(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) dad's here and uh my dad's a very nostalgic person he tells a lot of stories especially from the 1960s he's a really good storyteller so i'm sure you're gonna enjoy this we're just gonna tell a whole bunch of just totally random stories there's not going to be any structure or order to this we're just kind of just laid back sitting down reminiscing i'm probably just gonna remember as many stories as i can and get my dad to tell him so all right dad are you ready i guess so all right so tell i was just thinking about the story the other day tell the story about the time that you you were coming out of taco bell and and the police uh what tell that you know the one i'm talking about tell that story well back then the teenage days in the 60s if you were driving around late at night or whatever any excuse the cops would pull you over and so you start getting paranoid you know like the song paranoia strikes deep into your life it will creep anyway so one day in the middle of the day i'm sitting in my sister's little toyota corolla in front of taco bell i got some tacos and such and eating this stuff and i see these cops across the street in a parking lot of a shopping center and i'm like well man i start to get paranoid and i think no there's nothing they can do to me i'm sitting in front of taco bell eating some food i'm not doing anything wrong there's nothing they can do to me all of a sudden they get in their cars and they drive across the street where i am they jerk me out of the car throw me up against the wall what are you doing shut up and wouldn't let you talk and they're just rousting me and finally they go oh we're sorry we saw those coats in the back window of your car and i thought you burglarized a house nearby but they were just like throwing you against the side of the car wouldn't let me talk shut up you know oh yeah and then we were talking about uh the other day too about how back then uh the laws against marijuana were really strict yeah didn't you say that they uh and obviously you weren't smoking marijuana but didn't you say that they were uh that they would actually like comb people's cars with a comb yeah you'd be hanging out at a park or something with some friends and they'd come through there and they try to get you on something anything and so they would actually take a comb through the carpet of your car and if they and they'd say if we find one seed you're going to jail you know but yeah it was like a two-year sentence or something yeah yeah yeah friend of mine the casual friend then i knew he got busted with like ten dollars worth of pot in his car and he spent a couple years in jail wow you know they didn't uh just write you a ticket or say that's okay so do you have any other uh like driving stories or police stories or that that aren't like highway patrol or i don't know just anything huh whatever's a good story oh man what about the okay what about the time that you you hit the guy and just it just completely destroyed the side of his car and he just jumped out and tell that story yeah i was very lucky when i was about 17 i didn't have any insurance or anything and i was at a friend's house in a residential neighborhood and i got ready to leave and i pulled out and i i those sports cars coming right by me and i hit the side of his car and just ripped the whole side of his car you know and then he pulls in front of me and stops and then he gets out and i get out and he meets me at the back of the two the back of his car in front of my car and then he's like well my cars are right how's yours and i go mine's fine and he drove off imagine i couldn't imagine why was he drunk was he didn't know it well he must have been on the run or something all right yeah maybe stolen car yeah he just wanted to get out of there because his car was just completely smashed on one side he's just like my car is fine yeah so that was a weird one man let me see what else so let's let's think about some other uh funny stories from that era what about um oh man what was that one that i was just thinking i just had one on the tip of my tongue well do you want to tell any stories from boot camp or anything what was it like going to boot camp back then because you you uh you enlisted uh vietnam era in the cvs didn't you know you were gonna get drafted yeah i was there was a lottery thing and i looked at the number and it looked like okay you're gonna get drafted well i always wanted to be in the cvs when i was a kid next door neighbor was a cb and would give me sailor hats and the big bumblebee patches to put on my jacket such like that so i ended up going into gulfport mississippi to a special boot camp because i had electrical experience so i went in as like an e5 and the boot camp was just uh kind of a hilarious thing i mean it's a company commander big rough tough guy raging cajun from new orleans you know but when somebody get caught doing something i mean you're standing at attention somebody would scratch their ear whatever they'd have to stand in front of the whole group scratch their ear and go sir i will not scratch my ear sir sir i will not smell they're doing it yeah while they're scratching they're scratching their ears yeah right so it's just uh it would go on and on like whatever they were doing and some things probably don't want to mention here yeah but sometimes they'd be scratching something else and they have to say i will not scratch my whatever sir right exactly while they're scratching it right so it didn't and then um didn't you uh you had to like inject yourself with something or yeah you know we had there was about 30 of us in our company and one of the things was if you got hit with nerve gas in vietnam you had to give yourself the antidote within 20 seconds or something so everybody had to go to this classroom and you'd walk up to the front you'd put your your foot up on this little pulpit like type thing and they give you this shot and it was like a needle with a little thing of uh saline solution just a little it's like a placebo yeah yeah and so you'd have to shove the needle was about an inch and a half long you'd have to shove that thing into your leg like through your pants and then squeeze that stuff in and then pull the needle out and then it wasn't really that big of a deal to me and you know because the way they explained it was it's like sticking a needle into an orange or something you would just you'd feel it prick the skin but then that was it and yet the funny thing was one of the tough guys in boot camp boxer professional boxer and all this stuff he was the only one that wouldn't do it you know he just he just couldn't do it he wouldn't do it so they finally dismissed the whole class and he was still there and nobody knows if he ever did it but didn't you say he'd already flunked once that was another guy oh it's a different guy okay because if you mess up they put you back they put you back two weeks to the company before you yeah and so you always had that fear that they're gonna catch you in something or you're gonna do something not answer a question right so you had that fear and one guy had been set back four or five times oh wow you know and that me and i thought later maybe it was just he didn't want to go to vietnam so if he never gets out of boot camp he's not going to vietnam you know yeah but it isn't boot camp like worse than vietnam think so except i'm probably not gonna get killed you're not gonna die but yeah it would be bad so and then didn't didn't you guys also when you're in boot camp you had to like it'd be exposed to tear gas oh take a big breath or they made you sing or talk or something yeah you put the mask on and you'd walk into this little cabin that was full of tear gas and vomiting gas and so you'd walk around in there with your mask on you felt fine you know yeah well then they tell you to pull the mask off so you pull the mask off and then the company commander would start asking you questions to get you to take a breath so you'd breathe it in so not only were your eyes burning your face was burning because you had to shave so close every day your face was already raw right yeah you know and so your face is on fire you're throwing up and running out of the building you know it's quite an experience so okay so you know i i know that uh some of when you got to vietnam is is highly classified right but let's talk about the part that's not classified when you got to vietnam what was your job like when you got there i first get to the nang and i'm standing there and some commander comes up and says well you're tall we're gonna make you shore patrol so i'm like okay you know so the sheriff they had these huge semi-trucks they were all gutted out with seats in them to haul i i say the drunks but some people don't like you saying that but all these drunk people would they'd haul them into downtown denang to get drunk and then they'd bring them back well they didn't want them walking through the jungle down the road to the to the bars through the jungle so bars through the jungle so we'd haul them on his truck so on the side of the truck it was like entering a bus you had the steps and the pole and a light over your head yeah and so my job was to stand in that doorway and keep the drunks from falling out you know and they're all harassing you hey shore patrol you know but you're just thinking it's too dangerous for them to walk down this road but it's okay well because of snipers and such but it's okay for me to drive through the jungle with a light over my head with a spotlight like hey look at me right on my head so that was quite an experience and i did that two or three different nights so it's kind of scary just being under the light so what about what about when you showed up though to do the electrical work because you're in the construction battalion cbs and you're doing electrical so how did the electrical work go well all the time before i got to vietnam all the chief petty officers and such that love to harass you anderson you're going to be working 16 hours a day you know wait till you get to vietnam you know so i had to have to think about and before that you had to go through prisoner of war training which was like anderson wait till you get to that prisoner of war training it was in san diego well that turned out to be nothing because they stamped some priority 13 on my orders which meant i only had to go to the classroom so i didn't have to go up in the mountains and get captured oh so you skipped where they torture you yeah well they take you up in the mountains and put you in a cage and all that so skip that so i get them get to vietnam and my job is the vietnamese are wiring these barracks for the army troops they have a few vietnamese doing that they have two korean supervisors watching them and i was supposed to watch the korean so you're supervising the koreans who are supervising the vietnamese who are doing the actual work right so anyway i'm all taken seriously and looking at the wiring to make sure it's right and you know nothing wrong and so finally a guy walks up to me one day oh and the vietnamese are always trying to get my tools because they issued me tools even though i never used them yeah and so this guy who was in the army he comes up he's like what are you doing and i'm like i'm doing my job because you were like inspecting yeah i'm making sure they're doing it right i figured that was my job you know yeah and so i said i'm doing my job i'm supposed to watch these guys he's like you don't have to do that and i'm like i don't and he's like no and i go these vietnamese want my tools and he's like give them to him you're never going to use them and then he's like let's go hit the px's and i'm okay so we went out shopping at the px's and bought a fancy radio and such that's funny but i mean it was just nothing the job was nothing it was like pretty much doing nothing and then you know when i finally left get back here so you got a little taste of government work yeah right government yeah it was just like where's the 16 hours of work where's the you know none of that it's like i was like some celebrity and you go to the club every night and the club was like right on the ocean it was in chu lai and there's big picture windows and waves crashing it was like a resort i like a resort either the latest movie or the latest band whatever performing every night so american bands would actually come perform american from australia from all over the place they would travel to vietnam travel and they'd be performing wow that's crazy they'd be performing and and then if it wasn't that it was like the latest movie that was out wow every night entertainment but had my own little room you know with a little vietnamese maid and you know keeping the place clean i was treated like a king a friend of mine thinks i was in the cia or something because the way it worked i didn't go into a battalion like the cbs usually do i was just on my own naval support activity denang the naval support activity chu lai yeah but it was like most people if you hook up with a cbs today they're like what battalion were you in and i'm like i wasn't in a battalion you know wow crazy so uh going back to that era the 1960s and stuff um yeah do you have any good soul winning stories from faith baptist i know i know you knocked on some famous people's doors right yeah we go out soul winning a lot and sometimes we'd go down to oceanside by camp penelton a group of us and just and all the marines were hanging out in oceanside so we'd be just witnessing and approaching approaching the marines you know and got a lot of people saved and where was i going with that but did you talk to oh yeah yeah so we were in tapanga canyon which is kind of a celebrity type area at the time yeah and knocked on the door of bob denver who was uh gilligan on gilligan's island he was very nice very polite got to go through the gospel with him and everything but he was like well not now but i'll think about it but he listened to the whole thing he did listen to it it was very nice very polite maybe we'll get to heaven he's gonna be up there with the skipper and professor and everybody yeah once we hopefully the seed was planted all right so what so let's let's talk about uh life back then in in la in the 60s it was just it was great i mean they called me valley boy before i did that valley girl ever came out and stuff i was called but my parents moved me from the valley when i was 15 to camarillo just north of there and all my friends in camarillo would always call me valley boy because i was always talking about the valley you know and uh it was just a great time so didn't you say that didn't you say that things really kind of changed really fast from one year to the next like like one year nobody was smoking pot people didn't even smoke talk a little bit about that well in my high school in camarillo before that i'd never run into drugs anywhere and in the 10th grade no drugs people were drinking and such but there was no drugs at all in the like the end of the 11th grade all of a sudden this ex-girlfriend of mine went out with this hell's angel and came back came back to school say and he was smoking marijuana and everybody was just horrified shocked yeah yeah by the end of like the 11th grade the whole school was smoking pot and and just to be clear 11th grade this like 1967 right yeah 67 yeah because you were born in 1950 right it just came on the scene and it's just things changed and people were doing anything to get high i mean they would like drink bottles of cough syrup they would blow gasoline you know suck gasoline fumes out of their gas tank i mean it was just they smoke banana peels yeah this one guy had boiled the banana peels because of that song mellow yellow which is a hoax and then he acted like he was getting high but it turned out turned out it didn't do anything to you it was a placebo yeah placebo exactly so uh didn't you say just by smoking cigarettes you're just like a goody two-shoes because just everybody was smoking right yeah when i first got to camarillo i'm like well it's a cool place and they introduced me in class i had to just go up there and register myself you know my mom's like go register at the high school so these two girls like you're going to lunch with us and i'm like cool you know so i go to lunch with them we have lunch and everything they're like now we're going to have a cigarette and i'm like well i don't smoke you don't smoke what a soc you know and they have these on the lawn below the lunch area they have all these circles where people lay in circles and smoke and there'd be smoke billowing out of the circles but you couldn't actually see them smoking you know and unless the teachers snuck up through the circle of our kids and then smoke's coming out the middle yeah smoke and once in a while the teachers would go out there and they'd say you need to clean up all these cigarette butts and stuff you know but everybody's just smoking at school yeah can you imagine that today oh no that would never happen right and and when you became a senior you had a senior patio okay with walls all around it yeah so that you just placed guards on those walls and you could just sit there and have a cigarette and and smoke's just billowing you were totally safe yeah because they had to actually see you you know but sometimes when you're in those circles they try to sneak up through the student parking which was right next to that lawn that's right catch you doing it yeah you have to be on guard all the time so it didn't you say also that you know this is like the the the late 60s in california right didn't they like read the bible in school and pray and they sent you to vacation bible school and stuff well when i was like in the probably fourth grade they had a thing in elementary school called religious release and they would send you to whatever church was set up to do it like if you're a baptist you go to the baptist if you're catholic you go to the catholic so i would go to the baptist church and you go there for like an hour and they'd you know they preached the gospel to you and told you bible stories and everything then you go back to school that's before they took the bible so it was like a religious emphasis week or something right it was every it was every week it was called religious release oh it was every week for one for one hour like a week oh wow so it was one hour every week throughout the school year you go to you go to your religion yeah and get religious training with your baptist you go to baptist methodist you go to the methodist whatever yeah wow and so there was a baptist church right now didn't they also the teachers prayed and stuff or they they i don't really remember that you don't remember that no but it was just a different world i mean they didn't have any of the weird stuff that goes on today you know yeah but how about the manson yeah tell that one yeah okay so i'm like right before i went to vietnam i was probably 19 years old just turned 19 so i go to look up this old girlfriend who i knew when i was 17 so i look her up and somebody said she's lived in this apartment such and such address and it was right off of tapanga canyon boulevard so i go to her house and all she can talk about is charlie and the ranch and we ride horses and then she's like let's go up there right now we were like two miles from the spawn ranch where the mansions hung up yeah but you've never heard of the mansions at that point yeah because this is right before the murders and she just said charlie and the ranch we ride horses and i'm just like why do i want to go there she's in love with this guy named charlie why would i take her up there you know so i'm just like see you later i'm gone well you didn't want to be the third wheel no playing second fiddle charlie so a couple of years three four years later i ran into this guy and he was from the same area i was living in simi valley at this point and then he's like uh we're talking about people we knew and i go i mentioned this girl's name and he's like you knew her she was with the mansions wow and so i'm just like wow you know and uh then i put it together you know who charlie was yeah and then i just like well she was with the mansions if i'd have gone with her that day i'd have gone up to the spawn ranch just like they made a movie recently called once upon a time in hollywood and what is it brad pitt's in it yeah yeah so brad pitt ends up picking up a Manson girl and taking her to the spawn ranch at that same time that would have been you i know that would have been you were that guy at the same time period the same thing and he gets into all this trouble okay so another funny story so when you first were going to go on a date with my mom right didn't her dad lieutenant dick takaberry didn't he like force you to shave or something that was after we dated we'll tell that story though okay so he was real picky you know if somebody came over there you know with long hair with her and her girlfriend or something one time he made him put a bag over the guy's head before they would let her let let him go with them so that story was that basically he told them that my mom couldn't go out with them you know his daughter can't go out with them because this guy's too ugly oh okay he's too ugly so then the the friend janet said well what if we put a bag over his head right and then dick said yeah if you put a bag over his head it's fine so then they actually like cut eyes and a mouth right put a bag over this guy's head and they drove off like that yeah so but tell your story though so i go to pick her up one night and i was like i was starting to grow a beard she probably had about i don't know two three weeks growth and she tries to just rush out the door without her dad seeing me you know and then he's like wait a minute i want to see his haircut you know because this guy this guy was strict when you got pulled over by one of the guys that worked for him on lapd they go he lets you have those sideburns and stuff you know it's just anyway so he's just like he has me come in and he's like oh no you're not going out with her with that beard you got two choices you can leave here without her or you can go in the bathroom there's a razor in the bathroom and shave that beard off so anyway she's all ready to go and i'm just like i don't want to just like see uh you know yeah i felt bad for her really and so i went and shaved the beard off well if you hadn't shaved the beard i wouldn't even be here no maybe not but then later i would ask him you know so i got a beard now what are you gonna do and he's like well i can't do anything now you know well and and now that was obvious that was back you know he was unsaved he was not a christian and didn't she try to tell her dad like but dad he's a christian well then throw him to the lions that's what he would say wow yeah he would say oh he's a christian throw him to the lions yeah so so are there any other what else about that trying to think any other dick stories from back then uh one time we were going on a motorcycle ride and uh the lapd had a bike club called the badgers so there was us dick and all his friends there's like 10 vehicles and i'm at the end of the group so we come to this intersection out in like out of lancaster or palmdale and so there's a truck just blocking the right hand lane to make a right turn and we had to make a right turn so everybody all these cops are just going around this truck and so i get up there and so i go around the truck well the highway patrol comes out and pulls me over so all these cops stop and they come back you know and uh they're starting to give me the highway patrol starting to give me a ticket and dick's like comes up with his badge we're all lipd here we're all lipd here and he's like yeah but is he lapd and then he's like it doesn't matter we're all lapd here so then the guy wasn't backing off so finally dick had to take him aside and says there's more of us here than there is of you so you're gonna back off and he did a lot of times i get into trouble and then i say my father-in-law is lieutenant tuckerberry and you're like yeah we know him and he's gonna hear about this but they let you off the hook they would let me off yeah shining the light on the police helicopter and stuff like that oh man nowadays would be put in jail yeah those were the days yeah so let's see you uh you're born in 1950 right uh tell us about your allowance how old were you when at the time that you always immortalized about your allowance it started pretty young but it didn't really go up much it always was a dollar a week yeah but a dollar back then you were giving me a dollar in the 90s inflation so what'd you do with your dollar every saturday i'd get my allowance i would go to the store and i'd get 10 candy bars which were like five cents each i'd get a 29 cent bag of barbecue potato chips and an rc cola because they were the biggest ones and spend my dollar and go home and just watch tv munching down parents never said anything never said you're eating too much junk nothing just you know they didn't care just never said save your money you know but didn't you buy baseball cards but you threw the cards in the trash oh yeah you'd buy baseball cards to get the gum and then you just kind of look at the cards and throw them in the trash so you're throwing away mickey mantles and stuff you know so you pretty much just bought it for the gum yeah kind of look at the cards oh okay cool throw them away those are fun yeah but i mean i wasn't that into baseball so i didn't really care but looking back you're throwing away valuable cards so when'd you get your first motorcycle well my dad used to try to tempt me all the time to go to work with him because he'd say you want to go to work with me today and i go not really and he'd say i'll pay you five bucks and i'm like uh i don't know and maybe we'll go by the honda shop and then i go okay i'm on you know because i was just i had a mini bike but i wanted a motorcycle and so that happened several times and then one day he said let's go to the honda shop and bought me a honda super 90 and that was that was a great day in my life well i ended up like within a year i had four motorcycles in my bedroom why'd you have four motorcycles because so my dad buys the 90 and says it's for both of us so then he never gets to ride it because i'm riding it constantly so then he's like i'm going to get a bigger motorcycle for myself yeah and i'm like okay so then we bought this honda 150 which was kind of an odd bike and so okay dad now you got the honda 90 i'll take the 150 okay so then he still is stuck on the honda 90 so then he's like i'm gonna get i gotta get myself a bigger motorcycle so then he finds a honda 250 scrambler and then i'm like dad that's my bike now you take the honda 150 and he was good with that you know and then later he bought a honda 160 which was a cool bike so and the bedroom was a path like a 20 by 20 patio that they'd enclosed into a room and so tile floor and stuff had plenty of room so i had four motorcycles stacked in my bedroom and i could just lay in bed and watch them stare at them do you want to do you want to tell the story about the girl with the red hair oh okay so i'm in high school and i had this girlfriend and i i was really attracted to her because she had this beautiful red hair you know long bret red hair so these mexican guys in my class they were always trying to harass me and they go you know that girlfriend of yours and i'm like yeah that hair that's not really her hair and i'm like you're crazy you know and so at that time i was taking her to school and back from high school so i go get in the car and i'm like is that your real hair and she's like yes and i grabbed it and i pulled it off her head it was a wig yeah and it was a wig so that was the end of that relationship well it was you know as cruel as cruel as that was it was another one of those things that just had to happen in order for me to be bored that's right yeah so my existence was at stake strange and in those days it was so cool because there were no cell phones there was no way for a girl to get a hold of you so when you got tired of a girl you could dump her you know and then they'd never have any way to get a hold of you and you just you disappear one day i had this one girl every time i go to pick her up it would take her about a half hour to get ready you know before she was ready to go five more minutes just five more minutes and one day i just got sick of it and i just drove off and never came back it's about a year or two later i see her and she's like ray what happened what happened i got tired of waiting for you but there were no cell phones or any way for anybody to ever get a hold of you or yeah it's a different time yep different world so are there any other interesting faith baptist stories let me think this is the time glenn shunk was there and talked about it 240 people saved and it was like he was just a great preacher you know and unbelievable women that had unbeliever husbands would bring him to his meetings and like when he had the thing on hell that sermon and they'd come out of there shaking they were so they were just trembling trembling hearing the hell shaking yeah wow but well that sermon's on youtube the glenn shunk the halls of hell there's actually like three versions of it he's one of my favorite evangelists i've ever heard preach i mean you just look forward to hearing him every night he'd be there for two weeks like a campaign you know and just hundreds of people got saved hundreds of people got saved and just he was a great guy and back then you couldn't have a beard at church no that was real strict oh yeah that was not that was a sign of rebellion that's so weird because jesus had a beard it's jack hyles the bible guys had a beard denny's sister joan her husband had a beard jack hyles went up to him said when are you going to shave that beard off you know i mean it's just that's so weird it was like a sign of rebellion by the hippies but everybody in the bible had a beard i know so we looked at things logically back then they had these rules you know and even a mustache was questionable i shaved mine off for my wedding because i didn't want to offend the pastor pastor rasmussen didn't you just have a wedding in a living room though yeah you had a private wedding right yeah yeah it's whose parents house yeah but it was different times and yeah people would say never trust a man with a mustache stuff like that so when you went into the cvs didn't didn't they give you uh a choice of where you could be stationed or where you'd be trained or something for some strange reason i don't know why today except it was the lord working is like you had three base three cv bases port winemee california gulfport mississippi or davidsville rhode island so at the time it's like well davidsville rhode island i want to see the world it's as far away as possible yeah i don't even know why i did that well what do they do they send me to point magoo california 10 miles from my parents house so which was probably most people would have loved that assignment california like coming from elsewhere right in the country so i'm in california you know and most the other people there were not from california at point magoo so you know they hated me because i was a smart alec california kid you know what i mean so so weren't weren't some of them just real hillbillies and stuff oh tell tell about them well in boot camp you just you never imagined there were that many hillbillies in this world and and do they not have schools in the south and such i mean this one guy one guy that left with me he was not he was normal okay but he was a steel erector or something built steel buildings he's erecting steel buildings yeah so we're in boot camp and everybody's saying what do you do and what do you do so this one little hillbilly from alabama he's like what do you do he's like erect steel build a steel well i can build a still you know it's just there's so there was there was only people that weren't hillbillies were like from michigan there was a guy from philadelphia there was a guy i mean but anywhere in between or you know hobbs new mexico okay hillbilly okay well uh what was the uh the guy you you wrote a letter to his sister or something so this one guy who was from georgia total hillbilly he shows me a picture of his sister and i'm like wow she's pretty cute you know can i write her a letter and he's like yeah so i wrote her a letter and i got back the most illiterate letter she was supposed to be like 17 or something the most illiterate letter is like a two-year-old had written it i'm not exaggerating i wish i'd have kept that letter to this day you know but i'm like do they not have schools did they not have to attend school you know oh man oh man i just had something that took my tongue about the um what was it oh yeah so you know we were talking earlier about how like around 1967 is kind of when everything changed where everybody started smoking pot right everybody started growing their hair long and everything right but didn't you tell a story that like maybe around 1966 or 67 right before that happened right you were at a concert right and there was a guy well it wasn't really cool like they portray it that everybody had long hair only a few hippies and such and like musicians and musicians yeah yeah and but we went to a concert at santa monica civic auditorium and i mean there was a year you think it was probably 67 maybe early 68 but anyway there was this guy with long hair and he went down in front of the stage where the bands were playing and was dancing around in a provocative way he was a guy with long hair a bunch of people went down there and just beat the crap out of him you know what i mean they didn't tolerate that even unbelievers they didn't tolerate it they're just like that guy's a fag you know yeah so because you said that people didn't really grow long hair until like pretty much the 70s and then they started letting it go over their ears and it was only like celebrities in the late yeah but everybody had like put it over their ears and they go and you were in la yeah so you're at the cultural center yeah but i never did so everybody thought are you a cop or whatever you know oh is that you like an undercover cop yeah if you didn't have it over your ears they thought you were a cop or something but i have sideburns and yeah i got pulled over by one of dick's friends they're like he lets you wear those sideburns that's funny well i don't work for him you know that's funny it was some crazy times it was a great time gas was 25 cents a gallon everywhere man you know you didn't even think about what kind of mileage your car got you didn't care you know 25 cents a gallon everything was so cheap you know it's just unbelievable so what about like restaurants stores what do you remember oh the restaurants i mean bob's big boy was 55 cents for a big boy hamburger you know and bob's big boy was the place now they're rare and hard to find just went out of business you say yeah i don't want yeah it's just but everything was very cheap i mean you get a whole meal and feed the whole family for a couple of dollars at mcdonald's and you know it was uh it was it was great times then we had horses for a while we got into that my dad had like 21 horses he was renting horses to celebrities and stuff and they'd come out and take their kids horseback riding wow and there was a famous story my dad always liked to tell we went on a horseback ride and we went through somebody's ranch you know to get to where we wanted to go so all these cops are after us and we're up in the mountains riding our horses above this road in agora and my mom's down there in a car saying don't come back don't come back because all these cops were there so my dad always called that today we were running from the posse and grandma's like signaling you don't have to come back don't come back don't come down here you know that's fun so then we waited till everything died down we came out of the mountains you still got a warrant for you just had treks like my dad would take me boating out in the ocean being storms waves crashing over the boat you know you think you're never gonna get out of there and one time we were coming back from catalina island at night waves crashing over the boat the boat spinning in circles and i looked up at my dad i was probably seven or eight and i just said dad we've had it and he's like no we haven't you know so anyway he turned the boat around and went back to catalina and then we avoided the storm but i was calm i mean i was just you're just like this is it dad dad we've had it crazy times out on the ocean my dad was into everything it was not a boring life if it wasn't boating it was water skiing it was you know camping all the time and you know quite a few uh adventures you got to do a lot of exciting stuff growing up huh yep cool all right well i think we might wrap it up unless you got anything else trying to think i think we've covered a lot of the main stories from that era is he even telling you the stories john huh no let's not bring that some some stories are some stories are better left untold some stories are better off the air side okay right all right cool thanks for doing this dad you're welcome thank