(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Good good. I had a question about Romans chapter 2. Okay, I Used to be part of the lordship salvation crowd. I used to open air preach with some of those guys you see on the street I'm sure you know about them, right? Yeah, you know the repent of your sins everything like that. So You know now that I changed and believe in eternal security like the Bible teaches they're railing on me they saying no, I lost my salvation and So they bring up this one First six who will render to every man according to his deeds To them who by patient continuance and well-doing seek for glory and over immortality eternal life So they put the continuance and well-doing as work, right? So I wanted to see what you thought about that. Sure Yeah This is a this is a classic example of taking scripture out of context because there are actually several verses in chapter 2 That would appear to teach a workspace salvation Because what Paul is basically explaining in chapter 2 is that if you do all the right things You'll have eternal life if you do all the right things you'll be saved But then what does he turn around and say in chapter 3? There's none that do with good. No, not one So yeah He sits there and says to them who by patient continuance and well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality eternal life Except here's the thing. There's nobody who by patient continuance and well-doing Seeks for glory and honor and immortality and eternal life. So so in the context that's talking about if you want to Keep the law then you have to do it perfectly kind of like yeah, exactly and and if you read the whole chapter that becomes real obvious because He starts out in Romans chapter 1 talking about all these people That have rejected the gospel and become reprobate then he kind of turns it around in chapter 2 on People who were calling themselves Jews and making their boast in the law and he explains to them that yeah, you know if you Continue in all the words of the book of law to do them You're gonna have eternal life. Yeah that you would be saved if you did that, but then he basically explains in chapter 3 that You know, nobody does that it's sort of like when the rich young ruler asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life And he says to him, you know, what does the scripture say and he lists off a bunch of commandments and Jesus says that's right Do that and you'll live basically this doing that shall live and he says well all that I've kept from my youth up What lack I yet? Now there's no way that that guy had really kept every commandment of the Bible from his youth up So Jesus points out where he's lacking and says well if thou will be perfect You know sell that thou hast give it to the poor take up thy cross and follow me He goes away sorrowing because he has great riches So the guy walked up thinking he had to do something Some kind of works to get into heaven and he walked away thinking he had to do works to get into heaven. He's not saved but what Jesus is demonstrating there is that Truly if you live a perfect life if you keep all of the commandments perfectly you'll go to heaven But since there's no person on the planet who does that that's where we need salvation by grace through faith through Jesus So it's like there's there's two ways to get to heaven one way is to believe on Jesus and do it by grace The other way is to live a perfect life and never sin But okay just one last verse and then I can tell you busy Hebrews 5 9 They always bring up and being made perfect. He became the author of eternal salvation Until all them that obey him They see how they take that verse and CC if you're if you obey him, you know, keep his commandments Then he's the author of eternal salvation because you're obeying him Right, but it talks about the fact of those who obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ Let me let me let me give you this scripture here. It's The one that's popping into my mind here second Thessalonians chapter 1 it says in verse number Eight and flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with Everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power When he shall come to be glorified in his saints and to be admired in all them that believe Because our testimony among you was believed in that day So those who obey not the gospel are the people who don't believe the gospel So, you know, that's how you obey the gospel by believing it, you know repent and believe the gospel or where he says You know believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved That's actually a commandment to believe so in certain certain verses obey and believers synonymous with each other. Okay. Well in certain in certain Circumstances the way that you obey is by believing I mean obey Means different things based on what the command was. I mean if I say shut the door then obedience is to shut that door Right, and if I say believe on Jesus, then how do you obey that command by believing I believe exactly so Sometimes when you see the word obey You know, it's talking about obeying the command to believe for example. The Bible says this is his commandment I believe it's 1st John 3 24 something like that. This is his commandment That we believe on the name of his son Jesus Christ You know and that we all have one another as he gave his commandment so believing on Jesus Christ is a commandment Yeah, it's 1st John 3 23. I found it This is his commandment that we should believe on the name of his son Jesus Christ and love one another as he gave his commandment so Yeah, you know the Lordship salvation crowd they can grasp it all the straws they want but you and I both know that there's a Whole mountain of Scripture that says that salvation is by faith and that it's not of works Yeah, that's why I got out of it I I knew in my spirit even when I was preaching when I'm someone's not right, right? You got out of it. Yeah, it was your one saved always saved Teaching that I saw the video that really started the whole process so god bless you for that. Yeah. God bless you too. Great call Thank you Yeah, it says Romans chapter 2 is explaining Yeah, theoretically if you do all the right things you'll be saved but then Romans 3 goes on and on about how You know, no one is good enough. No one's righteous We've all sinned and come short of the glory of God and it says therefore we conclude That a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law so there in Romans 2 they need to get to the conclusion where he actually concludes his whole argument and Puts it all together and says therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of law at the end of chapter 3 there