best lives we define truth for ourselves we're our own authority which is the spirit of this age which is an utter rejection of biblical truth and it's not just Satanism that the show is seeking to normalize to one degree or another the actress who plays Laura which is the mother of the daughter who's the Antichrist which is all just weird to say by the way the actress who plays her her name is Aubrey Plaza and she was being interviewed about the show and she said this I love that we are normalizing paganism Laura is a pagan she's a witch she's jacked she's she's got to protect her daughter from demons and and she's got to get her house in order and so this actress is excited that we are normalizing paganism well what is paganism well paganism is just basically it's either a polytheistic or pantheistic nature worshiping religion so it either believes there are multiple gods but it's all related to nature and worshiping nature through that or believes that actually something called pantheism where actually the whole universe is God so all that makes it the universe is actually God not a personal being God but just everything is God and so about worshiping nature you're worshiping God in a sense paganism is completely absolutely non biblical a rejection of biblical truth that there is just one God he's a personal being that we are made in his image that he's separate from his creation he's the creator we're the creation we've been broken by sin we need to be reunited with him through the perfect atoning work of Christ that we can never pay it rejects all of that as those notes all about your autonomous self and you defining truth for yourself again completely non biblical and incompatible with the biblical worldview but it is the ideology that they want you to embrace and to see normalized in our culture so as we think about their efforts to normalize these unbiblical ideologies one can't help but think of Isaiah 5 20 which says woe to those who call evil good good evil enter darkness to light and light to darkness who replace bitter with sweet and sweet with bitter but one last thing to consider as we wrap up our take looking at little demon here first and that is our parental responsibility to guard our kids against the ideas to prepare them to engage the ideas they'll be hit with in this culture especially regards to entertainment media shows especially shows it could be very attractive to them because they are animated or something along those lines and then the Bible tells us this in Ephesians 6 4 fathers do not provoke your children to anger but bring them up in the discipline and the instruction of the Lord we're to raise our children in the truth of God's Word they need to know the reality for the Bible teaches on all things including eternity including the devil including hell so they can be ready to give an answer to these faults I just presented in shows like little demon and so practically speaking as parents we need to know what our kids are watching be aware of the screen time they're getting I know that can be hard to do I'm a parent my son is 8 my daughter's 4 at the time of recording this video so I know it can be hard to do sometimes you want to sit them down in front of TV for the babysitter so you can have a little bit of a break or do what you need to do but that is no excuse we've been given a god-given mandate and responsibility to be aware of the ideas that our kids are being hit with especially through the screens they find so attractive so let's be sure we know what our kids are consuming and then of course it's always a good idea if we can to get our kids away from these screens away from playing the Wii playing video games watching TV engaging our kids doing fun activities playing some basketball going camping taking a dog for a walk just doing stuff together drawing a picture together me and my son have been drawing a lot of pictures together lately so much fun me and my daughter dance together different stuff but just engage your kids give them something to do other than screen time it'll be beneficial to them of course and of course you'll love the interaction for yourself you'll be blessed by it you know help protect them for some of these awful ideas are so prevalent in our culture today vote more on this issue of Satanism and the fall of Satan check out this great video here by Bodie Hodge until next time keep standing on God's Word defending the faith and proclaiming the gospel