(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) An after-school Satan Club could be coming to your kid's elementary school After-school Satan this guy is the co-founder and spokesman for the satanic temple a group of Political activists who are seeking to establish after-school Satan clubs as a counterpart to fundamentalist Christian good news clubs Which they see is an attempt to infiltrate public education and erode the constitutional separation of church and state They point out the Christian evangelical groups already have infiltrated the lives of America's Children through after-school religious programming in public schools, and they appear determined to give young students a choice Jesus or Satan The group's plan for public school children isn't actually about promoting worship of the devil It's what they say the satanic temple doesn't espouse a belief in the existence of a supernatural being That other religions identify solemnly as Satan or Lucifer or Beelzebub They say that the satanic temple rejects all form of supernaturalism and is committed to the view that scientific rationality provides the best measure of reality Okay They say meetings will include a healthy snack a helpful snack Literature lesson creative learning activities a science lesson puzzle solving and an art project Every child will receive a membership card and must have a signed parental permission slip to attend. Well, that's good The group at first intends to roll out the clubs in a limited number of schools and districts That also host an evangelical Christian after-school program known as the Good News Club So they're basically just trying to attack this Christian after-school program get kids away from that into the satanic Club It's what they're doing. So I mean Do you think that the satanic temple should be allowed to open after-school programs in schools? It's not the government's job to educate your children Anyway, it's the parents job to teach their children and to keep them away from all these bad influences so let me know what you think about this in the comments below and If you're new be sure to click the big red subscribe button and stay tuned for more videos. Thanks for watching