(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The Temple Institute today announced that they will be raising red heifers in Israel. They say after 2,000 years with great thanks to the Almighty we are pleased to announce the Temple Institute is raising red heifers in Israel for the first time in 2,000 years. The restoration of biblical purity is within reach. The prerequisite for building the Holy Temple. The term red heifer is only mentioned one time in the Bible and you can read about that in Numbers 19. So why does all this matter? Well it shows us that the Temple Institute is getting very close to being able to build the third temple. Here's a prophecy chart to show us what's going to happen according to what the Bible says. The first thing is that the Antichrist confirms the covenant with many for one week. This corresponds with the first seal that the Antichrist goes forth to conquer. I believe this is going to be the period of time in which the temple will be built and set up. Shortly thereafter is when the daily sacrifice begins. Then we have all these other seals, world at war, famine and starvation, death in one quarter of the earth, and in the fifth seal martyrs appear in heaven. Christians being killed for the cause of Christ. Then is when we see the abomination of desolation in which he will oppose the Antichrist who opposed and exalted himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped. So that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that he is God. So the Antichrist is going to sit in the temple and proclaim to be God. Then that is when great tribulation will begin. So we've been going through tribulation here. First, second, third, fourth, fifth seal. After the abomination of desolation there will be great tribulation. If you do the math it will be about 75 days. After this great tribulation period of time, thankfully is when the sixth seal is opened. This is when the sun and moon are darkened, stars fall, the heavens depart, and then the rapture will happen. It's the second coming of Christ. When Jesus comes into the clouds, sends his angels to gather together, the elect, which in the New Testament, elect always means believers or saved people, will be raptured. And then the seventh seal will be opened in which God will begin to pour out his wrath on the earth and all the unbelievers. So it looks like we're getting, could be getting close to this time. They're definitely making preparations for it in which the third temple will be rebuilt. Thank you for watching. Be sure to like the video, leave a comment below, and be sure to subscribe to our channel.