(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew 7 here from Verity Baptist Manila, and I want to provide you another video on the topic of repentance of sins. One thing you'll see people do that believe you have to repent of your sins to be saved, once you start nailing them down on it and explain how it's impossible to repent of all your sins, they'll agree with you and they'll try to meet you halfway in the middle. They'll say, well, yeah, you don't have to repent of all your sins. You just have to be willing to change. You just have to be sorry for your sins. What they try to do is get you to meet them halfway in the middle, but we as believers should not meet them halfway in the middle on this topic. Because of the fact, if you had to be sorry for your sins to be saved, that's still a work salvation. You're still having to make some sort of change other than just belief. If you had to be willing to change, then that's still a work salvation. And here's the thing about this. If you had to be willing to turn from your sins, then you would turn from your sins. This idea that, well, you know, I haven't turned from my sins, but I'm willing to. Well, I mean, if you were willing to, then you actually would do it, right? I mean, that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. And or if they say, well, you know, you got to be sorry for your sins. Now, one reason why people say that, you know, you have to be sorry for your sins is because maybe they were sorry for their sins when they got saved. That doesn't make it a requirement, though. And look, we should not meet them halfway in the middle and say, well, you got to repent of some of your sins or just a few, or you got to be kind of have a general sorryness or willing to change or something like that. No, none whatsoever. It says whosoever believeth. The person that believes that is not sorry for their sins, that is not willing to change their lifestyle, that doesn't change one bit, they will be saved because they place their full faith in Jesus Christ. But these people that believe you have to be willing to turn from your sins or be sorry for your sins, I hope they're confused because if that's actually what they're trusting and what they've always been trusting to get to heaven, then they're not saved because they're still believing in a works salvation. Thank you and God bless.