(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) A few years ago, we had a gay-type Pride Day in one of our amusement parks, and it was called Six Flags. I got mad on Sunday morning and called it a different name, and a church member at the end of the door said, that's disgusting that a preacher would use that kind of language from the pulpit. You know, shut up when I'm preaching. You know, I felt kind of bad afterwards, but I really did, and I said, you know, that's true. I mean, I ought not to be taught, you know, that is kind of, yeah, you know, and I told the Lord, I said, Lord, you know, maybe I shouldn't use that word from the pulpit, but I mean, it's an English term word, but you're right, Lord, a couple of weeks later, I was with the grocery store at Hughes Market. I walked in there with my daughter, Jamie, and we walked down the one aisle, and all of a sudden, my daughter went, hmm, I said, you okay? And she says, look, there was that same man who got mad and quit the church because I called Six Flags something else. He had red hot pants on, he had a pair of nylons on, he had some big red high heels on, and he had some good-looking cherry lipstick on. I couldn't believe it. I looked at him, and he looked at me. He took his little grocery cart, are you listening to me? He took his little grocery cart, he ran the other down the aisle. I told my daughter, I said, come on, we're going to get him. So he had them little high heels flopping down this lane. It's hard to run in them high heels when you finally get caught cross-dressing. And let me tell you something, some of you just think you're a Baptist, my friend, you're nothing but a cross-dressing preacher, my friend. That's all you are. Stand up and be a Baptist, stay a Baptist, stay with the Bible, be what you're supposed to be. We've got Bible colleges starting in America all over, and they call themselves Baptist, and they're not Baptist colleges. They call themselves fundamental, and they're not fundamental. And they don't want to hear a preacher, they don't want to hear the truth, they don't want to win people of Christ. Shut up when I'm preaching. So man, we took off down the front of that grocery store. I had my cart just a-running. There was a security guard by the front door, he said, show us something wrong. And I said, we got ourselves a funny man in here. He said, where else? I said, I think he's going down the other corner. He said, let's go. And then we went a-running the corner, we chased him. Hey, we finally cornered him in the protocol section, because that's where all the fools and nuts hang out. When I got in the corner, he had his head down like this. He was trying to wipe his lipstick off. He was already hitting his high heels. But my friend, he couldn't pull them hot pants down any further. I looked at him and he looked at me and he said, what are you going to say to me? I said just three things, six flags, six flags, six flags, and I didn't say it right, my friend.