(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I just want to say one last thing about Gideon. If he's truly sincere about what he believes, then why hasn't he sold all his possessions and given all his money away? I mean, according to him, he made his money in a really sinful way. So now he just has all this sinful money. I mean, the guy's got millions of dollars that he made just by sin, but you know what? He won't do it. And here's why, because they pick and choose what they will and will not do. I mean, the guy is exactly identical to the rich young ruler. If you read the story of the rich young ruler and look at Gideon, what he's doing, it's identical. It's like, I've kept all these commandments, but then when Jesus says, okay, if you've done that, now just give all your stuff away and follow me up. Gideon won't give all his stuff away. He won't sell his possessions and give his money away. And you know, he's doing all this, not because he actually cares about getting other people saved, because he obviously preaches a false gospel, but it's just so he can go to heaven as for his own selfish intent. He doesn't care about anybody but himself.