(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Growing up. I used to hear about like Salvadorians hating Mexicans and Mexicans hating Guatemalans. It's just it's retarded Yeah, you know opportunity hater now. I would say this was like in Long Beach I remember growing up in Long Beach. There was always always beef between black people in Hispanics always But it was more like a gang rivalry. You know, I mean You had the Crips who were who would always beef with the with the long goes And it was it was I don't think it was over race It was just over territory, but it would turn into like a racist type of a thing Well, there were certain areas when I lived in South Central During the riots. I was 120th and Bud long and I would go down this certain alley the Rodney King rides your refer Yeah The Rodney King rocks and there was a big soft floss the gangs called the soft laws Mm-hmm, and they were the Mexican gang and I would go down this little alley say hey, that's my soft law alley We doing you're going down there. I always go down there, but I'm not a gang affiliated Anyway, yeah, and they say hey, I'm not going down there dude, dude, and I was wondering oh no wonder Why does Mexicans will look at me? Oh funny when I walk there. Hey, what's up, you know? so they didn't bother me, but as soon as you're aware of the Prejudice, yeah of did you shouldn't be in there then you're I guess you're sensitive to it. I wasn't so yeah Well, no, you're right about that because even like when I was growing up in Long Beach You had there was like Crips that would like those sweat you if you're Hispanic Yeah, I remember almost got jumped by a group of insane Crips we're on a bus one time and but og Crip from like I don't know. I think it was like really 20s or something. He backed me up I'm gonna say the dole is the young ones. I don't yeah the young got here I had a bright red shirt on in a crip neighborhood. Mm-hmm. And the guy a youngster came up to me pumping gas He says we go with the funny-looking cuddles good. Yeah He said He's like, I'm sorry. We relate. Sorry. I'm sorry cuz I actually I'm sorry. What did you say? He said we go with them funny-looking colors cool I says, I don't know what you mean. I said, but I'm not from here. I just gotta feel different He said well, you better ask somebody I Saw like racism to a certain extent but it was Honestly, like I got along with a lot of black people I got along with a lot of Crips and I knew some some some Crips that were just like hey if you know you ever Went into any trouble you can you know, talk to me and I'll help you out or whatever, you know, they're cool But there are others like you don't want to get caught alone That's right, because they automatically think you're a part of like that Mexican game. Listen, I seen so much violence before the riots It wasn't a day. I'll say every two days there were shootings. Mm-hmm kids would jump on the floor faster to me the drive-bys And they would say well you better get down They didn't knew they were like the reflexes quick I actually lived in a girl's house where she must had enemies I don't know. She raised my window Yeah, I mean I Knew people I said John's dead. What? Yeah. Oh this woman right outside my door Mm-hmm, and and some guy came and said he make it use your phone Patrice just was staff Sarah in the heart with a pencil. I'm like, yeah, right a pencil really Stabbed her in a heart with a pencil. I got stabbed with a pencil one time. Oh, she's cool She died too, so it was Can I was counting on that like a rapper and they did this is like this guy's favorite rapper and he literally took his pencil He stabbed me. I Was like this dude just stabbed me for a rapper People did some hotheads are in there and Yeah, it was the worst part about it the most violence Was between each other Hey me better put my beard out That's not your beer and she's it He looks around if you ask So and he said I'll shoot you you gotta shoot me to pow shot right through her hand through the cup Oh, man, like these guys are treacherous. I'm the guys walking down the street Let me have two men come let me shot me in my what's the name shot me in my butt who his cousin shot Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay. There's another guy who's going on a gang. They're going to a gang fight They're all getting their guns ready and he's driving and he He lurched and he shot him in the back Now the guys in the wheelchair because his buddy in the backseat shot him in the yeah I remember and he's paralyzed. I remember being in Long Beach in Long Beach. You have like You know you you have Samoans you have black people you have Hispanics, but you also have Cambodians and and the Cambodian gangs are like They're crazy man. Yeah, they don't mess around But I remember I was I was at when I was in it when I was in high school There's there's these because everyone was kind of segregated a little bit right, but I remember You know, we're lunchtime and there's these two Cambodian guys and they were friends Like they grew up together But one of them like this is his his friends click like messing around and the guy stomped him out He stopped him out so bad that the guy like went to the hospital and the guys like in prison for like attempted murder Mm-hmm, I've seen bleeding out of his ears. I've seen this guy. He's crazy violent. He's kicking his eyes tried to stop I said, dude, he's a man. Don't ever try to stop me again. No Yeah, that's like really some crazy. This is your friend. Yeah, he put the guy in a hospital. Yeah a coma