(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona continuing my response to the King James only controversy by James White. Today we're gonna be talking about chapter 6 on translational differences. Now there are two issues at play here with the modern versions. Number one, the modern versions are translated from a different Greek text. The King James is from the Received Text or Textus Receptus and the new versions are from corrupt Alexandrian manuscripts. Things like Sinaiticus, Vaticanus, Alexandrinus, etc. So not only are they translated from a different source document though, which is the biggest issue, they also have translational differences and of course the King James is right and these other versions are wrong as we're gonna demonstrate as I go through his chapter here. So he brings up a lot of specific examples in this chapter of translational differences between the two. Some of them don't really make a big difference. Some of them don't make any difference at all and some of them make a huge difference. The first example he gives is Acts 20-28. Take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the which the Holy Ghost had made you overseers to feed the church of God which he had purchased with his own blood. The NIV instead of saying to feed the church of God says be shepherds of the church of God. The Greek word is pemanin and it's better translated here as feed. The King James is right but anyway that's not really a big deal so I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on that. The next one he gives is Ephesians 4-24 where the King James says to put on the new man and the New American Standard says put on the new self. Okay well not only does the King James sound better by saying put on the new man it's more accurate. The Greek word is anthropon which is where we get our word for anthropology the study of mankind and so the natural translation here is put on the new man anthropon. They say put on the new self you say why would they change that to self because it's not what anthropon means. The reason why is because the modern versions are always striving to make the Bible as gender neutral as possible so that's why they love to replace a word like man with self even though it's not there in the Greek. Then he starts getting into some things that actually really matter here. Okay a different gospel he says with a question mark. The new versions affect salvation period. Okay he tries to say oh they don't affect any salvation doctrine they're not teaching another gospel but in fact they are. He doesn't cover this in this chapter but what about where instead of saying that the way is narrow and few there be that find it the new versions including the New King James and other modern versions change it to difficult is the way that leadeth unto life and few there be that find it. So making salvation difficult yeah that's perfect for workspace salvation. It's hard. You got to work hard. It's difficult whereas according to the Bible Jesus did the hard part. He died. He was buried. All we have to do is believe. A little child could enter the kingdom of God with simple childlike faith. It's not difficult. Okay also the King James says it's hard for a rich man to be saved and then the NIV will change that part to just say oh it's just hard to be saved. Isn't it hard to be saved whereas the King James says it's hard for them that have riches to enter the kingdom of God. Actually it says it's hard for them that trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God. So there are things that affect salvation so he brings up some things that affect salvation. First he has a goofball chart by Gail Riplinger that is silly and I'm not even gonna deal with but he has this other chart here where he shows the differences in these verses like in John 3 36 the difference between believeth not and not obey. Let me read for you John 3 36 and you can see what a big difference this is. In John 3 36 in the King James it says he that believeth on the Sun hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the Sun shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him. This is a great verse for teaching salvation by faith. I mean there are two kinds of people there's he that believeth on the Sun and he that believeth not. That's what gets you saved is believing. The ESV says whoever believes in the Sun has eternal life whoever does not obey the Sun shall not see life but the wrath of God remains on him. Now the way they worded that in this context it makes it sound like you have to obey the commands of the Sun okay and that's not what this verse is saying. This verse is saying if you believe you're saved if you don't believe you're damned but if you read it in the ESV you'll walk away saying well you can either believe in the Sun or not obey the Sun and then this gives rise to this false doctrine that believing includes doing the works or believing includes obeying the commandments. Nothing could be further than the truth. The Bible's yeah nothing could be further from the truth. The Bible clearly says in Romans 4 5 but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly. His faith is counted for righteousness even as David also described it the blessedness of the man unto whom God impudeth righteousness without works saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. So the Bible says him that worketh not but believeth he's saved righteousness is imputed unto him his iniquities and transgressions they're forgiven they're covered so you don't have to have faith and works it's faith without works and you're saved that's what it says folks Romans 4 5 him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness okay the Bible says we're saved by grace through faith not of works lest any man should boast so this thing that faith includes works or that includes obedience to Christ or Christ commands is a false doctrine so these are very serious changes here in this chart when it changes unbelief to disobedience in all these different places and you know you heard that example from John 3 36 is it's it's very bad he says there is no conflict between obedience to Christ and belief in Christ true faith is obedient to Christ there's no such thing as a disobedient faith so you know he's being a little bit crafty here but if you just listen to the words of James White's pastor Jeff Durban because James White goes to Jeff Durban's church now Jeff Durban flat-out says that you know saving faith includes works you know if you're not doing works then you're not really saved well that's not what Romans 4 5 says but anyway that's a major major red flag about these modern versions where they change unbelief to disobedience and and not believing to not obeying and in fact let me just prove it wrong for you right now let me just pull up Hebrews chapter number three here okay because this is one of the places where it uses this same Greek word and he has it listed here Hebrews 3 18 disobedience versus believe not and let's look at what it says here it says and to whom swear he that they should not enter into his rest but to them that believed not so we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief okay so basically the King James says to whom swear he that they should not enter into his rest but to them that believed not okay the new versions will say them that were disobedient okay but listen to the very next verse the very next verse says so we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief so he wants to make the case here that this Greek word apitho you know can mean not obeying in this context but the very next verse uses the Greek word Apistea which means unbelief unequivocally it means unbelief and it says those who believe not in verse 18 and then verse 19 it says so we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief so that actually makes sense whereas what the new versions have oh those who were disobedient so you see how they couldn't enter in because of unbelief it's like what you just said it was disobedience now you're saying it's unbelief so you can use the internal evidence to prove that the King James is right to translate the word apitho in these contexts as unbelief or believing not okay let's move on to what I think is one of the worst changes in the modern versions where they have this concept of being saved in places where it should say that we are just saved okay and he has a chart showing these Acts 2 47 New American Standard those who were being saved King James said such as should be saved 1st Corinthians 1 18 says those who are perishing and unto us who are being saved whereas the King James says them that perish versus us which are saved same thing in 2nd Corinthians 2 15 those who are being saved those who are perishing them that are saved them that perish and there are multiple occurrences of this over and over again let's just look at 1st Corinthians 1 18 because that's a good example I mean all the rest of them are just the same issue so let's just look at one in detail okay 1st Corinthians 1 18 in the King James version for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of God okay here's what the New American Standard says for the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the power of God now you can see why this is such a bad doctrine because again it points toward works based salvation like it's like salvation is a process we're being saved whereas the way it reads in the King James we are saved it's a done deal we're already saved we have eternal life as John 5 24 says we've been passed from death unto life the new versions have us being saved NIV it's foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it's the power of God now let me prove this to be wrong beyond any shadow of a doubt the first point I want to make is that we're not being saved and the lost are not perishing now here's what James White says in his book it's obvious that those who are perishing are in the process of doing so and have not as yet completed that process what they're in the process of dying perish means die okay so how how is it that he thinks that all the unsaved are dying I mean it's like I'm dying how long have you been dying all my life I've been dying my folks dying is not something that the unsaved are all doing right now they're not just all in the process of dying that's stupid so if they're not in the process of dying then we're not in the process of being saved there are those who perish meaning those who die the people who die and go to hell and then they're the people that are saved those who perish those who are saved the King James makes sense the new versions don't make sense because they say those who are perishing versus those who are being saved but let me just prove this wrong beyond any shadow of a doubt because I can show you an example in the Greek New Testament using this exact verb tense because he's got this chart here showing well in the Greek it's a present participle well I can show you an example in the Greek New Testament of this exact word in the exact same verb tense where it can't mean being saved okay and this is in Revelation 21 and remember Revelation 21 this is after the millennium this is the new heaven and the new earth okay so the Greek verse says ketta ethne tone so zome on and o 40 of T's peri party sushi okay so it says the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it and the word that I want to point out is the the nations of them which are saved the them which are saved is this Greek word so zome on okay then which are saved so zome on okay well if we go back to 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 it says tease that so zome anise he mean the name is Theo SD so it says to them which are saved so zome anise so here we have to them that are saved the Greek word is so zome anise and then over here we have this word so zome anone well guess what those are the exact same Greek verb tense okay now that's why they read the same in English in the King James it says in 1st Corinthians 1 18 unto us which are saved it's the power of God what is the King James say in Revelation 21 the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it so the same verb saying the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it is the same word that's used when it says unto us which are saved now the only difference in the ending is just because one is dative and one is not so it's just that's it one of them is genitive but the thing is when you look at these verses if you were to insert this logic into Revelation 21 then you would be talking about people in the new heaven and the new earth and you would be saying the nations of them which are being saved shall walk in the light of it that's ridiculous that's crazy that's stupid isn't it to say the nations of them which are being said how can they be being saved it's all over I mean we're on to the new heaven and the new earth I mean the judgment seat of Christ is over the great white thrones over death has been destroyed I mean it's just everything is completely done we're in the eternal state new heaven new earth the nations of them which are saved walk in light of New Jerusalem according to their logic you'd be saying oh the nations of them which are being saved will walk in the light of it they're still being saved does it ever end no it's ridiculous folks so the King James is proven to be right in saying the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it that translation of this Greek word works consistently for Revelation 21 or 1st Corinthians 1 18 to ethne tone so zomano of them which are saved so it's in a genitive case so zomano but it's the same verb tense it's that same present participle as over in 1st Corinthians 1 18 so zomanis okay so anyway they're wrong folks the King James is translating the Greek correctly into English let's move on and he has another section called age or world okay so he shows how the King James translates this word as world whereas the New American Standard translates it as age and he says those who look for new age conspiracies get a lot of mileage out of the use of age in the modern translations why are they you know changing things and and changing all the modern versions to say age it does point toward a new age okay if you have a current age then you'd have a new age so you know they're right to criticize that wording okay but let's look at some examples here of this okay because you know all throughout the New Testament the King James is translating this word as world whereas they're translating this age let me give you some examples here where you can see how world is such a superior translation to age for this Greek word a own okay let me give you some examples how about Luke 1 70 where it says as he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets which have been since the world began okay so they would say that I guess the holy prophets have been speaking since the age began okay John 9 32 since the world began was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind they would say well since the age began acts 3 21 says whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things which God had spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began I mean the holy prophets have been speaking since the world began they wanted to say since the age began okay because this is I'm showing you examples of the where the King James translates this Greek word as world and I'm showing you how if you just read the verses world is a great translation and age would be a bad translation okay acts 15 18 known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world that well just since the beginning of the age I guess would be what they would have Romans 12 to be not conformed to this world I mean I guess they're gonna have to change all those stickers that that all the Christian bookstores sell where it says not of this world they're gonna have to change them to not of this age all right so you know be not conformed to this world yeah I'm gonna go with the King James world 1st Corinthians 1 20 where is the wise where's the scribe where is the disputer of this world have got have not God made foolish the wisdom of this world okay so I guess they would have it say you know hasn't God made foolish the wisdom of this age but here's what's funny about this is that in this particular verse it uses the word world twice okay because it says sorry I lost my place let me find it again it says where is the wise where is the scribe where is the disputer of this world okay and that's that Greek word a own which they want to say is age okay but then in the next breath in the same verse he says hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world and in the second world it uses a different Greek word kosmos which you know they're not gonna dispute that that means world okay so basically the point is that he's using them interchangeably because it makes sense the way you read in the King James where is the disputer of this world hasn't God made foolish the wisdom of this world that's the way the King James reads but if you were to substitute an age here it would be where is the disputer of this age hasn't God made foolish the wisdom of this world the true story is that these are just two synonyms of the word world and the Bible is just using them both for euphony for style etc I gotta hurry here first Corinthians 2 6 how be it we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world nor of the princes of this world that come to not I guess they would want it to say yet not the wisdom of this age nor the princes of this age and you know which none of the princes of this age knew I think that the King James is right to say world I think if you study it out you'll see that world is better translation and so why'd they switch to age if world is better well maybe they are a little bit New Age leaning why would that be a shock okay the next section in his translational differences chapter is hell or Hades and this has to do with the fact that the new versions are constantly removing the word hell and replacing it with either Sheol Hades Gehenna death the grave or things of that nature in fact when you're reading an NIV the word hell never occurs in the Old Testament you read the entire Old Testament and it never says the word hell one time that's pretty disturbing because that makes it seem like hell didn't even exist in the Old Testament like it's just a New Testament doctrine and that's what Jews will tell you they're like oh well you know the Old Testament doesn't even teach hell and so these modern versions are supporting that garbage by removing all the many many times that the King James says hell in the Old Testament and then the New Testament they remove many occurrences of hell as well okay so hell or Hades now let's talk about this word Hades okay so Hades is an English transliteration of the Greek word that Christ uses for hell one of the two Greek words that Christ uses for hell now what's a transliteration a transliteration is different than a translation okay a translation is when you replace a Greek word with an English word a transliteration is where you just take the Greek word and make it sound English or give it an English pronunciation okay for example in Spanish we would have the the word burrito right well the English word burrito is not a translation of burrito it is just a transliteration okay it's just kind of Americanizing a word from another language okay like for example if we take the the German word angst and then we transliterate in the English angst okay where you just kind of Americanize a word so the Greek word is pronounced obvious okay and the Greek word obvious and I'm using modern Greek pronunciation the only right Greek pronunciation amen I'm saying obvious for the Greek word well that is Americanized or anglicized into Hades okay then there's another Greek word used for hell in the New Testament that is Yena and Yena is Americanized into Gehenna becomes Gehenna in a transliterated form okay so here's what's going on and try to stay with me I'm gonna try to keep this simple there are two main words for hell in the New Testament okay obvious and Hannah and we're just gonna use their anglicized versions to make it easier for you the listener Hades and Gehenna okay both of these are consistently translated in the King James as hell okay both words are consistently translated as hell now these are technically two different places okay because whenever the Greek New Testament uses the word Hades it's referring to the current location of hell which is in the center of the earth in the heart of the earth the bottomless pit that place is consistently referred to in the New Testament with the Greek word anglicized as Hades okay then the lake of fire the final abode of the lost that will burn forever and ever in hell okay that final resting place is Gehenna okay so these are two places there's the current hell which is Hades and then there's the future place Gehenna and these are different places because the current location of hell is in the heart of the earth whereas the future location is the lake of fire in outer darkness there's nothing outer about the center of the earth right the outer darkness place is Gehenna now the big question is between these two things Hades or hell so the modern versions want to take out hell whenever it says Hades and they either replace it with Hades or the grave or death or something like that so let me go through all of the verses in the New Testament that use the word Hades okay in the underlying Greek okay listen to them in the King James Version these are all the verses that use the Greek word Hades and it's translated in English as hell and thou Capernaum which art exalted unto heaven shall be brought down to hell now notice they're brought down to hell okay so the context shows you which place he's talking about clearly we're talking about the current location for if the mighty works which have been done in thee had been done in Sodom it would have remained until this day Matthew 16 18 and I say also unto thee thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it again the current location Luke 10 15 and thou Capernaum which art exalted to heaven shall be thrust down to hell again down to hell and in hell he lift up his eyes being in torments and see if Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom so the rich man wakes up in hell current location acts 227 this is speaking of Jesus Christ because that will not leave my soul in hell neither will thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption acts 231 he's seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soul was not left in hell neither his flesh did see corruption obviously Jesus Christ's soul descended into the lower parts of the earth so again the context makes it obvious it's the current location in the center of the earth 1st Corinthians 15 55 Oh death where is thy sting Oh grave where is thy victory okay now this right here is referring to Jesus Christ when he is dead for three days and three nights Oh death where is thy sting Oh grave where is thy victory okay so grave there is the word Hades revelation 118 I'm he that liveth and was dead and behold I'm alive forevermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death why because he was dead he was down there he got the keys and he has the keys of hell and of death revelation 6 8 I looked and behold a pale horse and his name that sat on him was death and hell followed with him again the current location and the sea gave up the dead which were in it and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works so death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them because they're coming up out of hell out of Hades and going to the final place the lake of fire and then revelation 2014 and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death news whoever was not found written the book of life was cast into the lake of fire so we see here that the Greek word Hades translated into English as hell okay with one exception first Corinthians 15 55 where it's translated as Oh grave is consistently referring to the current location in the center of the earth okay so that's the location that we're talking about okay but here's the thing people will say well you know the King James is wrong to use the word hell for both Hades and Gehenna because it's two different words in Greek it should be two different words in English but here's the thing the word hell is an understandable word everybody knows what it means everybody understands it to be a place of fire and punishment in the afterlife and so it's a clear good word to translate both places now James White has no problem with translating Gehenna as hell he takes issue with translating Hades as hell okay he just wants it to say Hades okay here's the thing about that if you actually study the etymology of the English word hell how it entered our language it comes from pagan Scandinavian religion their underworld basically it was called hell okay well that's exactly where the Greek word Hades comes from it was a Greek underworld of mythology but Christ used that word not to talk about some mythological Greek place but to talk about hell you know to talk about the place of fiery punishment in the center of the earth now the problem with transliterating hell as Hades is that when people hear the word Hades they don't think of a fiery place of punishment in the afterlife they think of you know a Greek mythology place I mean when I was growing up I learned about Greek mythology that Hades is the underworld of Greek mythology so that's the main definition of Hades even if you look up Hades in the dictionary I think definition number four is Christian hell so it's not as good of a word it's not as clear of a word when you when you say Hades instead of hell okay now you say well but you know how are we gonna know between these two places well as I just demonstrated to you every single use of the word Hades that's translated as hell it's obvious from the context that he's talking about the place in the center of the earth because it talks about going down or it's talking about people currently going there or Christ's soul being there for three days and three nights so we know that it's that place in the lowest parts of the earth okay now when we look at the list of verses that use the word hell with the Greek word Rehna or Gehenna then we see it's different Matthew 5 22 says whosoever shall save thou fool shall be in danger of hell fire okay and that's Gehenna Matthew 5 29 if thy right eye offend thee pluck it out and cast it from thee and this is the same context as the verse we just read Matthew 5 22 for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell verse 30 not that thy whole body should be cast into hell so in the first three mentions of Rehna in the Greek New Testament or Gehenna we see that that they're talking about throwing the whole body into hell well does the body go into the current location of hell no the soul goes to hell the body is not cast into hell quote-unquote until people are thrown in the lake of fire after the great white throne of judgment okay so after the great white throne of judgment that's where people's soul and body will be thrown into hell because their bodies are resurrected it's known as the resurrection of damnation and then they're thrown into hell so when it says or thrown into the lake of fire you could say so when it says in Matthew 10 28 fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell you wouldn't have to go back to the Greek to figure out whether he's talking about the current location or the future location because the fact that the body is going there is proof that we're talking about Rehna and we're not talking about Adis okay so it says in Matthew 18 9 it's better for thee to enter into life with one eye rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell again we're talking about the body going there okay Matthew 23 15 you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves Matthew 23 33 you serpents you generation of vipers how can you escape the damnation of hell mark 943 again it says that it's better than having two hands and to go into hell into the fire that never shall be quenched mark 9 45 having two feet to be cast into hell mark 9 47 then having two eyes to be cast into hell Luke 12 5 but I will forewarn you whom you shall fear fear him which after he had killed have power to cast into hell yea I say unto you fear him so being cast into this place that's the lake of fire that's again that is the future abode of hell and then in James chapter 3 it says that the tongue is a fire a world of iniquity so is the tongue among our members that it defiled the whole body and set on fire the course of nature and it is set on fire of hell so that's it that's all the usage of Adis and Irena in the New Testament and we see that the word Adis or Hades I'll use the anglicized version Hades is used to talk about the current location in the center of the earth down into hell people in hell right now whereas Irena or Gehenna anglicized would be the future location what we would call the lake of fire and when we talk about hell figuratively like the tongue is set on fire of hell or using it as you know a metaphor then we would also use that future location as the metaphor so you know he's criticizing the King James for using the word hell in both you know for using it for both Hades and Gehenna but actually you know it's a great word for both and obviously in Revelation 20 death and hell are cast into the lake of fire so what is that that's that's the current location of hell Hades moving to the future location of hell again and it's okay to call both places hell I think hell is a great name for both places if you're not saved when you die you're gonna go to hell you're gonna burn in hell for all eternity well that makes sense people understand that it's clear and when you read the Bible there's no confusion in the King James look I read the King James as a child and it made perfect sense to me I I clearly understood that there's a current location and there's a future location and they're both called hell and the King James but he wants to strain it a net and swallow a camel I think hell's a great translation for both places it accurately describes both he wants to strain it a net and swallow a camel and he wants us to accept a Bible version the NIV that never uses the word hell a single time in the entire Old Testament and it removes half of the mentions of hell in the New Testament okay and he thinks that's fine but but oh that's so terrible that the King James uses the word hell for two different Greek words or really three different Greek words because there is a third word that's used only one time when it talks about the demons the the angels that left their former habitation you know being having a place in hell reserved for them as Tartarus it's a different word there but anyway I'm gonna move on from that I think we've said enough about that then he has a section about Isaiah 14 12 and the King James it says how art thou fallen from heaven Oh Lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which this week in the nations now this is a prophecy about the devil being cast out of heaven and it calls him Lucifer this is the only time in the Bible that word Lucifer is used the new versions like the NIV say how you have fallen from heaven Oh Morningstar now the reason why this is so bad is that Morningstar is a title of Jesus Christ so the King James the traditional English Bible for hundreds of years said that is Lucifer being cast out of heaven which is accurate if you read the context it's talking about the devil the new versions say Morningstar you're being thrown out of heaven because you wanted to be like the Most High that makes it sound like Jesus because Jesus is identified as the Morningstar in the New Testament it makes it sound like Jesus is this pretender who wants to be God who's gonna be cast into hell when in reality it's Lucifer who's the pretender that wants to be like God and he's saying well you know Lucifer comes from the Vulgate you know fourth century AD he when he translated it into Latin he came up with that word Lucifer and then that translation got transferred into the King James well that's because it's a good translation I mean Lucifer just means light bearer okay and that's a good translation of the Hebrew there so when you read it in the NIV it just sounds flat-out demonic having the Morningstar being cast out then he gets to 1st Corinthians 6 excuse me 1st Timothy 6 10 and this is one that people who are against kjv onlyism bring up a lot where the King James says for the love of money is the root of all evil the new versions say that it's a root of all sorts of evil and they say well how could you know money be the root of all evil and they'll say you know is is is rape that's evil you know is that motivated by money what about murder what about you know hatred or what they'll say how could it be the the root of all evil but if you actually read the verse it says for the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows he says they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition so covetousness or the love of money leads you into all these other foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition so you start out as a little kid loving money or coveting desiring things that don't belong to you and then you grow up and you be a fornicator an adulterer a drunkard everything else so what he's saying is that the love of money leads you into all these other sins it's the root of all evil meaning that if you become let's say a gambler you get into the casino life the gambling life or if you become someone who's obsessed with making money and you start going to all the Donald Trump Robert Kiyosaki seminars about making money and you join Amway and you're all into becoming rich and everything it will lead you into all evil so the King James is right that covetousness and the love of money leads you into all other sins all of them including rape murder adultery drunkenness sorcery you name it it leads you to all of those things and that's why we need to be aware of covetousness or the love of money then he talks about you know study to show thyself approved versus be diligent to present yourself approved okay that's not something I want to spend time on but Hebrews 4 12 okay this is one where it says in the King James for the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword what a great verse the NASB says for the Word of God is living and active the NIV says for the Word of God is living and active now quick and powerful in the King James is not the same as alive and active in the new versions now quick and alive are the same thing quick and living are identical so there's no problem with the new version saying living instead of quick but active instead of powerful they're basically making the Word of God sound like yogurt you know it's alive and active you know on the side of the yogurt it tells you it has living and active cultures in it acidophilus etc so you know the King James is not like yogurt alive and active it is quick and powerful now he brings up the fact that the Greek word that the King James translates here as powerful is rendered as effectual in other places 1st Corinthians 16 9 and Philemon verse 6 so he says the word rendered powerful here but rendered effectual in 1st Corinthians 16 and Philemon refers to something that is active and effective in its task surely no one can argue seriously that the modern translations are in any way inferior to the KJV at this point of course they're inferior because he's trying to move the goal post here and say well effectual that's like active they're active and effective no no active and effectual are not the same thing okay active just means I'm doing stuff if I'm active it means I'm just doing stuff if I'm effectual or effective or powerful it means that I am accomplishing great things there's a big difference between just being active and being effective I mean I've seen a lot of active workers that didn't accomplish jack squat but they sure looked busy whereas an effective worker an effectual worker a powerful worker is actually getting something done a powerful speaker a powerful preacher an effective preacher an effectual preacher is getting some done an active preacher might just mean that he talks a lot he preaches a lot of sermons so to try to say that active and powerful or the same thing is ridiculous or just try to say that active and effective are the same thing is ridiculous surely no one's going to argue that you know the modern versions are not as good as the King J well yeah excuse me sir I'll argue that right now the next thing he brings up is Psalm 8 5 and the King James it says that thou has made him a little lower than the angels okay and of course this is a prophecy that's later applied to Jesus Christ in the New American Standard it says yet thou has made him a little lower than God now that's pretty weird to say yet thou has made him a little lower than God the King James says a little lower than the angels and then when this is quoted in the New Testament in Hebrews chapter 2 verse 7 it's quoted as thou made us him a little lower than the angels and the New American Standard will say angels there but then in the Old Testament it says thou made some a little lower than God because the Hebrew is difficult here and the Hebrew in Psalms is some of the most difficult Hebrew because of the poetic nature of Psalms and so the modern versions get it wrong the King James gets it right okay then he brings up Colossians 2 14 the King James says and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross the New American Standard says he has taken it out of the way nailing it to the cross now there is no problem here with the New American Standard saying the cross versus King James his cross that's just a difference in style the literal Greek wording here is the cross okay but because it's talking about Jesus Christ and the cross the King James stylizes it as his cross but you have to understand when you translate things between languages it's not gonna be exactly word for word every time and so there is room for things to be the same but not worded exactly the same okay so his cross the cross in this verse in comparison with the Greek New Testament they're both fine so that that one's a moot point then he compares 1st Peter 2 9 where the King James says a peculiar people that we are to be a peculiar people the new versions New King James for example says his own special people and then the NIV says a people belonging to God and he criticizes the peculiar people like peculiar means weird or something but that's not what peculiar means peculiar just means different unique right set apart his own special people just sounds goofy and stupid and then the NIV is is too loose with its translation then he shows some other differences Luke 3 14 do violence to no man the New King James says do not intimidate anyone I mean that's just a laughable translation it sounds silly he's telling soldiers don't intimidate anyone what he really means is for them not to do violence to any man violence meaning violating them you know harming innocent people he's talking about you know don't harm innocent people as a soldier because soldiers sometimes will kill women and children and rape and pillage so he's telling them hey you're a soldier be content with your wages he's not telling to stop being a soldier but he says don't do any violence to any man don't intimidate anyone good night I mean when you're when you're a soldier you're gonna be you ought to be intimidating if you're gonna be a good soldier 2nd Timothy 3 3 despises of those that are good in the King James the New King James says despises of good Titus 1 8 a lover of good men Titus 1 8 a lover of what is good in the New King James well here's the thing if you get the context of tighter that if you get the context of Titus 1 8 it says a lover of hospitality a lover of good men well that actually flows better and makes more sense with the context than a lover of hospitality a lover of good stuff it doesn't make as much sense in the context so the King James gets it right so then on the last page of the chapter after all those examples he says no grand conspiracies as you can see there's no conspiracy the modern versions are just doing their best and they're not trying to twist anything or corrupt anything and in this book he constantly refers to the King James people as conspiracy theorists and it's a big conspiracy theory obviously there's a conspiracy to change God's Word there are all kinds of phony versions out there the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 we are not as many which corrupt the Word of God so if there are many that corrupt the Word of God and if publishers and false prophets and false teachers are getting together and changing God's Word and twisting God's Word that's a conspiracy oh there's no conspiracy they're not trying to affect salvation oh really is that why they changed it from not believing to obeying no conspiracy here folks nothing to see here is that why they changed it from you are saved to your being saved is that why they changed it from narrow is the way to difficult is the way folks there is a conspiracy to change salvation in the Bible to attack the Trinity in the Bible to teach other false doctrines of the Bible to make the Bible gender neutral and to soften the Word of God from being as sharp as a two-edged sword to being alive and active yogurt okay and to turn it into a butter knife instead of a sword yes there is a conspiracy from wicked men behind the NIV New American Standard New King James they're liars they're deceivers they're frauds and yes there is a conspiracy because people have conspired to twist God's Word James White is part of that conspiracy with his deceptive book so anyway that's chapter six or for you on the translational differences I went through all the differences he brings up except for the ones that are just not really relevant or just minor like you know he brings up just some little nitpicky things you know honorable versus honest or you know things of that nature but you know I went through the ones that actually mattered 90% of the chapter so the next chapter is called textual differences so that's the other half of this issue there there are the translational issues and then there are the textual issues god bless you have a great day