(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 🎵Piano music plays🎵 🎵Piano music plays🎵 Take a Bible trap, ladies. Push your message. You're both born again, are you? You're born again? You're both born again, are you? John chapter 3? Not in that sense. In any sense? You've had a new birth? You know Jesus? Are you born again? Yes, no? I don't have a heavenly hope, if that's what you mean. Have you been born again? Simple question. You cannot enter the kingdom of God unless you're born again, that's all. Well, my hope for the future is to be on the earth. So you haven't been born again? So I don't want to enter the kingdom of God which I believe is in heaven. I want to live under the rulership of the heaven. So you've got it back to front. The kingdom of heaven is physical, the kingdom of God is spiritual. So you haven't been born again. Tell me, you haven't been born again? There's a phrase I would particularly use. So when Jesus says... I don't believe that I'm saved. How are you saved? My salvation is in putting faith in Jesus Christ. Nothing else? No works? No kingdom hall? Oh, faith and works. But Paul says we're saved by grace through faith. Not of works. So that's in the sight of man, but that won't save you of course. So are you born again or you're not born again? Well I don't want to be put into a category of... Your understanding of born again might be different. It's regeneration. So if I answer yes or no, you could be sort of misunderstanding something. I've explained it in a way. So you're not born again. I'm not going to say yes or no. I'm not trying to trap you. I'm just curious to know where you're coming from. Well you just asked me about ten times and I'm not going to answer. Because I wasn't sure what the answer was. I might be back next week. Maybe have a chat then if you're here. Thank you.