(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) hey everyone I wanted to comment on the situation in Afghanistan the Taliban taking over after America pulled out of the country first of all I do want to let you know that I didn't notice any extended family in the Taliban videos that have come out recently of them taking over the government and of course that's a lame joke and me sort of poking fun at myself but anyway I think it's worth noting that the Taliban is a US creation this is admitted it's not some crazy conspiracy theory the official story of course is that America funded the Taliban all those years ago to prevent the Russians from gaining more of an influence in the Middle East because of course everything's always the Russians fault got to blame Russia for everything and America feels entitled to the resources that we've stolen from Middle Eastern third-world countries after bombing them now I do partially believe that America does have a long history of fighting proxy wars in that region by funding radical Islamic groups and so I think the Taliban is another example of that but it also you know groups like the Taliban they also offer the United States and the West as a whole an opportunity to fight these endless wars in the region which then keeps a steady stream of cash flowing into the military-industrial complex which is an unholy alliance between weapons manufacturers and the elites who profit from war right that's why you see the corporate media being pro-war oftentimes it's one of the very few times that they praised unanimously Donald Trump when he bombed Syria because the minute the corporate media the fake news is part of that cabal that profits from America's endless wars and foreign military intervention which by the way is designed to fail what's going on in Afghanistan when America pulled out and the Taliban took over that country that was always the goal it's not a failure necessarily in the eyes of the elites this is exactly what they wanted destabilization you notice a pattern when America invades these foreign countries that have done nothing to us you know they're often left in a worse state than they were before US military stepped foot on their soil and that's by design you see that with Vietnam you see that with Iraq you see that with Libya after the ousting of Gaddafi and you see that here with Afghanistan as well and of course politicians love when we go and do this in the Middle East because first of all it lines their pockets so they're able to enrich themselves through America being in a perpetual state of war but also I genuinely believe that politicians on both sides of the political spectrum genuinely love killing people and so this gives them an opportunity to kill innocent people by bombing poor countries in the Middle East and stealing their resources it was just a couple of weeks ago that Joe Biden bombed the clinic and a school in Afghanistan because he loves to kill people he genuinely enjoys it and again this gives them an opportunity to do so of course now Nancy Pelosi put out a statement virtue signaling about how she's really concerned about how the Taliban are gonna treat women and girls in Afghanistan now let me let you in on a little secret that you probably already know if you have two brain cells to rub together Nancy Pelosi does not care about women and girls she doesn't care about anyone other than herself she doesn't care about women and girls in Afghanistan in Iraq in Libya anywhere especially here in the United States she doesn't care about anyone other than herself those women and girls could be destroyed tomorrow and she would sleep like a baby doesn't matter to her she doesn't care about the conflict that she is you know she herself helped perpetuate and why why is that why doesn't she care because for her it's all about enriching herself that's why she became a multi-millionaire in politics but it goes beyond that these same politicians who tell you who tell you how concerned they are about what the Taliban is gonna do to women and girls and Afghanistan will then turn around and negotiate weapons deals with countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia which do just about the same things to women and girls and in some cases treat them even worse so it's not about that that's just propaganda that they're probably gonna use for you know brainwashing purposes maybe they want to go back into Afghanistan I'm not quite sure what the agenda is for the future but I will say this these politicians are bloodthirsty and like I said they love to kill people this gives them an opportunity to do so while also lining their own pockets and lining the pockets of the elites through the military industrial complex the reality is foreign military intervention doesn't work and again it's not designed to work but here's what does work the gospel of Jesus Christ and if all these hellhole Muslim countries converted to Christianity and got saved and loved the Lord and you know started to just believe the Bible there they'd be in a lot better state obviously okay God would bless them and things of that nature the true solution isn't bombs falling from the sky courtesy of the American military bombing innocent children and innocent you know innocent people in general in these third world countries that's not the solution the solution is the gospel the solution is Jesus and it's surprising that more Christians aren't talking about that instead you see especially in the old IFB this mentality that says yeah we'll just bomb them all and let God sort them out that's not biblical here's what is biblical the gospel okay and and again if these Muslim countries stopped believing in a religion that was founded by an illiterate pedophile and became Christians they'd be much better off obviously now you know they're closed off to the gospel right now so I'm gonna pray that a miracle happens and some of these Middle Eastern countries open up to the gospel somehow and that many of these people end up getting saved because that's the only way that these countries could ever find any kind of hope whatsoever the only hope that they have is through Jesus not Muhammad the illiterate pedophile who founded a religion that's gonna send them all to hell unless they repent of what they believe right now and believe on Christ but that's all I have to say about this topic certainly interesting what's going on and I thought I would add my two cents into the online discussion make sure you subscribe for more and I'll talk to you guys again after a while