(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You see you don't have to know him to be safe as is a while ago Very few Christians know him very few John 3 14 says as Moses lift up the serpent the wilderness even so much the Son of man But if it up that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have Everlasting life it goes on to say in John 3 18 he that believeth on him is not condemned But he that believeth not is condemned already It says in John 3 36 that he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life in 1st John 5 13 It says these things write I unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God. What's he saying? He's saying that you get saved by trusting Jesus, you know There is a danger in our Baptist churches these days of adding to the gospel And the simplicity of the gospel you get saved by trusting Jesus. God doesn't make an obstacle course You've got to run or to get saved God doesn't make it hard for you to get safe any more than you would have made it hard if you've been God For people that you loved and died for to get back to you. God wants you to go to heaven God wants you saved and God the only thing that'll ever please God is faith. I've told you time and time again There's nothing that can please God But faith and faith is dependence upon God Hebrews 11 6 says without faith It is impossible to please him. So you get baptized. Did you grow? Seaweed or between your toes you'll die and go to hell unless you put your trust in Christ salvation is by trusting in Christ It is not by trusting Christ and and and making him Lord of your life It is not by trusting Christ and living a good life. It is not by trusting life and holding on faithful It is simply by trusting Jesus Christ that listen to me listen to me that has been the best message that has gone forth from Baptist prophets ever since John the Baptist said Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world and anything else is heresy We got too many preacher boys in our Christian colleges these days reading a bunch of books by bunch of neo neo Evangelicals that are adding something to the simple faith in Jesus Christ to save you I'll say this lordship salvation is heresy. I'll say this Work is here I'm a little tired of these pussyfoot near tickling back scratching penny-pinching nickel nipping sauce open peaked eliminate Compromises saying well those those house folks they believe in easy believe ism. Well buster. What do you believe in hard believe ism? I Serve a god that loves me. I serve a god that wants me to go to heaven I serve a god that doesn't want me to go to hell I serve a god that made a plan where all I would have to do would be trust him because Faith is the only thing in this world that pleases Almighty God Consequently I'm saved By trusting him at only one place in the Bible is the question ever asked what must I do to be saved? One place. Okay. Here it is. Wonder what's going to be here's a good chance for for God to come down and say You've got to make Jesus Lord of your life Which is nothing more than a salvation by works a little bit shined and polished. That's all now you listen to me Let's get back to preaching the love of God Let's get back to preaching the fact that God in his mercy All in the world God needed to save us was his justice to be satisfied and when Jesus Christ took upon himself our sins and stood before the great white throne judgment of God on Calvary and my sins were accorded to him That means my sins have nothing in the world to do with my being saved It is my trust Jesus said trust me and you'll be saved Let me illustrate what I'm saying Let me stop again. I I'm grieved. I'm grieved to see a bunch of immature Baptist preachers let theologians decide what they preach and believe some little self-styled intellectual sets behind a desk in a college or seminary somewhere and Little and preachers that ought to be prophets of God don't learn how to preach from preachers Get you an old hell-raising preacher. Let him teach you how to preach and And but but these self stuff I say often theologians are ruining America That's one reason why we don't hire any of it house enters in college We have a bunch of dumb bunnies teaching Bible house enters in college. No, we don't We have a bunch of fellows who preach the Bible teaching Bible house enters in college We don't have a bunch of deep go down deep stay down long come up dry, but we don't have that No, we don't but you see what they're doing is they're trying to they're trying they're trying to compensate for the fact That they're not getting anybody saved So they'll try to figure out the fact we're making it too easy My God is not willing that any should perish And yes, yes ten thousand times yes, my god did make it easy to get saved When that particle son came back home Before he will he even said I'm sorry his father had met him and thrown his arm around him and forgiven him More people will go to hell because they made salvation too hard than because they made salvation too simple