(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] All right everyone, good evening. Welcome to First Works Baptist Church. Let's all find our seats, make our way inside. Let's all stand together for this first song, which will be song number 167. All hail the power of Jesus' name for our first song, song number 167. All hail the power of Jesus' name. Let's all make our way inside. Everyone's standing all together at our seats, sing our first song. All hail the power of Jesus' name. Everyone nice and strong all together on that first verse. All hail the power of Jesus' name. Let angels prostrate fall. Bring forth the royal diadem and crown Him Lord of all. Bring forth the royal diadem and crown Him Lord of all. Ye chosen seed of Israel's grace, ye ransom from the foyer. Hail Him who saves you by His grace and crown Him Lord of all. Hail Him who saves you by His grace and crown Him Lord of all. Let every kindred, every tribe on this terrestrial ball. To Him all majesty a scribe and crown Him Lord of all. To Him all majesty a scribe and crown Him Lord of all. O that with yonder sacred drum we at His feet might fall. We'll join the everlasting song and crown Him Lord of all. We'll join the everlasting song and crown Him Lord of all. All right, thank you guys for coming this evening. Let's bow our heads in a word of prayer. Dear Lord Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing us to be able to come to church and Lord we pray that we're edified by the message thereby and Lord we just pray that we keep you in the center of our thoughts hearts and soul mind and all of our strength Lord. We pray this in heavenly name Amen. Please turn your hymn notes to song number 159, Blessed be the name. Song number 159. It's song number 159, Blessed be the name. Song 159, blessed be the name. Everyone nice and strong all together on that first verse. All praise to Him who reigns above in majesty supreme who gave His Son for men to die that He might men redeem. Blessed be the name. Blessed be the name. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name. Blessed be the name. Blessed be the name of the Lord. His name above all names shall stand exalted more and more at God the Father's own right hand where angel hosts adore. Blessed be the name. Blessed be the name. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name. Blessed be the name. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Redeemer, Savior, friend of man once ruined by the fall thou hast devised salvation's plan for thou hast died for all. Blessed be the name. Blessed be the name. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name. Blessed be the name. Blessed be the name of the Lord. His name shall be the counselor, the mighty prince of peace. Amen. The caller's name shall conquer her, whose reign shall never cease. Blessed be the name. Blessed be the name. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name. Blessed be the name. Blessed be the name of the Lord. All right, if you guys wouldn't mind grabbing your hymnals. If you don't have a hymnal please raise your hand and one of the ushers will bring it to you. All right, so we are in the fall program right now and we're going on to our second week here. There's a list of events that's coming up here. October 10th we have the caramel apple sundae and I won't read the rest of them here, but you can read those. All right, and so we're in a competition right now. Bring as many people as you can. How do you get points? Attend all three services for a thousand points a week. Go soul winning once a week and you get a thousand points per week. Bring a first or second time visitor and you'll get 2,000 points per visitor. So if you bring a visitor twice you'll get 4,000 points total. The prizes are as follows. Anyone that receives 14,000 points you get a King James hoodie. First prize gets a paid missions trip. Second prize gets $50 gift card and third prize gets a $35 gift card. As I said earlier there's caramel apple sundae which is on the 10th of October. We have Lorena's baby shower on the 10th of October as well and then we have Alex and Tamara's wedding on the 16th at Verity Baptist Church. If you guys can make it there Alex would very much appreciate it and then we have apple cider fellowship on the 17th and then we have the ladies prayer meeting on October 29th. As always quiet time in the church will resume from 3 p.m to 4 15 p.m in the main auditorium and in the mother and baby rooms on Sundays. No food or drink is allowed in the main auditorium except for water and coffee. Please silence your phones and make sure you monitor your children as they are in the church in all areas of the church. If you guys wouldn't mind pulling out your prayer sheet we have a prayer sheet here. Make sure you guys remember to pray for our church corporately. Pray that God has favor on our church. We also pray for soul winning efforts and the teams there and we pray for new people and we also want to pray for the leadership of the church. Pastor Mejia is at steadfast baptist church right now. He's preaching for the conference over there so make sure you pray for safe travels for him as he comes back as well. Then we want to pray for the church families as well. Pray for salvation and families to grow and barren children and the expectant mothers and the unspoken requests and health requests there as well. The church that we're praying for is Sure Foundation Baptist Church. Make sure you pray for Ian Turvener. I might not have said that correctly but make sure you pray for him and that he's leading the church in the UK over there. Sure Foundation Baptist Church. Pray for the soul winning efforts and protection and success for him and his ministry. All right so I'm going to have brother John come up and lead us in a word of prayer. Let's bow our heads in a word of prayer. Dear Lord God, Heavenly Father I thank you for giving us this day. I thank you for giving us another day of life Lord and I thank you of course for our salvation and I just would like to lift up these requests to you now Lord as a church. I pray that you would please continue to bless us that you would continue to show favor upon our church Lord. I pray that you would please bless the soul winning. I pray that you would bless all the soul winning teams and all the team leaders. I pray that you would fill them with wisdom and I pray that you fill us all with your spirit as we go out soul winning Lord that we may see many people saved and I pray that you would help us all to grow spiritually in this church Lord. I pray that you would bless us with wisdom and knowledge Lord of your word and I pray also Lord for Pastor Mejia in Texas. I pray that you would please bless him and keep him safe and keep all the brethren safe on their travels and bring them home safely Lord and I pray for all the family salvations Lord. I pray for all the family members that we have that we all have a burden for Lord. There are many requests on this list and I pray that you would just please soften their hearts and open their minds to the Gospel Lord that they may be saved. I pray also for all the expecting mothers Lord. I pray that you please keep them healthy and I pray that you would keep the children healthy and I pray that you would bless them in all aspects of that and I pray for also the new mothers that you would bless them as well and I pray Lord for all the unspoken requests that are written here. I pray that you would please just bless us all and help us to meet our needs and I pray also for Sure Foundation Baptist Church UK. I pray that you would please bless Pastor Aaron Thompson's efforts there in the UK. I pray that you would please bless them in all that they do Lord. I pray that you would help them to grow. I pray that you would bless their sowing efforts and I pray that you would protect them and that you would have them to prosper and have good success Lord and I pray also for our fall program. I pray that you would please make it a fruitful time Lord that we may see many visitors come to the program Lord that many people may be saved and I pray that you would just bless us all Lord and just fill up for the more with your spirit as he preaches tonight and in Jesus name I pray Amen. All right you can turn to your song books of song number 29 at the cross song number 29. Song number 29 at the cross song number 29 at the cross everyone all together nice and strong on that first verse. Alas and did my savior bleed and did my sovereign die would he devote that sacred head for such a for such a worm as I at the cross at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away it was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day was it for crimes that I had done he groaned upon the tree amazing pity grace unknown and love beyond degree at the cross at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away it was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day while might the sun in darkness hide and shut his glories in when Christ the mighty maker died for man the creature cinnamon at the cross at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away it was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day but drops of grief can repay the debt of love I owe here lord I give myself away tis all that I can do at the cross at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away it was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day I mean at this time the ushers will collect the offering and tonight we will be in first corinthians chapter number 13 so so good evening we're in first corinthians chapter 13 and the bible reads though i speak with the tongue of men and angels and have not charity i'm become a sounding brass or a tingling symbol and though i have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though i have all faith so that i could remove mountains and have not charity i am nothing and though i bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though i give my body to be burned and have not charity it profit me nothing charity suffereth long and is kind charity envieth not charity wanteth not itself is not puffed up does not behave itself unseemly seeketh not our own is not easily provoked thinketh no evil rejoice is not an iniquity but rejoice in the truth beareth all things believeth all things hopeth all things endureth all things charity never faileth but whether there be prophecies they shall fail whether there be tongues they shall cease whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away for we know in part and we prophesy in part but when that which is perfect has come and that which is in part shall be done away when i was a child i spake as a child i understood as a child i thought as a child but when i became a man i put away childish things for now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face now i know in part potential i know even as also i am known and not by the faith hope charity these three but the greatest of these is charity let's pray thank you heavenly father for such a wonderful church dear god that you've given us thank you for all our brothers and sisters in christ here and we ask you to please bless brother mori as he preaches your word tonight in jesus name prayer amen all right so we're there are we on all right all right so we're there in first corinthians 13 look down at verse 11 it says when i was a child i spake as a child i understood as a child i thought as a child but when i became a man i put away childish things there comes a point in our lives where we just need to grow up we need to stop being a child and we need to grow up and become an adult become become a become a grown woman or grown man and when it comes to the christian life there's no difference we need to go from being a babe in christ to being someone that's a full age turn your bibles to hebrews 5 13. i read ephesians 4 excuse me hebrews 5 13 hebrews 5 13 i read ephesians 4 14 it says that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive now you guys are there in hebrews 5 13 but this verse right here paul is paul is telling us hey we be no more children children what children do is they go from you know they believe this and then they believe that because they see some new information and paul is admonishing us telling us hey don't be like children don't be tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine and the reason why is because um as christians we need to be stable in what we believe we need to be stable in the things that um that we on the concepts that we understand about the bible hebrews hebrews 5 13 it says for everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness for he is a babe but strong meat belongeth to them that are full age even those who by reason have used their senses exercised to discern both good and bad and the bible's saying that hey look when you're there's nothing wrong with being a kid there's nothing wrong with being a child but at some point we need to grow up and it's it's the same thing the same concept when it comes to the christian life look there's nothing wrong with when when you first get saved you don't know where to go in the bible you know the pastor says some obscure verse like or tell you to go to some obscure book or something that you maybe never heard of or it's not a popular book like neum and i'm seeking out for first hand experience um where they they just they say a book and i'm just like i don't know it's a great thing if you don't know where things are in the bible as a new as a new babe in christ you know it's a great thing for you to you know just to use the table context and then but at some point you need to start learning where the books are you need to start growing in your knowledge of the bible growing in your knowledge of god growing in your knowledge of the of of living righteously and paul says but strong meat belongeth unto them that are a full age meaning hey look at some point we need to go from the milk to the meat we need to go from the milk to the meat we need to go to the point where we're no longer just only surviving off of just you know the soft things of the bible we need to we need to we need to start eating the harder things the things with bones and we need to start eating those different types of things and basically more specifically being able to turn to distinguish between the good and the evil we need to be able to distinguish as adults the good and the evil now for children sometimes children aren't able to discern what's good and evil so they need their parents to discern what's good and evil so the bible is telling us that we need to grow up in ephesians 6 uh 6 12 it says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places the bible tells us that there's wickedness in high places and that we're in a battle we're in a war right now we're in a time of war and as christians we need to understand that that we're in a war but the war that we're in is not a war where we can fight with our fists that we can fight with guns or weapons this is a spiritual warfare this is a warfare that the bible says it's not something that we that can run with with might or the strong man or anything like that and so the bible says there's wickedness in high places and today we are in a fight we are in a fight today for the minds of the next generation we're in a fight for the minds of the next generation and you know we need to control what's going into what's going in our child's minds we need to control what's going through their eyes and in their ears david said i was said no wicked thing before mine eyes i hate the work of them that turn aside it shall not cleave to me david said look i'm not even going to set the wicked thing in front of my eyes you know i hate i hate them that turn aside right and then he says then he says they're not going to cleave unto me i'm not going to adopt their customs i'm not going to adopt their practices turn to psalms 119 37 119 37 psalms 119 37 i'm going to read psalms 26 4 and 5 it says i have not sat with vain persons neither will i go with this go in with the assemblers i have hated the congregation of evildoers and will not sit with the wicked you know this this concept of turning from turning from the wickedness turning from wicked people not hang not sitting with them is something that we need to be practicing as christians excuse me psalm 119 37 it says turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity and quicken thou me in thy way so the psalmist is saying hey look turn my eyes from vanity are we supposed to turn our eyes from vanity to more vanity no it says turn my eyes from vanity to uh to that way to thy law to thy to thy to the to god's word and let me tell you today in 2021 vanity is being put in front of the eyes of the people today vanity is being put in the eye in front of the eyes of our children today and you know we've been taught lies we've been told lies um by the media by tv by social net social media networks and we've been told all these different lies and we need to be able to discern between good and evil so tonight the title of my sermon is called lies disney taught us lies disney taught us now if you don't know disney is an organization that i'm i would be shocked if none if none of us have ever heard of them but disney is a very popular organization that you know they create movies and um and just they have a theme park where people base their whole life like they just like that's their vacation for the year their vacation is to go to disneyland their vacation is go to to go to disney world like this is what they save up all their money to do to to go to go to disneyland to see the different things um that disneyland has to offer but let me let me tell you that disney teaches things that are contrary to the bible i mean i i don't know if you guys knew that but it's true disney teaches things that are contrary to what the bible says as i said the title of tonight's sermon is called lies disney taught us now isaiah 5 20 i'll read it woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter disney is doing this exact thing they're calling evil good and good evil they're saying this is right but really is wrong they're saying this is light but this but really is darkness and we need to be able to see through this more specifically my the message is directed towards parents but if you're not a parent if you're not a parent just yet that doesn't mean you can't listen lie number one so turn your bibles to romans 8 28 lie number one that happy ever after happens that happy ever after happens um the dictionary.com defines it as where someone spends the rest of their life in happiness where the hero and the hero in the heroine end up marrying and living happily ever after this hyperbolic phrase ends many fairy tales and you know what this this is a lie that disney that disney has propagated that people have a happy ever after this is a lie that people get you know they end their lives they end their lives um with this concept that oh you know as long as i do everything you know as i try my best i do rights by me that i'm going to have my happy ever after but here's the thing this is actually not true and it's not it's not right according to the bible as well basically when you end when you end your life after all the life events you know things are going to work out for good and guess what it doesn't you can think of sin uh stories like cinderella the beauty and the beast the lion king the little mermaid all these you know it all has their nice little cute little ending at the end you know you get boy meets girl girl means boy love happily ever after marriage you know children but this let me take a step back all right this lie is actually kind of partially a lie because the reality is that for people who believe on jesus they do get their happy ever after they get their happy ever after you know they get their fairy tale ending but it it's not necessarily on this side of eternity when we believe on jesus when you put your belief on jesus when you put your trait your trust in jesus that he's going to take you to heaven and you you're not believing on yourself or the things that you do you're going to get your happy ever after so this this is a lie but but it's it's partially a lie because the reality is that when we're talking outside of the context of the bible or outside of the context of people being saved you're not getting that that um that happy ever after right so what is this talking well turn your bibles to uh romans 823 did i have you guys go there yeah or romans 828 says and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god to them who are called according to his purpose so paul is paul is saying hey look things will work together for good but it's not for everybody it's not for just it's not for all people like like even even in the context of believers it's not for all believers it's more specifically saying for them that love god to them who are called according to his purpose doing his will doing what he like paul is a great example of a person that you look at him and you're just like man he just i mean i don't know paul about the jews like he just would not stop going to the jews and you know all things worked out for good for him why did they all go uh work out for good because he loved god he wanted he wanted to serve god he wanted to please god now for those that believe on jesus they do get their happy ever after and you know what the reality is um that ultimately everybody doesn't get their happy ever after who doesn't get their happy ever after well john 336 it says he that believeth on the sun hath everlasting life what does that mean if you believe on jesus you have everlasting life but then it says and he that believeth not the sun shall not see life but the wrath of god abideth on him so if you don't believe on jesus you're gonna get hell you're gonna get pain you're gonna get uh torment you're not getting your life isn't gonna end great for you when you wake up or however it works when when your eyes open it's not gonna be great turn your Bible to matthew 27 3 the reality is that outside of believers that people that put their trust on jesus they don't get they don't get the happy ever after and the reality is that the lie that disney is propagating is is is just that a lie okay now judas is a great example of a person where you know how did his story end how how did he get the happy ever after no let's let's read right here matthew 27 3 then judas which had betrayed him when he saw that he was condemned repented himself and brought again the 30 pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders saying i have sinned and i have betrayed the innocent blood and they said what is that to us see thou to it and he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed and went and hanged himself acts 125 um continues on that a little bit and says that he may take part in of this ministry and apostleship from which judas by transgression fell that he might go into his own place now the Bible says that judas went to his own place is that the magical mystical wonderland where you know he you know he just woke up he's like wow thank god i'm so happy i'm here is that is that where he woke up no the Bible says he went to his own place and his own place is not referring to like the mystical magical wonderland you know wherever Disney says that that it is and we're going to get in we're going to talk about you know one of these things that they believe but the Bible is saying hey look there is there is no happiness for him there's no happiness there's no happy ever after for the for the wicked for those that don't put your faith on Jesus Christ there is no happiness there's no happy ever after judas was a devil when he when he started the ministry and he was a devil when he died and he's going to be with his father forever in hell yeah and we have other examples of janice and jamborees and um and balaam and folks the reality is that this just doesn't exist this is contrary to what the Bible says and the and we've been sold a bill of goods and obviously i'm not saying that we're watching it in here but us collectively as a culture we have been sold a bill of goods we have been we have been bamboozled we have been hoodwinked we have been lied to if you didn't understand any of those so we're talking about lies that disney taught us okay lies that disney taught us the first lie that i brought up is that that happy ever after happens that then this is something that's propagated and people shoot their lies like people come to the end of life man i just can't wait till this happens and you know i'll you know they may not say it in so many words but they're just like man i just once this happens everything's gonna be okay and the reality is not it's not gonna be okay so the first lies that every happy ever after happens second is that cross dressing is okay to your body what's the deuteronomy 22 5 deuteronomy 22 5 now i'm gonna let you guys in on a little secret about me you guys might not know this about me but one of my favorite movies uh one one of my favorite movies back then when i watched them was malan now if you guys don't know what malan is it is one of the greatest no i'm joking it's obviously outside of the context of this sermon obviously but malan is was one of my favorite movies and you know they have songs like they disney makes these movies great you know they make these movies so that you can remember the song and you associate the songs with the characters you know i can recite 80 to 90 percent of this i mean i might just do it right now no i'm joking but i can recite these songs because they're just so addicting and they're in my head and it's so easy to remember and you know this movie obviously if you're not familiar with the movie i'll go into a little detail but you know this movie teaches a lot of things that are contrary to the bible i don't know if you guys knew that all right so for the for the most part the the movie is praising this cross-dressing woman and then oh and out it's basically there's this woman named malan there you know there's a war in china and basically from the through the war every male or every family has to produce a male so that they can send them out to war and malan's father is very is crippled and old and basically you know he he he's gonna go but he but she believes that he's gonna die and first and foremost we don't know if he's actually gonna die so i mean she just kind of like assumed that her father was just gonna go out there and die and not have like a different role like in fighting but that's besides the point but um you know she ends up still in his armor still in his sword and going and posing um dressing herself as a male so that people assume that she was a male and um and i'll skip through some of the plot basically you know end of the movie she saves china you know she gets married to the general happy ever after and the end the end but here's the thing this movie propagates this woman cross-dressing and there's other cross-dressing aspects in there as well towards the end the men actually wore dresses you know and you know the bible is is this something that the bible promotes is this something cross-dressing this is something that we should do as god's men and as god's god's women deuteronomy 22 5 it says the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are an abomination unto the lord thy god now let me tell you something the bible is it's i've i've gotten into conversations with many christians about this and you know they're just stupid when it comes to this topic because basically they say that men and women can wear pants and dresses there's no it's fine it's fine for men to wear dresses and it's fine for women to wear pants now if that was true then that what that means is that this verse is that god just made a mistake that god put this verse he said there's he said god is saying there's a garment for men and there's a garment for women and i'm not going to go into too much detail and like well how do you know it's for what's for what the bible said basically the bible is saying that women wear dresses or and skirts and men wear pants right and you know this movie came at a time where you know the the the the original basis for the movie in the context of like you know at the time is it stems from this feminist agenda this feminist religion where you know feminists are just they're like oh you know i you know men and women are the same they're equal and i'm and here's the thing i'm not saying that they're not equal men in the eyes of god men and women are equal but the bible says that there's a role for a man and there's a role for a woman or for a woman and feminism teaches the exact opposite of that but the reality is if if a real feminist you know or let me the hypothetical scenario would be hey look if someone's breaking into their house and there's a feminist and her husband what do you think she's gonna she's what do you think she's gonna say hey you're the man you go take care of him you know right he's gonna she's not gonna go out there and say oh i got this one don't worry i got it you know no she's not gonna do that she's gonna be like hey you go get him okay i'll get the next one i'm not but but hey look she that's what she's saying she's you know fem this is what feminists believe and they look down on women that that choose to stay at home and women that um that choose to serve their husbands and you know here's the thing the the problem is when it comes to the feminist agenda this feminist religion you know we've been sold a lie a bill of goods or maybe that's not how you say the line but you know what i mean you know what i mean but basically we've been lied to when it comes to this agenda when it comes to cross-dressing and you realize that they they're never going to come out with a movie where like there's like a queen somewhere far far away you know in this magical mystical wonderland where you know the woman you know she just stays at home and she serves her husband and she loves her husband and she takes care of her kids and she just provides for her kids and she just does a great job at homeschooling her kids and she's serving god and she's submitting to her husband they're not going to make a movie like that and if you guys have one that disney made don't let me know because you're going to mess up my my illustration here they're not going to make a movie like that and the reason why is because to the world that's not a fun lifestyle that is not a fun life that's not well what about aren't you going to save the world aren't you going to save china from the huns you're not going to do it why don't you go um go be go be adventurous no they're not going to make a movie like that and the reason why they're not making a movie like that is because the world doesn't want to see that they don't want to see a woman submitting to her husband which is what the bible says they don't want to see a woman staying at home and choosing not to work and stay at home and provide for her family now here's the thing the reality is sometimes a woman has to get out of the house and work they have to because uh of just different situations in the household the husband's not there but the reality is a lot of these women the reason why they're working the reason why that they're working is because they want to live a certain lifestyle or or their husband is just like kind of forcing them which i don't even want to talk about that type of guy that's that's making their their wife work there's no better job for for a woman there's no better job for my wife than to stay at home and take care of our kids and you know what they say oh well you know this lifestyle it's the lifestyle is not glamorous but why does your life have to be glamorous why does it have to be like it's just extravagant you're just saving the world every day like stop the huns i'm on the movie i'm on the movie okay stop the huns you know what's wrong with just staying at home and raising the next pastor what's wrong with just raising just the next godly janitor what's wrong with just raising the the the next godly well maybe you don't want a ceo but what's wrong with just raising the next the the a great godly husband or a great godly wife or a great godly woman what's wrong with that there's nothing greater than that there's nothing greater that you can do that a woman can do with their life than to raise her children um in the in accordance with the bible there's no better job so tonight we're talking about the lies that disney taught us the lies that disney taught us the first lie is that happy ever after actually exists the the second lie is that cross-dressing is okay the third lie is that the day of the dead is a cute holiday that the day of the dead is a cute holiday el dia de los mirtos i'm learning spanish as you guys can see history.com describes um the day of the dead as el dia de los mirtos is a mexican holiday where families welcome back the souls of their deceased relatives for a brief reunion for a brief reunion that includes food drink celebration a blend of mesoamerican ritual with european religion and spanish culture the holiday is celebrated each year from october 31st to november 2nd while october 31st is halloween november 1st is the day of the children and all saints day and november 2nd is all souls day or the day of the dead according to traditions the gates of heaven are opened at midnight on october 31st and the spirits of the children can rejoin the family their families for 24 hours the spirits of adults can do the same on the second three bibles to philippians 1 23. now there's this movie called coco and this movie basically is about a boy that you know he's he wants to be a musician and he admires this famous musician and basically um you know he ends up getting to the spiritual world it's a his family has a mexican family that practices um the day of the dead and basically you know you you end up following this young boy as he's searching for his for his true grandfather or for his grandfather because his grandfather is looked down upon because he was a musician and basically he basically what happens is he ends up finding there's this there's the world's most famous mexican musician or it might be in the world one of the two but he was the most famous musician and basically what what happens is he thinks that that's his grandfather he goes and finds out that his grandfather was actually killed by this musician and this musician took all of his music and he was using his music to become the greatest musician and basically they they paint this story they paint the day of the dead in this cute little fun story and and you know you get a chance to follow you get a chance to follow the young boy and you get a chance to um you know observe him as he's going through practicing the holiday and things like that and the reality is that all of this is hogwash none of this stuff is in the bible coming back to see your parents when you when you die or or as a don't you get a chance to come back and see your family for one more time and one of the practices is if you don't remember your family members if you don't remember your family members what happens is they will cease to exist so once they die you have to remember them and if you don't remember them then they're going to cease to exist and my wife was telling me that there's three deaths but i i only i only had two and so basically um this movie is teaching this concept of people coming back people coming back after the dead and this concept obviously is not found in the bible and this is a lie that disney is propagating um philippians 1 23 it says for i'm but i am in a bit in a straight but takes to having a desire to depart and to be with christ which is far better nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you so paul is saying hey look i got two options i can stay here and be with you or i can go i can go be with the lord i mean unless it's in the greek somewhere and i missed it unless it's in the greek then basically he's saying that there's only two places that he can go as a safe person it's either he can be on earth or he can be in heaven so he so he closed it off and he says hey there's only two places that there's only two places i can be right now it doesn't say anything about him coming back or anything like that um so say when say people die they go to heaven turn your bible to second samuel 12 23 i'll read second uh second samuel 12 23 i'll read second samuel or excuse me second corinthians 5 8 it says we are confident i say and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the lord so again it's just the concept of once you die it's either you're you're you're in the body or you're with the lord but we don't see this concept of you know being able to come back and you know chill out with your homies for a little bit kill them come on see what your family like what y'all doing over here we don't get a chance to see that we don't see that in the bible second second samuel 12 23 says but now he is dead this is david in reference he's addressing his servants about his son so he was fasting and praying he was hoping that god wouldn't kill his son and you know basically once he found out that his child was dead then he got up and just started taking care of himself and they're like well why would you do that and he said this is his answer he said but he said but now he is dead wherefore should i fast can i bring him back again i shall go to him but he shall not return unto me so i mean as you can see the bible saying like hey look once they're there there's no coming back and one thing i didn't address that i that i actually wanted to address as well was the fact that um in philippians for uh 123 it says it says for i'm in a straight betwixt two having to decide to depart and to be with christ which is far better so when you go to heaven as a believer you don't want to come back you don't want to come and see how your family is and the reason why you don't want to come back is because you're with god you're with jesus christ i mean people always say you know and i and i've said it too and i want to see other people too but here's the thing when i go to heaven i want to see jesus i want to see jesus he saved me he took away my sins i want to see my savior i obviously want to see other people i want to see david i want to see um samuel he's a he's a boss man so what happens is we come to the realization that hey um their family members actually aren't coming to their house but i do believe that they're getting something from it they're getting something from the from practicing this and when you come to a realization that what's coming to their house isn't their family members then you it draws the question well who's coming to their house right so who's actually coming to their house well i believe what what's coming to the house is is is evil spirits devils i i believe that that's the ones that are coming to their house if if they're even coming at all but i don't i know it's not their family members so all you know we're able to follow this tradition and it makes it look cute it makes it look fun it's just like i want to you know kids look at el dia de los muertos and they're like man this is so fun i want to remember my grandpa and i'm not there's nothing wrong with remembering your grandpa but the realize the person that you want to remember that you the person you want to remember you is not your children at at home you want god to remember you well you want god to think about you so this practice is wicked and in direct opposition to the bible so we're talking about lies that disney propagates the lies that disney taught us the first lie is that happily ever after happens the second is that cross-dressing is is okay it's an okay thing to do the third lie is that um is that el dia de los muertos is a is a cute little holiday and then my fourth lie is there's no nefarious attentions when it comes to these movies there's no nefarious attend agendas or anything like that when it comes to these movies turn your bible to isaiah uh 14 13 isaiah 14 13 so what i mean by no nefarious intentions what i mean by that is that these that these movies are just designed you know they're just designed for entertainment for children these these movies don't have any there's no nefarious attention or or agenda behind it um but we're gonna see i'm gonna show you right now that there actually is a nefarious agenda and what these movies do is they put hidden messages for children to see for the uh for children to see um male private parts for to see women um topless from the back you know and they they put these sexual into windows and these sexual references and these sexual jokes and they're teaching this they're they're putting this in in front of the eyes of the children isaiah 14 13 it says for thou thou has said in thine heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i would sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the side in the congregation in the sides of the north i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high satan wants to be just like god and i'm going to show you where i'm going with this in a minute uh second corinthians 11 13 it says for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into apostles of christ and no marvel for satan himself transform into an angel of light therefore it is no great thing uh it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteous of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works so satan wants to be just like just like god satan wants to be just like god and what does that mean well whatever god does satan does so god has a christ satan has a christ has an anti-christ right god has apostles satan has false apostles so satan is constantly copying um constantly copying god and so where am i going with this well here's the thing the bible has a lot of hidden messages hidden hidden meanings that we have to search for and these are truths about jesus christ more specifically we're learning great things about jesus christ pictures of christ shadows of christ in the old testament and this is the same thing that satan's doing but he's doing it to the children how do you how do you change the next generation the way you change the next generation is not by going after the old people the old people is not how you create change if you want to create change you need to start attacking the young ones because they're going to be the next generation they're going to be the ones that's going to create the rules they're going to be the ones that's that you're going to see that change and and trust me these people are patient these people are very very patient because they will wait 30 years to get the change that they want wait till all the older people die off i'm no one in here is old so i'm not i'm not i'm i keep doing this i'm brushing like this nobody here in here is old okay so you know they're they're they're willing to wait for the change so satan just copies god and how does he do this well he puts these hidden messages hitting hidden sexual into one into windows and these hidden messages so that so that they can defile the minds of the children so that they can defile the mind so that the child can see something that they ought not to see and the difference between god's how god does his hidden messages and things like that and how satan does it satan just does it in a perverted manner he just he's just a pervert predictive programming to our children is what he what he's trying to do so we're talking about lies of lies of disney lies that disney taught us my last lie here turn your bible to matthew 23 uh 27 my last lie is that these movies are cute and innocent that these movies are cute and innocent and there's a difference between the my last point but it says that these move that these movies are cute and that these movies are innocent when we look when we take a look at these movies actually let me read the verse matthew 23 27 woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye are like unto white as sepulchres which indeed appear beautiful outward but are within full of dead man's bones and of all uncleanness look when you looked at a Pharisee when you looked at a Pharisee you looked at it i was like man the out the the person on the outside here just like wow that guy's righteous look how good he is look i mean he he ties everything i mean is it gross or net i mean he ties everything and it appears though it appears as though he's he's righteous but jesus is saying on the inside he's wicked as hell and when it comes to these movies they they look cute they look innocent they look fun they're like oh it's just a cute little story about the day of the dead it's just a little you know a little half human half half fish coming out of the water for love you know it's just it's just you know whatever fill in the blank i mean there's all these different movies and that was the little mermaid if you didn't know okay and here's the thing these movies where they where they where their information stems from or where they get the original story if you look up the original story and i'm not telling you to but when you look up the original story these stories are dark these stories are dark and when you look into these stories you start really like wow that's i mean that's really different than the original movie i'm gonna go into i'm gonna go into milan because that's what we were talking about earlier and i gotta just bury this movie so i never want to ever think about it i'm just i don't think about the movie but milan well other than right now um milan basically what happens in the original movie or in the movie in disney that disney made basically she's gone for maybe a year two years most somewhere around there and she ends up saving china from the huns she ends up defeating everybody and from there basically all that happens after that point is she ends up coming back bringing honor to her father getting married to the general and she lives happily ever after but what's the real story behind like what's show me the car facts right show me the car fact let me see what's under the hood but when you look at the car facts of the story when you look at the original story it's pretty dark so basically what happens is all those events does happen so according to the story they don't know if she was actually a real character or not but basically according to the story she was actually gone for more like 12 years and she was gone for 12 years and she ends up coming back finding out that her father is dead that her mom remarried and that um what was the last one and that basically her family has been broken up and destroyed and the i believe it's the emperor wants to come basically calls for her and says hey i want you to be my concubine thank you for saving china and you know defeating the huns but i want you to come be my concubine which is a sex slave and he said and basically she's in you know she's betwixt two things right and so she just so basically the way that she alleviates this problem is she kills herself the end happy ever after i mean this this is this is dark like that she's a concubine and look this is where disney is getting their movies from and obviously not all of them i don't know if they're creating any of them but disney is getting their movies from these dark stories and they're and he's and they're changing it they're making it seem more fun making more seem more festive making it see you know have the one woman go out and do some great great things so in conclusion so what's the point what's the point brother morning all right disney is wicked right what's the point there's spiritual wickedness in high places and we need to understand that we are in a battle right now we are in war this is war time we know about war don't we we know about war we just went through one and the war that we were fighting although it felt like it could get pretty physical it was a spiritual warfare we're in a war and we need to be able to protect our children and we need to be able to to be people of christians of full age where we can be able to tell between the good and the bad so when it comes to our children we need to be able to tell what's good and what's bad and we can tell them hey don't look at that don't look at it that's wicked and we need to be able to tell them hey we're we don't watch those type of things and the reason why is because it's wicked it's it's not of god here read this book i don't want to read well so what read anyway that was my line all the time like my mom was like read a book and i'm like i don't want to read and i just play video games as a kid so what's the what's the more the moral of the story the moral of the story is let's control what our kids watch and not only your kids actually it's also ourselves because we're susceptible guess what as an adult as a married man guess what you don't have anybody telling you what to do and if you if your wife is telling you what to do then maybe you might want to correct that but as a married man you can do whatever you want you can watch what you want right but here's the thing we need to we need to protect our eyes because when we fall our families fall as the leader as a man as a man of the household you need the man i'm more so talking to the men obviously the women as well but the men need to just say hey you know what what are they watching yeah we're not doing that break the tv turn it off all right let's bow our heads in a word of prayer dear lord heavenly father thank you for giving us another day and uh lord we just pray that um we pray that we're that we're wise when it comes to this topic of disney and lord pray that we make good decisions and that um that we that we're people of full age where we understand your word and we grow closer to you every day lord and lord i just want to thank you for just giving us a church and lord i pray that you protect pastor mejia as he's out and um we pray that you uh that you bring him back safely and um lord thank you for all that you give us thank you for your word we pray all right we'll sing one last song song number 45 when i can read my title clear song number 45 for our last song song 45 when i can read my title clear everyone nice and strong all together on that first verse when i can read my title clear two mansions in the skies eyes i'll bid farewell to every fear and wipe my weeping eyes and wipe my weeping eyes and wipe my weeping eyes i'll bid farewell to every fear and wipe my weeping eyes should earth against my soul engage and fiery darts be hurled then i can smile at satan's rage and face a frowning world and face a frowning world and face a frowning world then i can smile at satan's rage and face a frowning world let cares like a wild deluge come and storms of sorrow fall may i but safely reach my home my god my heaven my oh my god my heaven my oh my god my heaven my oh may i but safely reach my home my god my heaven my all there shall i bathe my weary so in seas of heavenly breast and not a wave of trouble across my peaceful breast across my peaceful breast across my peaceful breast and not a wave of trouble across my peaceful breast amen wonderful singing your