(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Seve here from Verity Baptist Manila. Come and do with a video on the topic of repentance of sins. I want to share with you Jonah chapter 3 verse 10, which very clearly shows you that believing you have to repent of your sins or turn from your sins to be saved is actually a work of salvation. In Jonah 3, 10 the Bible reads, and God saw their works that they turned from their evil way. It says God saw their works that they turned from their evil way. So what did God see? He saw their works, okay? So it's the works of these people. What did he see? That they turned from their evil way. So turning from your evil way, turning from your sins, that according to the Bible in Jonah chapter 3 verse 10 is works. God saw their works that they turned from their evil way. Now a lot of people like to dispute this and say, well, you know, repentance of sins is not work of salvation. You know, you have to be willing to be sorry or make some sort of change. But if you just look very clearly what the Bible teaches, the Bible very clearly teaches that God saw their works that they turned from their evil way. So turning from your sins, having to repent of your sins to be saved is actually a work of salvation. And so we need to be very careful when we preach the Gospel not to throw around that word repent in the wrong way because of the fact we could be teaching people a works of salvation. Now just common sense alone would tell us that this is works of salvation. Because obviously we believe salvation is a free gift that Jesus Christ paid it all. And if we're suggesting that what Jesus Christ did was not enough, it's not just us placing our faith in Jesus Christ, but that we also have to change our lifestyle and say, I have to quit drinking, I have to quit smoking, I have to repent of my sins. That's no longer about what he did. That's about what we did. And Jonah 310 is a great verse that proves this where it says God saw their works. So what did he see? He saw their works and what is it that he saw that they turned from their evil way? Thank you and God bless.