(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I wanted to just take a moment and talk about Salvador Ramos and the school shooting that just took place a few days ago. My heart goes out to the people that have lost their lives at this school shooting. It's just horrendous school shooting. All of the students and teachers in one classroom that were shot and murdered and just a terrible, terrible situation. And it seems like there's an ongoing debate now of gun control laws and what we should do in response and how we should handle something like this. People are talking about getting rid of guns and that gun control laws are the method that will fix this issue. But that's just blatantly false. And I feel like I need to chime in on this whole issue of gun control and saying that we need to just do better controlling the guns so that people won't commit these crimes. Look, gun control is not going to solve anything. Gun control is not going to stop people from committing such acts. They will still find ways to do it. The matter is not an issue of the law. The matter is the issue of the heart, changing the hearts of students, getting them to realize that they are made in the image of God, that God loves them, that he died for them, that he came here 2,000 years ago, died on a cross, was buried and rose again for them, and helping them understand the love of Christ and the power of the cross, and that they were made in the image of God and that the universe was created, that we didn't spontaneously appear here from nothing. Now, the reason that I say this is because 97% of school shootings are actually carried out by atheists. The reason that this stuff happens is not because gun laws aren't good enough. Gun laws aren't protecting the people well enough. A law is not going to protect you. It's a change of heart that's needed in America. It's a change of heart that's needed in our society. The whole Roe versus Wade thing that's going on, everybody's talking about this, this getting overturned and abortion now being illegal. Look, even if you illegalize abortion and you say that it's wrong and that people can no longer legally do it and they change the laws, great, but that's not going to change the hearts of people. People are still going to go do abortions. People are going to go still commit crimes. The crime of murder, murdering an unborn child, a life, a human being, it's still going to happen. Crimes like this are still going to take place because we need to reach the hearts of people, not just change laws to try to make the situation a little bit better. Law changes are not going to do anything to actually change the hearts of people. In fact, it might even make some things worse. Might even make some cases worse. What we need is not a change of law, but a change of mind and we need to start teaching children that they were made in the image of God, that God loves them, that he cares for them, that God commended his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. That's the message that they need to hear. We need to tell people the truth about creation and that God created the universe and that he loves them. Love is what will change people. Love is what will change this country. It's what will make America a better place. It's what will make the world a better place, in fact, but when you take away God, you take away love. In 1963, when they removed prayer and Bible and the Ten Commandments from the schools, we saw a rapid decline of the degradation of American society. Death rates went up from violent crimes. Suicide rates skyrocketed. Premarital sex amongst teenagers skyrocketed as well. Service rates also skyrocketed since 1963, when the Bible was taken from the schools. So righteousness exalted the nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Once again, a change of law is not what's going to change society. What will change society is a change of heart, a change of perspective, realizing that we aren't just here for no good reason, that God has a purpose for us, that he loves us. I think that we should take time to mourn with these families that have lost their loved ones instead of making this about gun control and about having a big debate. So I hope that you guys enjoyed this video. God bless.