(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, this is Pastor Aaron Thompson from Sure Foundation Baptist Church. I just wanted to make a video concerning a film, a documentary film that our church was helping make under the direction of Ryan Gallagher, our former evangelist. Now this film was called Upon the Circle and it was supposed to be debunking the flat earth. And so, it's been over three years, Ryan no longer works for our church in any capacity, in fact he's an enemy of our church. And so, he solicited outside of our church to use a GoFundMe account and that GoFundMe raised almost $5,000 to help make this project. Now a lot of people donated to that and they were promised certain things for the donations that they put forth. And none of that has come to fruition because Ryan never plans on making that film. In fact, not too long ago he made a video talking about how he felt like he couldn't prove it either way, which contradicts a video, an update video that he had made a couple years ago saying, yes the film's coming out, yes the film's going to be done, anybody that believes anything different that we've proved to be on a shadow of a doubt is just kind of stupid or whatever. So I mean, where we're at with the Flat Earth documentary, we're still working on it, it's taking some time and obviously we saw an urgent need here in Hawaii, so we are still working on that, but it has taken a little bit of a backseat to be honest with the church plan. But we are going to get it finished. Without giving anything away, we 100% debunked the Flat Earth. Once we put this film out, if you still believe the Flat Earth, there was nothing that was going to convince you. But yeah, we are definitely still coming out with it, contrary to the rumors, Pastor Thompson and I are not Flat Earthers that are going to say, oh well, the Earth is actually flat, we can't finish the film. Yeah, I just wanted to add that I'm excited about the movie coming out too, and hopefully we can have it done by the next Red Hot Preaching Conference, I don't want to put any pressure on Ryan, but that would be great to have it done by then, for a specific reason. So anyway, I don't know what that reason would be, Red Hot Preaching Conference, but anyway I thought it would be a great time to have it come out. It's a convenient time, yeah. I've been asked if that might be possible, so I don't want to put Ryan on the spot or anything, but I would love to have it done by then, that's all I'm saying. And so basically, as far as I know, nothing has been done on this film except for a trailer that was showed at the Red Hot Preaching Conference a few years ago. So basically, what I wanted to do is just help people that did donate to that GoFundMe to try to get their funds back, and the way to do that is to go through GoFundMe's website itself, and I'm going to post some links in the description box so that you can follow that, and hopefully you can get your money back. I know that people were trying to get their money back maybe a couple years ago because basically people are just waiting and asking, when is this film going to come out? And basically, people were trying to get their money back, and that was somehow shut down. But now that he's not even going to make the film at all, now that he doesn't even work for our church at all, I think it's high time that people got their money back. And I know that out of the goodness of your heart, you wanted to make this film happen and you were generous in your donations, but I think that the fact that it's not going to get done, all that was done under false pretense, I think it's time that people go and get their money back, if they want. And I'll put links in the description box for that, like I said, and I'm going to show some graphics in this video showing what was donated and what was promised, and also a clip where he shows that he did say that he proved that the earth was round. As a matter of fact, he sent videos after he made that flight to Australia from Argentina, and that was a 14 hour flight. And it proves that Australia is a real place, which I know that sounds very fringe and weird, but there's people out there that actually think that Australia is not a real place. And so that was part of the film that was supposed to be proven. But anyway, regardless, Ryan Gallagher is no longer with us. It's Columbus Day weekend and we're celebrating the fact that the earth is not flat by coming to New York to shoot an interview. One other thing I did want to announce real quick, we just hit 50% on our fundraising goal, so thank you to all the supporters for that. Big shout out to New Life Baptist Church in Australia for making the donation that put us over that 50% mark. I do sincerely apologize that this film wasn't done. You know, I really did press hard to try to make it happen, but you can't make lazy people do things. And so, unfortunately, it's not going to get done. I apologize on behalf of Shure Foundation Baptist Church for having anything to do with this when it was not going to get done. And I firmly believe that we should do what we say we're going to do. And so, again, I sincerely apologize and I hope that you are able to get your money back. If there's anything I can do to help you, please just email me at shurefoundationbaptist.com. If you donated outside of the GoFundMe site, then please email me. And if you have proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that you did donate to this film through our church somehow, well, we did not solicit donations through our church for this film, but maybe if you just personally gave Ryan money, because some people have told me that that was the case, and I just, if that's you and you can prove that you did that, then please just email me or call me at our church, number 360-718-3834. And God bless you. Have a great day.