(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, so somebody asked a question in the chat about, they said somebody at their church is duped by the doctrine that people could be saved by works in the Old Testament or that, you know, like in a different dispensation they're saved by the law or saved by works. And in the New Testament, it's by faith. What are the go-to verses to debunk this this thing that salvation wasn't by faith in the Old Testament? The ones that popped into my mind are obviously Acts 10 43, to him give all the prophets witness that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins. So that whosoever believeth is the message of all the prophets. But for me, the big one is this Romans chapter 4. Like, you know, the entire chapter, I mean verses 5 through 8 especially, but the entire chapter Romans 4 is literally about that. Just saying there's no way Abraham was justified by works and it's by faith. Even David describes the blessedness of the man to whom God impudeth righteousness without works. And to me, it's like the works, by the works of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight. If you could be saved by the law in the Old Testament, then why not just stay with that? What do we even need Jesus for? If anyone could ever be saved by works or the law, you don't need Christ. The reason we need Christ is because no one can be saved by works. No one can be saved by the law. You can only be saved through the faith of Christ. Any other like New Testament verses come to mind? Add on to that Hebrews 7 8 and 9. I mean, it's impossible for the blood of bulls and then goats to save. I mean, that is what they did in the Old Testament and they're saying literally in New Testament that you've never been able to save the soul with the blood of bulls and goats. You've always needed that one precious sacrifice. I mean, it's just ridiculous. I actually had a conversation with someone on an airplane once quite a long time ago, you know, giving them the gospel that went to a dispensational church and that was those were the verses that I went to and it really just changed his mind and his thinking like I think this guy was saved because I was trying to give him the gospel but he's been fed this stuff for a long time. He was a young guy and he'd been brought up and you know I don't know for how long but had been being taught this stuff and when I showed him all that stuff he was just like yeah yeah I mean that makes perfect sense. You know it's I don't know like because I haven't spent a lot of time in dispensational churches they just avoid these passages just completely do they even like answer it like I don't know like what do they say about Hebrews or Romans 4 like what do they even say about that? I mean I don't argue with these people because I don't I try not to argue with anyone I don't like arguing with people it's like it's what the Bible says if you're wrong then go be wrong then. Yeah, Galatians 3 is a go-to one as well where it says that there had been a law given which could have given life barely righteousness should have been by the law but the scripture has concluded it all under sin. I think that's because you know people are like well you know say but well if there if there would have been a law given it would have been given you know that could have brought righteousness so you know I don't see how you can get around that because that whole chapter is talking about the fact that you know for as many as are under the works of law or the curse you know curses and I was preaching against the Amish and they try to circumvent where it says well it's works they're just saying well that's just the customary stuff that's not the moral law you know we still need to keep the moral law today and it's funny because when you go back to where that's quoted from for as many as are the works of law are under the curse is in Deuteronomy 27 and it's like all moral law so they're trying to say that's all just customary or whatever but I think Galatians 3 Romans 4 Galatians 3 are like my two go-to places when it comes to that yeah I agree I think even another verse Pastor Robinson was bringing up Galatians 3 another verse in Galatians 3 is just even as Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness so that's basically the same thing Romans 4 saying or even Romans 3 just right before when it just says therefore we include that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law and then it says is he the God of the Jews only is he not also the Gentiles yes of the Gentiles also seeing it as one God which would justify the circumcision by faith and the and uncircumcision through faith so then he's pointing to how both are saved by faith specifically the circumcision and the uncircumcision which to me would dispel any dispensational viewpoint that the circumcised were saved another way