(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It was a mental asylum, man. Everyone there, there was like a whole bunch of kids there, right, as students. A lot of families, like if they had like a trouble-making kid, or they just couldn't take care of their kid, or they just wanted their kid to grow up in like the Orthodox Church, they'd leave them at this monastery. They'd see it as a place to reform their children, basically. Right, right. So there were a lot of kids there, and the kids would say like, if you stay here long enough, you'll lose your mind. You'll go crazy. Because like all the teachers there were just like, like their mind is not right. What did you say, Hike? They know what they're talking about. Yeah, no. Out of the mouths of babes, you know. Yeah, well they'll not only lose their minds, they'll lose their souls, too. Exactly. No, seriously, if you stay there long enough, it's like... What's the longest a person has stayed there that you knew there? I guess it was like the bishop, because the monastery was like kind of run down or whatever when he took over. It was like 50 more years ago, something like that. He's like, I've been here since 500 BC. No, seriously. He wasn't there since 500 BC, but the devil dispossessed him. Oh, that's another thing. The prince was there.