(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everyone, Ben here with a quick video to plug something that Pastor Shelley uploaded today. The pastor of Steadfast Baptist Church where I attend and it's a compilation of some of the vile, disgusting death threats he's received via voicemail. Just a few of them, a few examples which illustrates the hypocrisy of the Sodomites and their advocates. They claim love is love and they're tolerant of all and all the rest of it when in reality they're some of the most hateful and grotesque and evil people you will ever encounter. And we're experiencing that now as a church and of course Pastor Shelley has experienced that himself as somebody who preaches unapologetically the word of God. And what's frustrating is people will draw this false equivalency between Bible preaching and the response that Bible preaching sometimes elicits. But I just wanted to address that real quickly. First of all, we're actually honest about who we hate. The Bible says in Psalm 139, do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? And so yes, we do believe there's a certain subset of the population, the haters of God, who we should hate. And the difference is though, these Sodomites and their advocates, they cloak their hatred with love is love and love trumps hate and there's no hate here and all the rest of these hate is hate. Hate here and all the rest of these meaningless platitudes which are simply designed to be a feeble attempt at virtue signaling so that they can indoctrinate and brainwash those who aren't smart enough to see through their slogans. Because that's what it is. It's just meaningless slogans when in reality, like I said, they are the most evil people you'll ever meet. And if they're so loving and they're so tolerant, why can't they just ignore those who want nothing to do with them? They can't. They can't. You see, unless you offer them unconditional support, you're going to receive death threats. It doesn't matter how vitriolic you are because people say, oh, the reason why they're attacking you is because of what you say about them. First of all, we just proclaim what the Bible says about them. The Bible says they're dogs. The Bible says they're filthy. The Bible says they're haters of God, Romans chapter one. The Bible says that they're filled with all unrighteousness. The Bible says that they're vile, uses these words against them. You read every instance of, you know, every example of the behavior that sodomites engage in in scripture. In Genesis 19, Judges 19, Genesis chapter nine, they're always trying to defile the innocent and hurt people. That's what the Bible says. When preachers get up and preach against them, even if it's quote unquote vitriolic, it's because they're just being honest with the text and what it clearly states about these people. What I'm trying to explain to you is that even those who are not nearly as hardcore against the sodomites still receive death threats against them or the same type of hatred. When Justice Scalia, Antonin Scalia, when he died a number of years ago, the former Supreme Court Justice who I guess believed that marriage, he had this hardcore position that marriage was between one man and one woman. I mean, that's hardcore, right? Well, guess what? The sodomites celebrated all over social media when that happened. When uh, who am I thinking of next? Oh, Rush Limbaugh. When Rush Limbaugh died, a mainline conservative, they celebrated all over social media. Even I saw this news story where a pastor came out and he said that he opposed the sodomite rainbow flag emoji, that he didn't want to see that on Facebook and he received death threats. You can look it up for yourself. So it doesn't matter how vitriolic you are or aren't, they're still going to hate you no matter what. And the reality is that the new IFB, if pastors like pastor Shelly or pastor Anderson or pastor Jimenez didn't exist, they would just direct their hatred and their vile and twisted death threats to the next level down to the next person. All right, so people draw this false equivalency between Bible preaching and the response that it gets when there's no comparison whatsoever. There is no comparison between somebody who is ripping face on the sodomites within the confines of a local new testament church and saying what needs to be said about them. Even if it is preaching that is quote unquote spicy or that advocates for the fact that these people are committing capital crimes, that the sodomites, if we lived under a righteous government would be executed. Yeah, that's hardcore perhaps, but it's totally different preaching that behind the pulpit, which you have the right to do, because that's what the Bible says, is very different than calling someone up and threatening to murder them. And if you can't see the difference between preaching behind the pulpit and actually taking the time to pick up a phone and leave a voicemail threatening murder, then you are mentally unstable. So anyway, I just wanted to plug this video, I'll put a link to it in the description box below. At the end of the day, they are just proving us right when they respond this way. They're validating the Bible and they're validating the preachers who preach the whole counsel of God and who preach against them. You know, if you think that it's so wrong for us to say that they want to hurt children, then why is it that they threaten the lives of children when we preach against them? Answer that for me. But that's all I've got, I'm done ranting here, I'm done venting, whatever you want to call it. Watch the video in the description box below if you don't believe what I'm saying. And don't fall for the deception that the sodomites and their advocates are loving and tolerant and that they love everyone. They actually hate Christians, they hate those who oppose them, they just lie about it whereas we're honest about who we love and who we hate. God bless you, have a great day.