(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) If it were up to Christians today, we would never mention hell. Instead we'd be really sweet and tell people all is swell. We'd never warn of judgment or of a future burning hell. From the pulpits we'd preach peace and surely wouldn't yell. If it were up to Christians today, Romans 1 would not be preached. For if we ever promote hate, then how will unbelievers be reached? We'd never read from Psalms or Genesis in Judges chapter 19. For if we were to do that, we'd come across hateful and quite mean. If it were up to Christians today, we wouldn't win souls door to door. And preachers that preach the truth would be the ones we would abhor. Joel Osteen would be the guy that we should all adore. For I've never heard of anyone who talked of God's love more. If it were up to Christians today, then we would be fed lies. Instead of hearing hard preaching on pressing onward toward that prize. We'd just pretend that all are saved and we don't need to plant God's seed. And multitudes would burn forever, for to God's word we would not heed.