(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Sucky here from Verity Baptist Manila providing you another video on the topic of repentance of sins. And what I'm going to do is look at John chapter 20 verses 30 and 31 where the Bible reads, And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written that he might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing he might have life through his name. It's saying that when you believe you have life through his name, it's talking about eternal life. And it's talking about people getting saved. And see the book of John, the last two verses in John chapter 20, it shows us that the big focus of the book of John is for people to believe on Jesus Christ and get saved. You know, different books in the Bible have different main focuses, and the main focus of the book of John is to get you to believe on Jesus Christ, is to get you to receive eternal life. That's what we see in John 20 verses 30 and 31. So if the book of John is the book to help you believe on Jesus and get saved and go to heaven, if that's the main focus that John focuses on over and over again, the question comes up, how come you will never find the word repent in the book of John one time? You know, if repentance was required for salvation, and the book of John was written that people might believe, how come you never see the word repent appear one time? You never see the word repent, you never see the word repented, you never see the word repented or repents, you never see a form of that word, you'll never find that word in the book of John. And I would challenge you to read the book of John, and then try to find that word, because you're not going to find it. You know, the word that you find come up over and over again throughout the book of John, the book that's given, so we might end up having life through his name, the word you see over and over and over again is believe, or a form of the word believe, believe, believeth, believes, believe. That's what you see popping up over and over again, you say why? Because the bottom line is whether or not we go to heaven or hell is not based on whether or not we repent of our sins. It's based on he that believeth on the sun hath life, and he that believeth not the sun shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on it. So it doesn't come down to whether or not you repent of your sins whatsoever. Look, there's people that believe and are saved and on their way to heaven, and they live pretty rotten lives, and they're going to be drunks till the day they die, they're going to smoke cigarettes till the day they die, they're going to run around on their wife till the day they die, but if they truly believe, then the Bible says they're saved and on their way to heaven because you do not have to repent of your sins. And so the question comes up, if this book was written that people might believe, then how come you never see the word repent appear one time or a form of the word repent throughout the book of John? Thank you, and God bless.