(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) members what is this garbage investigation investigation huh what were they what law were they breaking I am NOT gonna discuss oh you're not okay well you know what let me just tell you something we're not gonna stop knocking doors you guys harass us every first group of to get off the problem I just got here okay and you know I'm not allowed shut up listen to me I'm not okay yeah you are going to know because you know what I pay your salary if you don't get I have the right okay I'll get off the property but let me tell you something my tax dollars pay your salary we're not gonna stop evangelizing it's you and your bunch of devils want to stop us from preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and want to persecute us for our religion you know what your stupid Chandler laws mean nothing it's the First Amendment of the Constitution that guarantees us the right to exercise our First Amendment practice our religion and the Constitution Trump's your stupid laws and the Word of God Trump's your stupid laws and you know you can arrest us every stupid day you can arrest me right now I'm never gonna stop knocking doors and preach in the gospel of Jesus Christ and you can go and force your stupid laws against drugs or whatever stupid things you go out doing you guys are a joke I don't even know how you can even live with yourself stupid job harassing Christians reach in the gospel have you hate the Lord you hate Jesus are you a Christian are you gonna go to hell when you die or what if you come back on this property you will be okay all right have a good day yeah well you know what you have a bad day you are evil