(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faith Ford Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. Just a quick reminder that none of my videos are copyrighted and you can download them, mirror them to your channel, you can chop them up, remix them, do whatever you want with them. You can monetize them. I don't care what you do with them, they're public domain. And the reason I bring that up is that my YouTube channel is on thin ice these days. There've been a lot of articles coming out lately where people like the ADL are calling for my channel to be removed from YouTube and YouTube has been removing a lot of channels. I've been getting a lot of strikes on my channels. Other people are getting a lot of strikes. So my entire YouTube channel is in danger of getting deleted and disappearing. And so all of the 6,000 some videos that are on there would just disappear in a moment. So in order for this preaching to remain available for people to watch, the best way to keep it alive is just for as many people as possible to download it and re-upload it to their channels. So whatever your favorite sermons are, whichever sermons you like the most or you think are the most important, feel free to download them and upload them to your channel. And even better is when you can go through the sermons and chop them up into smaller pieces and just upload two, three, four, five minute videos on particular topics, because those videos tend to get a lot of views. We had to get the message out of what the Bible actually teaches and preaches because today people are being brainwashed by Hollywood. They're being brainwashed by the news media. It's like there's only one viewpoint that's allowed. And so we need the truth of God's word to thunder forth. And I'm not just talking about the gospel. I mean, the gospel is paramount, but we need to get everything out there of what the Bible teaches, even on unpopular subjects, even what the world is gonna label as hate speech or whatever. We need to get the truth out on all subjects. And so keep these videos going. I'd really appreciate it if you would download and mirror them. And then also just to let you know, we do have a channel set up on Bitchute, which supposedly is not going to censor us. So you can check that out at bitchute.com slash S. Anderson, 1769. So that's where some of the harder to find sermons are that have been deleted many times by YouTube. Again, that's bitchute.com slash S. Anderson, 1769. But it's just, there's such a small audience over there. We don't wanna give up on YouTube because YouTube is still where the masses are. And we wanna make sure that God's word continues to thunder forth and that preachers are not silenced. We've gotta cry aloud and spare not and preach from the housetops. Anyway, God bless you. Have a great day.