(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. This is just a short video about population growth and the Bible. I've heard atheists sometimes say that it would be impossible for the population to grow from just two people, Adam and Eve, to our current population in the period of time the Bible describes. Or really, when you think about the biblical flood, we're talking about actually growing from the eight people that were on the ark to our current population in a few thousand years. Is that possible? Well, I actually did the math on this. I crunched the numbers by hand on paper, but then afterward I found a website that actually just makes it a lot easier and it gave me the same figures that I had come up with on my own. So I'm going to show you this website. Okay, so here's the website and as you can see the default when you pull up this website is to start in the year 2000 and to end in the year 2050. They started with the population around the year 2000 which is about 6 billion and the growth rate that they have plugged in is 1.2 percent. So that's in decimal form 0.012 and then if you hit show subtotals and hit calculate then it calculates the population growth. You can see it starting in 2001 there and going up through about where we are now 2020 and then the projection of if we stayed at the current rate where the population would be in the year 2050. Okay, now if we look at this chart right here that shows the world population by year you can see that from the year 2020 going back to you know all the way to like through the 70s you have basically some percentage between one and two percent and then you have this really high population growth rate in the 1960s where the population of the world was growing by over two percent and and this is the entire world that we're talking about here. So as we go back in time then it stops giving that percentage because these numbers become a little bit more estimated and obviously the population growth in ancient times was slower than it is now modern advances have increased life expectancy fertility etc and so now it's growing at a higher rate it would have been lower back then. Okay, but let's go ahead and throw in some numbers into our population calculator regarding the Bible so according to the Bible if we do all the math and add up all the years then the flood took place around 2600 BC. Okay, so as we go back in time on this obviously these numbers before 500 BC these numbers right here are just guesses okay because there are no accurate historical records that we could really point to before around 500 BC so that this is actually probably the first really meaningful number on this chart and as we go higher the numbers are gonna get more accurate but anything before 500 BC is not going to have good historical data to go on so this is the number we're gonna use right here 500 BC the world having a population of about 100 million people okay so if the flood happened in 2600 BC and if there were about a hundred million people in 500 BC that's basically 2100 years that we need to calculate so the starting year I'm just gonna put year one and we're gonna go 2100 years right so this is from the flood to 500 BC and our starting population is gonna be eight people on Noah's Ark and so you know what kind of a growth rate is it gonna take in order to get to this number right here of a hundred million people well obviously you know if we type in the current growth rate it's gonna be much too high of a growth rate because in you know in that case there would have been this incredible number right here 598 billion people obviously that's not what happened that's not the actual growth rate so what it's actually gonna take is let me see here 0.0078 okay so this is three quarters of a percent okay so remember our current growth rate is like 1.2 percent or 1.05 percent it says here okay so this is this is a much lower growth rate at three quarters of a percent 0.0078 and if we hit calculate then we see boom 2100 years later we went from eight people getting off the ark all the way to approximately a hundred million people scroll down here a hundred million is long way to go a hundred million people 2100 years later okay so let me ask you this is is that just this wild thing of you know how can the Bible be saying that you went from eight people to a hundred million people in only 2100 years actually it's extremely reasonable because the growth rate necessary is only three quarters of a percent so it could easily happen so what the Bible is saying is very realistic okay now let's crunch another number from the Bible that I think is interesting how about the captivity in Egypt so the children of Israel according to the Bible were in Egypt for 430 years so I'm gonna type in you know starting year one ending year 431 and for the starting population I'm gonna put 70 because the Bible doesn't tell us the numbers of the children of Israel in terms of every man woman boy and girl it typically is just counting the males and obviously this is just gonna be an estimate okay so because obviously the number of men is going to be a microcosm of how many people are in the entire population we can extrapolate that out so we have 70 guys going down into Egypt roughly you know you could say 66 65 whatever but just roughly you're going in with about 70 guys and then you're you're leaving with a population of six hundred and three thousand men that are counted in the book of numbers so 430 years we're starting at 70 what growth rate would be necessary in order to you know end up with the population of six hundred and three thousand guys and I did the math on this and it ends up being two point one three percent so this is a pretty high growth rate two point three percent but it's not unheard of whatsoever because of the fact that even today there are countries in this world right now that have an annual population growth rate of three or four percent and remember the Bible tells us that the children of Israel were multiplying exceedingly and and they were very fruitful and they were abounding now obviously that was counteracted by the fact that they're in bondage and at one point the Egyptians were even murdering their babies but you know if they're growing and multiplying and exceeding abundant you know it makes perfect sense that they would have a growth rate around two point what do we say was two point one three percent so anyway those are some numbers from the Bible and you say well you know those seem really reasonable you know what what do the evolutionists have to offer well they're basically claiming that the population just coasted for hundreds of thousands of years okay now what's more realistic a population growth rate from 2,600 BC to 500 BC of three-quarter of a percent and a population growth of the children of Israel and Egypt you know when they were really multiplying and abounding and being fruitful of two point one three percent what's more reasonable that or thinking that man's population for the last few hundred thousand years virtually didn't grow at all and then just basically exploded in recent times recent meaning the last couple thousand years because remember they're claiming that our species quote-unquote homo sapiens came into existence around 200,000 years ago okay so basically sapiens means wise so homo sapiens is the wise man so they're basically claiming that you have an intelligent human being on this planet going back 200,000 years but yet you know they just the population just stayed the same and didn't grow hardly at all and and also if you look at any kind of meaningful civilization civilizations that actually built things and and accomplished things and used technology and so forth it you know it all goes back to around what time you know you look at the great civilizations in India China Europe Mesopotamia you know what it all happens in the third millennium BC it all points to what 2600 BC because that's when civilization began man gets off the ark and right away they're building cities they're building empires they're building aqueducts they're building plumbing they're they're building sophisticated structures they weren't going ooga booga for hundreds of thousands of years and then just all of a sudden you know five thousand years ago everything blows up no in reality you know the Bible's true and the world was created approximately 6,300 years ago the flood happened around 4,600 years ago around 2600 BC that's when all the major civilizations start around 2500 BC and so the Bible's numbers add up the math adds up and it's way more plausible to believe what the Bible is saying about these population growth rates than to think that basically mankind being intelligent being sapience all the way back 200,000 years ago yet couldn't grow as a population and couldn't build anything meaningful that doesn't make any sense god bless you have a great day